Урок по теме: "Праздники в англоязычных странах"
Урок по теме: "Праздники в англоязычных странах"
- Активизировать лексику по теме “Holidays and celebrations”
- Познакомить с новыми праздниками –Пасха, Новый Год, День Святого Валентина, Хэллоуин.
- Развивать лексические навыки, навыки аудирования, чтения и пересказа.
- Учить работать в группах сменного состава, в режиме толпы.
- Воспитывать уважительное отношение к культуре стран изучаемого языка.
4 текста, наклеенных на разноцветный картон (каждый текст на картоне одного цвета)
таблица для проверки навыков аудирования
Ход урока
- Hello, my dear students. I’m glad to see you, I hope you are OK. Let’s start our lesson. Don’t sit down, answer my questions
- What is your favourite holiday?
- What is the greatest holiday in our country?
- What is more important for you in a holiday: a day-off or a holiday?
- What local celebrations do we have?
- Do you like to get presents? What presents do you like to get?
What present do you like to give?
In honour of what person would you like to establish a holiday?
Can religious holiday be national one?
(количество вопросов должно совпадать с количеством учеников)
- What do you think about the topic of our lesson? Yes, you are right. Today we speak about holidays in English- speaking countries.
- Listen to the information about Russian holidays and guess what holidays they are?
- On this day people honour women by giving them flowers and presents. (March 8th)
- On this day pupils and students start new academic year. (September 1st)
- On this day people trick on friends. (April 1st)
- On this day people honour those who died in the Great Patriotic War. (Victory Day)
- On this day people in our country honour workers. (Labour Day)
- Today you ‘ll know about some holidays. They are Easter, New Year’s Day, Valentine’s Day and Halloween. Look at the blackboard, you see new words on it, repeat after me and be attentive, you will meet them in the texts (предтекстовая работа со словами, которые могут вызвать затруднения.)
- It’s time to meet in groups of four students and read the texts about English holidays (у всех членов одной группы одинаковые тексты, наклееные на одинаковый по цвету картон). Read the texts in home groups and discuss them. Be ready to tell about the holiday.
- Are you ready? It’s time to form new groups, using different colours.(Цвет картона служит ориентиром для формирования новых групп. В новых группах должны быть учащиеся со всеми текстами). Tell what you know, listen to your friends, try to understand and fill in the necessary information in the table.
- Let’s check up your understanding of the information. Look at the blackboard and check up yourselves (на доске заполненная таблица ).
You know a lot about English and Russian holidays. What is your favourite holiday? Write down on a sheet of paper. Find somebody in the class who likes the same holiday. Be ready to tell us about your results.
What about your resulits? It’s interesting to find the most popular holiday among us.( во время ответов учеников учитель ставит отметку напротив указанного праздника)
We see that the most favourite holiday here is…
Your homework will be connected with holidays. Write down a little essey about your favourite family holiday, how you prepare to it, how you celebrate it ,etc. Thank you for your job, your marks are…. The lesson is over . Good buy.