Контрольная работа. Модуль 6. Учебник Spotlight 9

Контрольная работа разработана к учебнику "Английский язык. 9 класс". Серия "Английский в фокусе". Авторы: Ваулина Ю.Е., Дули ДЖ., Подоляко О.Е., Эванс В. В данной контольной работе 3 задания: 1. Заполнить пропуски в предложениях возвратными местоимениями; 2. Раскрыть скобки и  поставить глагов в страдательный залог; 3. Вставить слова (данные в задании) по смыслу в предложения. В данной работе проверяются знания учащихся, полученный во время изучения 6 модуля данного учебника. Грамматические тем...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс -
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Контрольная работа

по английскому языку

ученика(цы) 9 ____ класса



№ 1. Fill in the gaps with the correct reflexive or emphatic pronoun.

  1. The children are enjoying _________________ .

  2. She is making the salad ________________ .

  3. Susan painted the wall ________________ .

  4. John cut _______________ yesterday.

№ 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the passive.

  1. Their house _________________________(burgle) last night.

  2. This dress _________________ (make) from cotton.

  3. The British Museum _______________________(visit) by thousands of people every year.

  4. The melody _____________________ (play) at this time by famous pianist.

  5. The book __________________ (read) when he came.

№ 3. Fill in: delicious, petrol, station, forensic, shelter.

  1. In Italian cuisine can be found many _________________ dishes.

  2. Local animal ______________ finds volunteers.

  3. His ____________ station burnt last year.

  4. __________________ scientist works only at police ____________ .

Контрольная работа

по английскому языку

ученика(цы) 9 ____ класса



№ 1. Fill in the gaps with the correct reflexive or emphatic pronoun.

  1. I made this sandcastle _________________ .

  2. She likes sitting on the beach by _______________ .

  3. Kate and Ann behave _______________ strange .

  4. We introduced _______________ to the mayor .

№ 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the passive.

  1. This book ____________________ (return) to the library yesterday.

  2. The letter _____________________ (write) for 2 hours already.

  3. The tower __________________ (build) in 1890.

  4. The house ___________________ (paint) when the fire started.

  5. The documents ________________ (sign) at this moment.

№ 3. Fill in: animal, foster, city, surgeons, ancient.

  1. ___________ home was found for 2 dogs from _________ shelter yesterday.

  2. This _____________ item was found in the Egypt in 1899.

  3. We visited ________ hall last week and had a nice talk with the mayor.

  4. Only practical and skilful _____________ must perform such compound operations.

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