Job interview (8th grade)

Данный план разработан для учеников восьмого класса с углубленным  изучением английского языка. План рассчитан на 80 минут. К конспекту урока прикреплены презентация урока и дополнительные материалы. На этапе мотвации к уроку дана игра "10 вопросов" (как игра Jeopardy). Ученикам даются картинки новых слов и они отгадывают значения или перевод. На уроке учащиеся познакомятся какие вопросы задаются на собеседованиях и научатся как правильно вести себя во время собеседования. А также в конспекте ур...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс -
Тип Конспекты
Формат rar
Изображения Нет - все для учителя
Поделитесь с коллегами:

Evaluation sheet


Yes/ No

1. Opened the interview appropriately. (shook hands while stating employer's name, own name, and why he or she is there)

2. Appeared friendly and courteous.

3. Answered questions by using success stories or examples (proof) of skills for the job.

4. Maintained good eye contact and good posture.

5. Avoided using " I just…" and "I only…"

6. Avoided "annoying" mannerisms (biting nails, fidgeting in seat, twisting hair, looking at phone, jingling coins or keys in pocket).

7. Spoke clearly and avoided slang or "fillers" (umm…like….you know.)

8. Asked the employer questions about the job.

9. Concluded the interview with a summary of key points.

10. Shook hands and thanked the person for his or her time.

11. Asked when to call to learn of the employer's decision.

Evaluation sheet


Yes/ No

1. Opened the interview appropriately. (shook hands while stating employer's name, own name, and why he or she is there)

2. Appeared friendly and courteous.

3. Answered questions by using success stories or examples (proof) of skills for the job.

4. Maintained good eye contact and good posture.

5. Avoided using " I just…" and "I only…"

6. Avoided "annoying" mannerisms (biting nails, fidgeting in seat, twisting hair, looking at phone, jingling coins or keys in pocket).

7. Spoke clearly and avoided slang or "fillers" (umm…like….you know.)

8. Asked the employer questions about the job.

9. Concluded the interview with a summary of key points.

10. Shook hands and thanked the person for his or her time.

11. Asked when to call to learn of the employer's decision.

Evaluation sheet


Yes/ No

1. Opened the interview appropriately. (shook hands while stating employer's name, own name, and why he or she is there)

2. Appeared friendly and courteous.

3. Answered questions by using success stories or examples (proof) of skills for the job.

4. Maintained good eye contact and good posture.

5. Avoided using " I just…" and "I only…"

6. Avoided "annoying" mannerisms (biting nails, fidgeting in seat, twisting hair, looking at phone, jingling coins or keys in pocket).

7. Spoke clearly and avoided slang or "fillers" (umm…like….you know.)

8. Asked the employer questions about the job.

9. Concluded the interview with a summary of key points.

10. Shook hands and thanked the person for his or her time.

11. Asked when to call to learn of the employer's decision.

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