Доклад Особенности произношения коми аффрикат

Доклад разработан на английском языке. Работа   посвящена  изучению двуязычия в Республике Коми и исследованию такого  явления как акцент. Билингвизм или двуязычие - это знание двух языков и пользование ими в быту как равноценными. Целью работы является, во-первых, исследование русско-коми билингвизма, во-вторых, изучение интерферентного  явления или акцента, который проявляется в речи носителя русского языка при разговоре на коми языке и, в-третьих, выявление ошибок при произношении коми аффри...
Раздел Русский язык и Русская литература
Класс -
Тип Другие методич. материалы
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Features of pronunciation of by Komi affricates the Russian-speaking people

This work is devoted to the studing of bilingualism in the Komi Republic and the studing of such phenomena as accent.

Bilingualism and bilingual are the knowledge of two languages ​​and their equal use in everyday life. The aim of this work is, firstly, the study of Russian-Komi bilingualism, and the second, the study of phenomena or Interferential accent, which is manifested in the speech of native speakers of Russian in conversation at the Komi language and, thirdly, the identification of errors in pronunciation of Komi affricates by, Russian-speaking people. Interference is a deviation from the norms of literary non-native language associated with the influence of their native language.

Appeal to the study of this topic is relevant and important, as this problem has not been completely investigateol. To examine variations in the pronunciation of bilingual, in this paper we consider the consonant sounds of the Komi language, but rather afrikates ([дз], [ч], [дж], [тш]). Affricate is a consonant, which is a combination of sounds.

Our investigations are carried out by the experiment. To work students in grades 3-8 were selected, the actual material was the text of 200 words, which should play on tape subjects.

The sound of the Komi affricates pronunced by Russian-language speakers has been investigated in this paper and the following conclusions were made: first, the phenomenon of bilingualism is found among the younger generation, ie the students. Secondly, the phenomenon of stress is quite often revealed by a Russian-speaking person on the Komi language. All of this is due to the mismatch of the sound of the same sound in different languages. Third, our experiment has showed that the consonant sounds, but rather affricates investigated in this work, have pronounced by the Russian-speaking people with a clear accent. The Russian-language speaker pronounces Russian [ч], which has a more rigid standard pronunciation, and is the front phoneme instead of a soft sredneyazychnoy Komi [ч]. Bifocal Komi phoneme [дж], [дз], [тш] are formed by the close merger to one of two phonemes, thene arerit such phonemes in the Russian language, therefore, it is difficuit to the Russian-speaking speaker to pronounce them correctly. Usually, the sound [ш] pronounce instead of [тш] or accentuate the sound of t, the same situation, with the pronunciation of the sound [дж], instead of it we often hear - [ж]. And finally, the sound of [дз] is always soft according the pronunciation norm in the Komi language, and Russian-speaking people pronounce the merger of these sounds firm, which violates the literary norm of the Komi language.

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