Сценарий урока в 6-м классе: "Welcome to London!"

Сценарий урока в 6-м классе: "Welcome to London!"

Сценарий урока в 6-м классе: "Welcome to London!"


Образовательные :

1. Овладение учащимися произношением, лексикой и интонационной окрашенностью иноязычной речи.

2. Развитие речевого умения в диалогической форме, развитие умения аудировать с детальным пониманием.

Воспитательные: Воспитание уважительного отношения к другой культуре, более глубокое осознание своей культуры через контекст культуры англоязычных стран.

Развивающие:Развитие познавательного интереса учащихся, развитие оперативной памяти, и концентрации внимания.

Оснащение урока:

– ТСО: магнитофон, мультимедийный проектор, компьютеры;.

– наглядные материалы (картинки с достопримечательностями города)

Ход урока:

1. Начало урока.

1. Приветствие.

Учитель: Good morning . How are you, Dima?

Ученик : I’m fine, thanks, and you?

Учитель : I'm fine, too, thanks. (How's life? How are you getting on? How are things? etc.)

Учитель объявляет цели урока .

2. Фонетическая зарядка

После хоровой отработки учащиеся заучивают стих наизусть (1мин.)

Pussy cat, pussy cat

Where have you been?

I have been to London

To look at the Queen

Pussy cat, pussy cat

What did you there?

I frightened a mouse

Under the chair.

3. Погружение в иноязычную речь.

3.1 So, dear friends, today we are going to visit London. But first we must be ready for our trip properly. That’s why let’s revise everything we know about London.

What sights do you know?

(Учащиеся называют достопримечательности, учитель записывает на доске)




3.2. Затем учащиеся проводят стрелки от этих названий к картинкам, расположенным на доске.

3.3 Аудирование

Учащиеся прослушивают небольшие тексты о достопримечательностях Лондона и отгадывают, какая эта достопримечательность (запись)

It’s the geographical centre of London. On the column in the centre there is a statue of Admiral Nelson who defeated the French at the battle of Trafalgar in 1805. (Trafalgar square)

It’s to the left of Trafalgar Square. It has a fine collection of European paintings. It’s the London home of the Queen. When the national flag is flying on the top she is at home. ( Buckingham Palace )

London has also many parks and gardens. It’s the best known It is a very democratic park. In the park anyone can stand up and say what they want. Hyde Park .

It is the seat of the British Government. And Big Ben is one of the most famous clocks in the world. (Houses of Parliament)

It is a symbol of English tradition at its best. It’s a royal church. Many English kings and queens were crowned here. (Westminster Abbey)

It’s the greatest work of the architect Sir Christopher Wren. (St. Paul ’s Cathedral)

4. Развитие диалогической речи

Учитель : Imagine that one of you is going to London and asks your friend what sights to see in London

Примерные диалоги учащихся

  • I say, Ronald. I’m going to London one of these days.
  • You don’t say so! How long are you going to stay there?

For a week.

  • I must tell you that there are many places of interest in the capital of Great Britain.
  • What do you advise me to begin with?
  • The Houses of Parliament, Trafalgar Square, Westminster Abbey and Buckingham Palace are a must. People who come to London always go to those places of interest.
  • Is Buckingham Palace the residence of the Queen?
  • Sure. If the flag is flying on the top the Queen is at home.
  • Oh, I see.
  • If you are interested in architecture you should see St. Paul’s Cathedral and the Tower.
  • Are they in the centre of London?
  • Yes they are. No doubt they are worth seeing. And don’t forget to go to London Parks. They are wonderful.
  • I’ll follow your advice. Thank you for the information.

5. Активизация языкового материала – Представление учащимися проекта «Экскурсия по Лондону» (с использованием мультимедийного проектора – компьютерная презентация “ Welcome to London ”).

Guide : Ladies and gentlemen! We welcome you to London. Let us introduce ourselves to you. My name is Mary Brown and my colleague’s name is Jane Smith. We are your guides. Your first day in the city starts with London Sightseeing Tour which we will make on the red double-decker bus. Let’s start our tour. London is the capital of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It’s one of the biggest cities in the world. London is situated on the river Thames. About 7 million people live here. The city is more than 2 thousand years old.

Tourist 1: I know some interesting facts about London too.

Guide : You speak English very well

Tourist 1: Oh no, not really.

Guide : Yes, you do, you really do.

Tourist 1: Thanks a lot. You’re very kind.

Guide : Well, London’s history began with Romans who made Londinium the centre of the province. London was an important city in Roman times. Like all big cities, London is a cosmopolitan city. People of all nationalities live here. So, we’ll start our tour with Buckingham Palace.

Tourist 2: Look, the flag is flying on the top, the Queen is at home. But what about Buckingham Palace?

Guide: It’s a symbol of the British monarchy. It was built in the 18 th century but now it is the home of the English Queen Elizabeth II. Now we are crossing the River Thames, from here you can see the Tower of London.

Tourist 3: Where, where is it? Is this the tower built by William the Conqueror to impress and frighten the English?

Guide: Yes, there are many buildings here but the most important is the White Tower., which is the oldest one. There’s also a Jewel House which contains the famous Crown Jewels.

Tourist 3: They say, there’s a legend about ravens which protect London. What is it like?

Guide: It says that without ravens the Tower will fall.

Tourist 3: I see.

Guide: Now look at this magnificent cathedral. Do you know its name?

Tourist 4: It’s St. Paul’s Cathedral. Its architect is Sir Christopher Wren. Inside the dome is the Whispering gallery. If you whisper close to the wall on one side of the dome, you can be heard on the other side.

Guide: I guess, you know a lot about London. But now look to the left, please: you can see the Houses of Parliament, the seat...

Tourist 2 ….. the seat of the British Government. It has two Houses: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. And this is Big Ben.

Guide: The clock has two faces and a very loud bell. The bell weighs 13 tons. The man in charge was Sir Benjamin Hall. This man was very tall and his friends called him Big Ben. So they called the bell Big Ben, too. Now Trafalgar Square is straight ahead. In the center of it you can see the statue of Admiral Nelson who defeated the French at the battle of Trafalgar in 1805.

I see you are a bit tired. It’s a pity! But our London sightseeing tour is over for today. But what sights would you like to see tomorrow?

Of course, Westminster Abbey where many famous people are buried.

Tourist 1: I’d like to take pictures with Jennifer Lopez at Madam Tussaud’s

Tourist 2 It won’t be bad to see London parks which are so much spoken about.

Guide: All right, tomorrow you will see all these places and what not. Have a nice evening. Good bye !

6. Повторение темы « Еда».

6.1 Прослушивание и хоровая отработка: “A small talk ” (Chant o еде)

What are you going to have?

What are you going to have?

Chicken soup.

Mm mm. That sounds good.

What are you going to have?

Chicken soup.

I think I’ll have the same.

What are you going to have?

Chicken soup.

What are you going to have?

Chicken soup.

What are you going to have?

Chicken soup.

I think I’ll have the same.

Mm mm. That sounds good.

That sounds good.

That sounds good.

Chicken soup. That sounds good.

I think I’ll have the same.

6.2 It’s time to have a bite and go to a cafe.

(Пора перекусить – идем в кафе – диалогическая речь)

Работа в парах – диалог ‘At a Cafe – учащиеся составляют свои диалоги, используя фразы из “A Small Talk ”.

7. Выполнение теста (учащиеся используют компьютерную программу “Welcome to London”)

What sight of London is it?

  1. The official residence of the Queen.
  2. The seat of the Government.
  3. A symbol of English tradition
  4. A museum housing the national collection of Armoury
  5. The second largest cathedral in Europe.
  6. One of the largest museums in world with the famous exhibits from prehistoric time to nowadays.
  7. A geographical centre of London.
  8. A fine collection of European paintings.
  9. The largest clock in Great Britain.
  10. In this park anyone can stand up and say what he wants.
  11. It provides the panoramic view of London
  12. From here one can see the Tower of London.
  • Westminster Abbey
  • The Houses of Parliament
  • Buckingham Palace
  • the Tower
  • the Houses of Parliament
  • Buckingham Palace
  • Westminster Abbey
  • The Tower
  • The London Eye
  • the British Museum
  • the Tower
  • the National Gallery
  • Westminster Abbey
  • the Tower
  • St. Paul ’s Cathedral
  • the National Gallery
  • the British Museum
  • Buckingham Palace.
  • London Bridge
  • Hyde Park
  • Trafalgar Square
  • the National Gallery
  • Westminster Abbey
  • the British Museum
  • London Eye
  • Big Ben
  • the Tower
  • Hyde Park
  • Regent’s Park
  • St. James’s Park
  • Tower Bridge
  • the London Eye
  • the Tower
  • Big Ben
  • Tower Bridge
  • the London Eye

8. Домашнее задание

Выполнить упражнение № 6 (на листочках): Вставить недостающие реплики в диалог и выучить его.

Did you enjoy your trip? Did you visit Buckingham Palace? Where have you been? How lucky you are .... has got many parks. .......took a lot of pictures. With pleasure.

  •   Why, if it isn’t, Olga! Glad to see you!
  • Oh, hello, Ann. Glad to see you too.
  • I haven’t seen you for ages! (1)...............
  • To London. I came back only yesterday.
  • You don’t say so!.(2)................... Did you go to London alone?
  • Of course not. I went there with a group of Russian students.
  • .(3).................
  • Oh, it was fantastic. I saw and learned much about the capital of Great Britain.
  • What did you see?
  • I saw a lot of places – Trafalgar Square, the Houses of Parliament with its Clock Tower and Big Ben and what not.
  • (4)..........................
  • Sure. The home of the Queen is wonderful.
  • I know London. (5).................... Is it true?
  • Yes, it is true. They are Regent’s Park, Hyde Park, St. James’s Park and others. By the way I
    (6)................... in London. Come to my place. I’ll show you everything.
  • (7)..........................


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