Презентация и конспект урока на тему Безопасность на дорогах

Конспект урока и презентация по УМК Spotlight 6, авторы Ю.Е. ВАулина, Д.Дули.Цель урока: повторение лексики по теме "Транспорт", повторение повелительного наклонения, расширение кругозора учащихся, желания учится; развивать логическое мышление, память, совершенствовать фонетические и лексические навыки по теме «Правила уличного движения», расширить словарный запас. Технологии: групповая, коммуникативного обучения иноязычной культуре, ИКТ.Я надеюсь, что Вам понравится мой урок и Вы сможете его применить на своём уроке.
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Тема урока: " Road safety ".

Класс: 6

Цель урока: развитие языковой компетенции учащихся.


Практические: активизировать употребление лексики по теме «Транспорт, правила уличного движения» и повелительного наклонения ;

Воспитательные: развивать умение работать в группе, развивать чувство взаимопомощи, воспитание интереса к учебе, учебным предметам, расширение кругозора учащихся, желания учится;

Развивающие: развивать логическое мышление, языковую догадку, память, внимание. Развитие диалогической и монологической речи, приобщение к новому социальному опыту через приобретенные знания.

Образовательные - совершенствовать фонетические и лексические навыки по теме «Правила уличного движения», расширить словарный запас.

Технологии: групповая, коммуникативного обучения иноязычной культуре, ИКТ.

Оснащение урока: компьютер (презентация), мультимедийный проектор, экран, доска, картинки, магниты, рабочие листы учащихся,учебник.

Ход урока:

  1. Организационный момент. Речевая разминка.

Teacher: Good morning. I'm very glad to see all of you today. I hope everybody is ready to work. Could you tell me how you go to school. As for me I live not far from school so I go on foot and what about you?

Pupils: I go to school on foot. I go to school by bus. I go to school by car of my father.

Teacher: Which of these things can you see on the road (on your way to school)? Презентация и конспект урока на тему Безопасность на дорогах

(Cлайд 2.)

(Учащиеся смотрят на экран (картинки) и отвечают.

Pupils: parking zone, pedestrian, traffic sign ,traffic warden, zebra crossing, pavement, traffic lights, yellow lines.

Teacher: Please look at the screen. Read and match the word and the word definition. ( Cлайд 3.)

Parking zone

a) A person who is on foot, not by car/ bike, etc.


b) White stripes on the road. People can cross the road on it.

Zebra crossing

c) A sign on the road.

Traffic warden

d) An area which people use for walking.


e) A name of a job. This person watches the traffic and makes it safe.

Traffic sign

f) A place where you can park a car.

Ученики в парах обсуждают, совмещают слова и определения и читают вслух. (1f ,2a,3b,4e,5d,6c)

  1. Объявление темы урока.

We know much about transport and signs. But it is very important to be safe on the roads. What are we going to speak at the lesson?

Слайд 4.

1. To speak how to behave at lessons

2. To speak how to behave at school

3. To speak how to be safe on the road

Pupils: to speak how to be safe on the road

  1. Актуализация лексики по теме.

Teacher: Open your student`s books p. 26,ex.2 Match the words in columns to make phrases.

(Учащиеся выполняют задание)

Now, please, work in groups and discuss what is dangerous and what is safe on the roads?

Use "It's safe to, it's dangerous to".

На доске фразы: (слайд 5)

wear a seat belt

walk straight across the road

walk on the pavement

look both ways when you cross the road

talk to the driver

lean out of the window

run onto the road

( Обучающиеся в группах обсуждают, затем по очереди вслух читают предложения:

It's dangerous to walk straight across the road.

It's safe to look both ways before crossing the road.

It's dangerous to run onto the road.

It's dangerous to talk to the driver.

It's safe to walk on the pavement.

It's dangerous to lean out of the window.

It's safe to wear a seat belt. )

Презентация и конспект урока на тему Безопасность на дорогахTeacher: and now we know what is safe and what is dangerous to do on the roads. Let's do ex. 3(b) p.26 and make instructions how to be safe on the street, in the car and on the bus. You are on the street. You are in the car. You are on the bus. What do you do and what don't you do, but at first let`s read the rule. (Cлайд 6)

Pupils: When on the street look both ways before crossing. Don't run onto the road.

When in the car wear a seat belt. Sit in the back if you are under 12.

When on the bus don't talk to the driver and don't lean out of the window.) (Слайд 7)

Teacher: Now please open your student`s books at p.26, ex.4. Now listen to the text and look into the text at the same time. (Слайд 8)

Now read this text and match the titles (A-D) to the sections (1-4)

(Предполагаемые ответы: 1-C, 2-A, 3-D, 4-B)

  1. Физкультминутка. (Слайд 9)

Teacher: Now let`s play! Let`s compete a little. I need two teams. The road safety officer came to our class to check your knowledge of road safety rules. Say him how to behave

-when you cross the street on foot;

- when you travel in a car;

- when you ride your bike;

For every right answer you`ll get a point. The winner is the team which has the most points. Who would like the role of this officer.

  1. Этап применения знаний. Работа над мини-проектом.

Teacher: I know how to be safe, now you know how to be safe, let everybody know how to be safe. Let`s make posters about safety rules and hang them on the walls in our classroom. Work in groups of 4-5 students. Write instructions and draw pictures . In a few minutes you`ll show us your posters and we`ll choose the best one.

(Ученики работают над мини проектами, а затем представляют их классу)

  1. Рефлексия. Подведение итогов урока.

Teacher: Your`ve done a great work! All of you are great hard-working students and you deserve excellent marks.

Do you like the lesson?

Was it interesting?

What new words have you learnt today?

Could you tell this instruction to your mum, to your Dad, to your sisters and brothers ?

  1. Домашнее задание. (Слайд 10)

Teacher: The lesson is over. Your homework: SB ex. 9, p.27, WB ex.1,3,4,p.17 Have a nice day.

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