План-конспект открытого урока на тему Idioms about Food

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 7 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат doc
Изображения Нет
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Открытый урок по английскому языку

Класс - 7- Б


Тип урока комбинированный

Цель урока:

Обобщить и систематизировать лексический

и грамматический материал по теме

«Shopping time and Food»



  • Освоить во всех видах речевой деятельности.

  • Развитие навыков говорения, чтения, письма

по данной теме «Food»

  • Обобщение правил и освоение правил в речи

  • употребления исчисляемых (неисчисляемых)


  • Научиться составлять викторину по пословицам

и поговоркам связанные с едой.


  • Развивать коммуникативные универсальные

учебные действия через все виды речевой деятельности

  • Развивать коммуникативные навыки, умения

монологического и диалогического высказывания

с опорой на лексические образцы и наглядность, умение

работать в парах.


  • Создание условий для формирования ясных представлений

школьника о здоровом питание с использование пословиц и поговорок.

  • Воспитание умений работать в парах, в группах, самостоятельно.

  • Воспитание чувство коллективизма.

Оборудование: Учебник, использование ИКТ, рабочая тетрадь, карточки для индивидуальной работы, плакаты, раздаточный материал.

План урока

  1. Организационный момент


II. Введение в иноязычную речь.

- речевая зарядка

III. Основная часть урока.

IV. Заключительная часть урока.

- Итог урока

- Д.З.

Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент


- сообщение цели урока.

T: Good-morning boys and girls and our guests!

I am glad to see you! Sit down please. How are you today?

P: -Good-morning teacher. Fine, thanks.

T: The theme of our lesson today is Food. We have already learned many words and word combinations; also we learn and speak about idioms and saying about food. We've done some exercises, we can act dialogues.

So, let's start our lesson.

  1. Введение в иноязычную речь

-речевая зарядка

-What season is it now?

- What date is it today?

- Do you like to eat a bar of chocolate for breakfast?

-Do you like to eat sweets?

-Do you like fast food?

-Do you like porridge with butter?

-Do you like spicy food?

  1. Основная часть урока.

T: Let's begin our lesson! First of all let's recall some words on the topic "Food". Now I will read you Russian rhymes and you must finish them in English.

  • Вкуснотища! Very Good!

  • Пищу называем …….

  • Для Шарика, для друга

  • Припас я сахар- ……

  • Всегда ты сладкий ждешь сюрприз

  • Конфетки по-английски -……

  • Это вовсе не каприз:

  • Сыр мы называем ……..

  • Мясо жарится, шкварчит,

  • Мясо по- английски ……

  • Рыбу ловишь- не шумишь,

  • Рыба по- английски ……

T: Ok, thank you. Next, please look at the blackboard. You can see a task guess the words.

  • Pleap

  • 2. Abanan

  • 3. matoto

  • 4. Sagesau

  • 5. Leomn

  • 6. Imkl

  • 7. maet

  • 8. aet matoto

  • 9. team eta

T: Very good. You can see two pictures. The first picture is a healthy food. Give me please an examples me. The second picture is unhealthy food. As you know food can be different. It can give us pleasure as well as cause trouble.

  • Why do you consider this food "healthy"?

  • Why do you consider this food "unhealthy"?



T: It's very useful for us maybe….yes? Thanks a lot.

The next ex.


Look at the blackboard. Do you know what these things MADE FROM?


Cheese is made from milk

  1. Ice-cream is made from…..

  2. Pizza is made from …….

  3. Sausage is made from…..

  4. Butter is made from…..

  5. Chips is made from…..

P1…. Milk

P2….pastry, tomatoes, mushrooms, sausage, meat, seafood

P3. …meat

P4…. potatoes

T: Ok, thanks a lot. You are very active)

EX. (работа по карточкам, индивидуально)Find the odd word.

1.milk -cake -juice -tea (cake)

3. carrots -cabbage -tomatoes -fish (fish)

2. apples -oranges -potatoes -bananas (potatoes)

4. sweets -ice-cream -chocolate -meat (meat)

5. cheese- yogurt - onion- milk (onion)

6. garlic - carrot - strawberry (strawberry)



Look at the blackboard. Please, now make up a sentence.

  • / he/ drink /tea /Did / jam/ with/?

  • /dinner/ I /yesterday /ate/.

  • /spaghetti /My/ is/ food/ favorite./

  • /I /eggs/ breakfast/ usually/ for/ eat./

EX. Please write five example countable and uncountable nouns of food.


T: Tell me please. Do you hear or know about saying, proverbs or idioms?

English proverbs and Saying about Food

Tastes differ- О вкусах не спорят

I am hungry as a hunter- Я голоден как волк.

Every vegetable has its Season-Каждый овощ имеет своё время года.

After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile-После обеда посиди немного, после ужина с милю пройдись.

Too much butter won't spoil the porridge- Кашу маслом не испортишь.

Вам необходимо их расставить в правильном порядке.


  • Hot potato- опасный вопрос

  • A piece of cake- что-то простое, элементарное

  • Bag egg- плохой человек

  • Full of beans- полон энергией и энтузиазма

  • Couch potato- лентяй

  • As cool as a cucumber- спокойный

T: Thank you.

Now works in group. I'll give you tasks. You should make up dialogues, using these phrases. Our topics "At the restaurant", "At the shop"

  • "At the restaurant"

Waiter: - Hello, can I help you?

Visitor: ....................................

Waiter: Ok! menu, please!

Visitor: ...................................

Waiter: I don't know what can I recommend you because everuthing is tasty.

Visitor: ..........................................................

Waiter: Sorry, have you chosen anything?

Visitor: ..........................................................

Waiter: Yes, please. Here you are. What else?


Waiter: Your check, please!


Waiter: Ok! Bye-bye!

1. Add me a kilo of sweets, a pound of cheese, please.

2. Weigh out a half pound of nuts, a kilo of green pepper, please.

3. Hello, I'd lke some products.

4. It's a pity. Of course, give me two kilos of strawberry, please.

5. How much will I pay?

6. Thank you, bye-bye!

"At the shop"

Seller: - Hello, can I help you?

Buyer: ................................

Seller: What do you want?

Buyer: .................................

Seller: Here you are. What else?

Buyer: ................................

Seller: Sorry, but cheese isn't fresh today. I recommend you to take some strawberries. It's very tasty.

Buyer: ................................

Seller: Yes, please. Here you are.


Seller: Two pounds fifty.


Seller: ! Bye-bye!

T: Ok …please present your dialogue) Go to the blackboard.

Let's have a fun. Riddles.

  1. Rabbit likes to eat…..(carrot)

  2. We drink coffe with …..(milk)

  3. Children drink tea with….(milk and sweets)

  4. Little mouse likes…(cheese)

  5. It's green outside and read inside( watermelon)

  1. Заключительная часть урока

  • "Activity is the only road to knowledge" said George Bernard Show.

  • And I think that today lesson we had a very interesting and useful lesson. I'm satisfied with your work and your marks are…..

Today, at the lesson WE HAVE…

  • Got acquainted with…..

  • Learnt…….

  • Remembered…..

  • Done….

  • Read…..

Open your diary and write down your homework.

The lesson is over. You have worked very well today. Good-bye.


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