Курс Solving disciple problems

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс -
Тип Другие методич. материалы
Формат rar
Изображения Нет
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Course Pretest

Course Pretest Results

Evaluation of your answers:

  1. What is the secret to solving discipline problems?

You chose: Not being too hard on students.

Incorrect. Being permissive often lets discipline problems continue. The correct answer is: Understanding that you cannot motivate children.

  1. What is effective discipline based on?

You chose: Students taking control of their own behavior.


  1. How do students effectively learn discipline?

You chose: By making choices.


  1. To teach responsibility, what's the most effective way to talk with students?

You chose: Speak with them as though they were adults.


  1. How do boundaries differ from rules and punishment?

You chose: Boundaries focus on positive outcomes.


  1. When is the use of praise appropriate?

You chose: When it is an unconditional form of encouragement.


  1. What is the proper way to deal with a student who is an attention-demander?

You chose: Send her to time-out.

Incorrect. Sending her to time-out will not help. The correct answer is: Spend special time with her.

  1. Which of the following is the proper use of a Teaching Time-out?

You chose: You have 10 minutes time-out.

Incorrect. Specifying an amount of time is not a Teaching Time-out. The correct answer is: Go to the time-out area until you can think of a way to share the paints.

  1. With active listening, which of the following are you attempting to acknowledge?

You chose: Feelings.


  1. What's an effective way to help children who want to rush through their homework so they can go out and play?

You chose: Mandatory homework time.


  1. Which of the following is an accurate statement about procrastination?

You chose: Students choose it to satisfy one need at the expense of another.


  1. Which of the following is a need-fulfilling school activity shown to reduce discipline problems?

You chose: After-school detentions.

Incorrect. After-school detentions are not need-fulfilling. The correct answer is: Class meetings.

Your score: 67% (out of 100%).

Course Pretest
Date submitted: 10/16/2013 08:59:14 AM (PDT)

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