Грамматический тест

Данная тестовая работа направлена на закрепление и понимание грамматических структур, использования в английском языке пассивного залога и условных предложений (if only - clause).  Тест имеет 3 задания. В первом необходимо переделать предложения по структуре, второе и третье задание на пассивный залог (в одном необходимо из предложений стоящих в активном залоге сделать предложения в пассивном, во втором задании на пассивный залог - раскрыть скобки поставив необходимую форму пассивного залога и в...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс -
Тип Тесты
Формат doc
Изображения Нет
For-Teacher.ru - все для учителя
Поделитесь с коллегами:


I. Rewrite these sentences using If only - clause.

  1. She broken a vase.

  2. The roads are bad after winter.

  3. The mother baked a nice turkey.

  4. I will learn foreign languages.

  5. The old church was ruined.

  6. She wants to redecorate her house.

  7. He ate a lot of ice-cream.

II. Rewrite these in Passive Voice.

  1. I bought a very beautiful house with a big garden.

  2. They gave a list of books for reading.

  3. They will send letter tomorrow.

  4. I read a newspaper every day.

  5. My friend will write a book.

  6. My sister cooks meals in the morning.

  7. The teacher asked questions in the class.

III. Put each verb in brackets into an appropriate passive verb form.

1. The new ship................................... (launch) next week.
2. Luckily by the time we got there the painting.........................(not/sell).
3. We had to go on holiday because our house...........................(decorate).
4. I'm afraid that next week's meeting............................................(cancel).

5. All main courses.............................................. (serve) with vegetables or salad. At least that is what is written on the menu.
6. The second goal...................... (score) by Hughes in the 41st minute.
7. The cathedral..................................... (build) in the fourteenth century.

8. The letters...............................(send) by the time they arrive.

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