Урок по английскому языку на тему Newspapers (8 класс)

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 8 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
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Урок по английскому языку в 8 классе на тему «Broadsheets and tabloids»

Цели урока:

социокультурный аспект - знакомства с английской прессой, различными видами газет;

развивающий аспект: развитие способностей к сравнению, анализу и классификации полученной информации.

воспитательный аспект - формирование интереса учащихся к чтению прессы.

учебный аспект - формирование лексических навыков говорения;

сопутствующие задачи - развитие умения читать и аудировать с целью понимания основного содержания и извлечения конкретной информации.


mass media, source of information, reliable, quotation marks, to make a reference, plagiarism, tough, to be available, in time, headline, condensed, celebrity, crime, to focus on, intriguing, weather, forecast financial tabloid, broadsheet.

Тип урока: Комбинированный

Формы работы: индивидуальная, фронтальная, групповая.

Вид контроля: текущий

Использованные учебники и учебные пособия: Учебник английского языка УМК «Счастливый английский.ру», «HappyEnglish.ru» для 8 класса. К. И. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман. Книга для учителя, учебник по английскому языку, (К. И. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман) рабочие тетради для 8 класса.

Оборудование урока: английские газеты, карточки, магнитофон, аудиокассета 2 УМК, мультимедиа.

Ход урока

1. Приветствие и организационный момент начала урока:

Т: Good morning, children! I'm glad to see you again. How are you?

Have you done your homework? Did you have any problems with it?

2. Речевая зарядка.

Т: At the last lesson we spoke about Mass Media. So what Mass Media do you know?

3. Целеполагание.

- Составление кластера «Mass Media». Let`s make a cluster.

- Работа с кластером

P1: Internet is mass media. P2: TV is mass media. P3…

T: I want you to ask questions.

- Do you like to read newspapers?

- What is your favourite newspaper?

- Can we use newspapers to find any information?

- Is the information always reliable in newspapers?

So what will our lesson be about? You are right, it'll be devoted to newspapers.

P: In the past people learnt about the news from newspapers. Nowadays people get information from TV programs or from the Internet, but still we cannot imagine our life without newspapers and magazines.

There are a lot of different kinds of newspapers in each country. Of course it is impossible to read all newspapers and magazines so you have to choose those which you are interested in. You can buy them practically everywhere. Many people subscribe to some newspapers.

4. Введение новых лексических единиц (фонетическая зарядка)

T: Now, it's time to learn some new words on our topic. Open your books at page 107, find exercise 1. Listen and repeat after the speaker.

T: Let's read these words again. (P1, P2 …)

headline- заголовок

condensed- сжатый

celebrity - знаменитость

crime - преступление

to focus on smth.- сосредотачивать внимание

intriguing - интригующий

weather forecast - прогнозпогоды

financial - финансовый



5. Работа с текстом.

T: Well, let's do exercise 2, page 107.

а) Skim the text and find the names of the two main kinds of the newspapers in the UK.

Ex.3. b) Scan the text and answer the questions. Work in pairs. (1) самостоятельно; 2) P1=P2)

1. What was the difference between tabloids and broadsheets in the past?

2.What is the difference between them nowadays?

3. What do tabloids write about?

4. What do broadsheets focus on?

T: Ex 4. Find the best Russian equivalents for the words. More than one translation is possible. Explain your answers.

Tabloid - а) таблоид b) желтая пресса с) легкое чтение

Broadsheet - а) широкоформатная газета Ь) серьезная газета с) независимая газета

(учащиеся дают перевод слов и разъясняют свои ответы).

Tabloid (popular) - легкое чтение

Broadsheet (quality) - широкоформатная серьезная газета

6. Физкультминутка.

Well done! Now let`s have some rest! (Song `Form Banana`)

7. Выполнение ex 5, p 108.

Look at the newspapers and say: Which of these newspapers are tabloids or broadsheets?

(После просмотра учащиеся перечисляют название газет)

P1: Tabloids: Mirror, Sunday Express, Sunday Post, the Sun, Metro.

P2: Quality newspapers: The Times, the Guardian.

8. Listen and check your ideas. (ex 6, p 108)

9. Активизация лексических единиц (групповая работа)

a) Ex. 8. T: Now, you will work in groups of 4 students. Which of the facts refer to tabloids and to broadsheets?

b) Look at me. You can see some newspapers: «Sunday Express», «The Financial Times», «The Sun». Which of these newspapers are tabloids or broadsheets? Explain your answer. You may use exercise 8 on p.109. (уч-ся получают по одной газете, определяют тип и используют выражения упр.8, аргументируют свой ответ)

T: Now, let's begin to listen to your stories.

Group-1: Our newspaper is «a tabloid». «The Sun» reports news in a very condensed celebrities. There are a lot of photographs. They use intriguing headlines. You can find jokes and crossword puzzles there.

Group-2: The newspaper under review is the financial times. It's one of the most famous newspaper. It's broadsheet. «The Times» is read mainly by professional and business people. There are a lot of articles about policy in it. The Financial Times has different pages for home news and foreign affairs and global economy. Business people start their day with them.

T:Well, Thank you for your answers. I see you understand the difference between tabloids and broadsheets.

10. Самоконтроль уровня обученности учащихся.

T: Now, let's do a very short test.

Write: true or false.

1. The "Guardian" is a broadsheet. - _____

2. Tabloids write a lot about life of celebrities. - _____

3. Broadsheets are usually very reliable information sources.-______

4. Businessmen need tabloids for their work.- ______

5. A newspaper, which usually entertains its readers, is a broadsheet.- _____

6. One of the famous Chuvash broadsheets is called "Hypar".-_____

T: It's time to check your test. (Учитель зачитывает правильные ответы, уч-ся проверяют)

Answers: 1) T, 2) T, 3) T, 4) F, 5) F, 6) T

11.Рефлексия: заполнение карточек самооценки достигнутого уровня во всех видах деятельности на уроке

Well, we've worked hard at the lesson. I'd like you to do self-assessment. Take these sheets with tables and fill in. Just circle the right word or phrase!

At the lesson I was


I was

tired/ not tired

The lesson was

short/ long


understood /didn`t understand the material

I was/ wasn`t

satisfied with my work

The homework is

easy/ difficult

12. Итоги урока, домашнее задание.

T: Thank you for your work at the lesson. We could do a lot of useful things. Write down your homework: ex.A, B p.110. Be ready to talk about a Russian newspaper.

Your marks are very good. The lesson is over. Goodbye, children.

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