Контрольные работы 5 класс Биболетова М. З

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Класс 5 класс
Тип Тесты
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«Английский язык»


График контрольных работ по английскому языку на 2015-2016 учебный год 5класс

Тема контрольной работы

Форма контрольной работы

Источник контрольной работы

Дата проведения


Контрольная работа №1 на тему: «Hello! N ice to see you again!"


Источник ФГОС Контрольно-измерительные материалы «Английский язык» к УМК М. З. Биболетовой (Обнинск: Титул) 2013 год


Контрольная работа №2 на тему:"We are going to travel"


Источник ФГОС Контрольно-измерительные материалы «Английский язык» к УМК М. З. Биболетовой (Обнинск: Титул) 2013 год


Контрольная работа №3 на тему:«Learning more about each other»


Источник ФГОС Контрольно-измерительные материалы «Английский язык» к УМК М. З. Биболетовой (Обнинск: Титул) 2013 год


Контрольная работа №4 на тему: "Learning more about London"


Источник ФГОС Контрольно-измерительные материалы «Английский язык» к УМК М. З. Биболетовой (Обнинск: Титул) 2013 год


Административная контрольная работа.


Источник ФГОС Контрольно-измерительные материалы «Английский язык» к УМК М. З. Биболетовой (Обнинск: Титул) 2013 год

Контрольная работа №1 в 5 классе за первую четверть 2015-2016 учебного года.

Тема «Hello! Nice to you see you again»

Variant 1 Variant 2

A1. Match the words to the right translation. A1. Match the words to the right translation.

1)invitation a)обсуждать 1.instruction a)глупый

2)nickname b)приглашение 2.walkman b)инструкция

3)discuss c)объяснять 3. silly c)оценка

4)explain d) прозвище 4.mark d)плейер

А2. Choose the right preposition. А2. Choose the right preposition.

Little children like to learn funny poems…heart. "She is … Argentina," Helen said.

1. of 3. by 1.from 3.on

2.in 4. On 3. By 4. of

A3. Choose the right auxiliary verb to ask a guestion to the sentence. A3. Choose the right auxiliary verb to ask a guestion to the sentence.

He played football on the beach. My brother watches films on TV.

1)do 3)is 1)does 3) do

2)does 4)did 2)did 4)is

A4 . Choose the right pronoun to the word tennis. A4 . Choose the right pronoun to the word holiday.

1.he 3. We 1. We 3.they

2. it 4. You 2. it 4.he

B1. Underline the necessary word for each case. Underline the necessary word for each case.

  1. Tasty cake (when/where/what) 1. A big wild tiger (when/where/what)

  2. Between 5pm and dinner time ( when/where/what) 2. At about 10 o'clock (when/where/what)

  3. At the seaside (when/where/what) 3. On the beach (when/where/what)

C1. Make the question using the following words. C1. Make the question using the following words.

We/to/the seaside/went I/was/football/on/playing/the beach

Контрольная работа №2 в 5 классе за вторую четверть 2015-2016 учебного года.

Тема «We are to travel»

Variant 1 Variant 2

A1. Match the right translation of the verb завтракать A1. Match the right translation of the verb ужинать

1) have breakfast 1. have breakfast

2) have dinner 2. have dinner

3)have supper 3. have supper

4)have lunch 4. have lunch

А2. Mark the sentence with the verb to be А2. Mark the sentence with the verb to be

  1. I was in danger last summer. 1. He is famous for his pictures.

  2. My brother plays football so much. 2.I like ice-cream very much.

  3. He speaks German. 3. She has enough money to buy a computer.

  4. She has lunch at school. 4. I watch TV every evening.

A3. Choose the necessary pronoun. A3. Choose the necessary pronoun .

It is Mary. She is famous for… poems. It is John. He is responsible for…advice.

1)she 3)her 1)she 3) her

2)his 4)my 2)his 4)my

A4 . Mark the right answer. A4 . Mark the right answer.

We must work hard, mustn't we? She is in the fifth form, isn't she?

1 Yes, we do. 1. Yes, she does.

2. N, we don't. 2. No, she doesn't.

3. Yes, we must. 3. Yes, she is.

4. No, we must. 4. No, she is.

B1. Finish the sentence . . B1. Finish the sentence .

Tomorrow I am going_______________- Tomorrow my father is going_____________-

C1. Make the question using the following words. C1. Make the question using the following words.

you/do/to/when/going/homework/are/your? Going/to/where/your/are/walk/dog/you?

Контрольная работа №3 в 5 классе за третью четверть 2015-2016учебного года.

Тема «Learning more about each other»

Variant 1 Variant 2

A1. Find the unnecessary word. A1. Find the unnecessary word.

1 dentist 5. Librarian 1. Traditional 5. sociable

2. driver 6. Nurse 2. Close 6. main

3. engineer 7.sportsman 3. Computer 7. loving

4. father 8. Lawyer 4. Talkative 8. independent

А2. Mark the right translation of the expression. «Не груби!» А2. Mark the right translation of the expression «Будь как дома»

  1. Don't' speak. 1. Stop talking.

  2. Don't worry. 2. Don't speak so loud.

  3. Don't be rude. 3. You have to say "goodbye"

  4. Don't help me 4. Make yourself at home.

A3. Mark the right word combinations. A3. Mark the right word combinations.

  1. Strong a. instrument 1. Social a. hard

  2. Blue b. man 2.school b. letter

  3. Straight c.eyes 3.invitation c.party

  4. Musical d. hair 4. Work d. programme

A4 . Choose the right sentence. A4 . Choose the right sentence.

1 He gets good marks every day. 1. Lily is changing her job next month.

2. I dance at the moment. 2. My brother goes to be a musician.

3. She watches TV now. 3. The famous sportsman often gives interviews to different magazines

4. They often are reading newspapers in the evening. 4. I do my homework at the moment.

B1. Write the appropriate verb. . B1. Write the appropriate verb.

My elder brother ________to be a doctor. My little brother________ to be a computer programmer.

C1. Make the sentence using the following words. C1. Make the question using the following words.

by/a story/reading/am/I / Arthur Conan Doyle use/I/the telephone/may?

Контрольная работа №4 в 5 классе за четвертую четверть 2015-2016 учебного года.

Тема «Learning more about London»

Variant 1 Variant 2

A1. Match the words on the left to the words on the right. A1. Match the words on the left to the words on the right.

1)pictures a)tower 1.travel a)attraction

2)Nelson's column b)museum 2.tourist b)known

3)Big Ben c)palace 3. information c)agency

4)Queen Elizabeth d) square 4.well d)office

А2. Match the words the right translation. А2. Match the words the right translation.

1. playing a. написанный 1. build a.спящий

2.written b. накормленный 2. sleeping b.покрашенный

3.fed c. играющий 3. Burnt c.построенный

4.burning d. горящий 4. painted d.сгоревший

A3. Choose the right ending the sentence. A3. Choose the right ending the sentence. The Bloody Tower is in… Big Ben is…

  1. Westminster Abbey 1. A square

  2. Windsor Palace 2. A palace

  3. Buckingham Palace 3. A bridge

  4. The Tower of London 4. A bell

A4 . Choose the right preposition. A4 . Choose the right preposition.

I have never been … London before. I took a lot… wonderful pictures in London.

1.in 3.on 1.in 3.of

2.to 4.for 2.for 4.up

B1. Open the brackets and write the participle . B1. Open the brackets and write the participle .

I gave her the invitation letter______ [to write} two days ago. I saw the girl______ [to play] the piano.

C1. Answer the question. C1. Answer the question.

Where does the Queen of Britain live? What river does London stand on?

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