Работа с видеоотрывком Пираты карибского моря. На странных берегах. Развитие навыков аудирования

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 12 класс
Тип Видеоуроки
Формат doc
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The project

Pirates of the Caribbean. On Stranger Tides (1:47:00-2:00:45)

  1. Before watching

    • Match the words with their definitions

1) Chalice

1) the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill or overthrow the sovereign or government

2) Stay back

2) extremely evil

3) High seas

3) a situation in which someone is kept in prison until they go to court for trial

4) Custody

4) (formal) risk a sum of money or valued item against someone else's on the basis of the outcome of an unpredictable event such as a race or game

5) Treason

5) to not move forwards, or to not move towards something, usually something dangerous or unpleasant

6) Heinous

6) the open ocean, especially that not within any country's jurisdiction

7) Sword

7) to put or place in a horizontal position or position of rest

8) Nape

8) a large cup or goblet

9) Lay back

9) leave or go away from a place quickly


10) a weapon with a long metal blade and a hilt with a hand guard, used for thrusting or striking and now typically worn as part of ceremonial dress

11) Scram

11) the back of a person's neck

  1. While watching

    • Put the sentences in the correct order

  1. Angelica drinks from the chalice without mermaid's tear to save her father

  2. Jack fills chalices with water from the Fountain and drops mermaid's tear in one of them

  3. The one-legged man comes and the fight begins

  4. The Spanish Army comes and starts destroying the temple

  5. Jack also tries to get to the Fountain, but Angelica stops him and they fight

  6. Jack wants to taste those waters but Blackbeard stops him

  7. Mermaid brings Jack chalices

  8. One-legged man pierces Blackbeard and Angelica hurts her hand with poisoned sword

  9. Jack finds the place where the Fountain of Youth should be

  10. The Fountain saves Angelica and takes Backbeard's life

  11. Jack tries to find chalices but the Spanish Army destroys the Fountain and goes away

  12. Jack says he mixes up the chalices

  13. Angelica runs to the Fountain

  1. After watching

Retell the episode from the point of view of:

  1. Captain Jack Sparrow

  2. Angelica

  3. Blackbeard

  4. One of the sailors

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