Открытый урок английского языка на тему: Поездка в Британию

 План открытого урока «Поездка в Британию» («Going to Britain”) Предмет : английский язык Тема: “Going to Britain” Класс : 7 Учитель английского языка: Бимакова Б.С.  Урок составлен на базе аутентичного материала и содержит задания, способствующие развитию навыков аудирования, поискового чтения, устной диалогической и монологической речи. Учащиеся узнают много нового о стране изучаемого языка (географическом положении Великобритании, ее флагах, символах и  достопримечательностях Лондона)   Цели...
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План открытого урока «Поездка в Британию» («Going to Britain")
Предмет : английский язык
Тема: "Going to Britain"
Класс : 7
Учитель английского языка: Бимакова Б.С.

Урок составлен на базе аутентичного материала и содержит задания, способствующие развитию навыков аудирования, поискового чтения, устной диалогической и монологической речи. Учащиеся узнают много нового о стране изучаемого языка (географическом положении Великобритании, ее флагах, символах и достопримечательностях Лондона)
Цели :
Образовательные : ознакомить учащихся с географическими названиями Великобритании и достопримечательностями Лондона
Воспитательные : воспитывать уважение к культурным ценностям страны изучаемого языка
- повторить лексический материал по теме " Going to Britain" и практиковать его употребление в устной речи учащихся
- развивать навыки аудирования , чтения вслух и про себя, устной диалогической речи
- развивать навыки поисковой работы
Оснащение: географическая карта Объединенного королевства Великобритании и Северной Ирландии, фотографии достопримечательностей Лондона, ксерокопии с заданиями к уроку, учебник английского языка для 7 класса (издательство «Атамура»)

Ход урока.

  1. Организационный момент. Slide - 1

Teacher: Good morning ! I`m glad to see you.

Pupils: Good morning , teacher !

Teacher: Thank you, sit down.

Today we are having an unusual lesson: some guests are present at our lesson. Greet them, please.

Good morning, dear guests! We are glad to meet you.

Teacher: Sit down, please.

Who is on duty today?

Pupil 1: I` m on duty today.

Teacher: What date is it today?

Pupil 1: Today is 22- nd of February.

Teacher: What day is it today?

Pupil 1: Today is Friday.

T: How are you? P -1-2-3

Teacher: What season is it now?

Pupil: It is winter?

T: Do you like winter?

P. No, I don't like.

T; Why?

P: Because it's cold, windy, snowy in winter!

2.T: But, as for me I like winter because one of the beautiful season of the year ! Look at the board .

(стихотворение о зиме) (slide -2,3 (музыка)

Falling Snow

See the pretty snowflakes (Глядите, красивые снежинки)

Falling from the sky; (Падают с небес;)

On the wall and housetops (На стены и кровли)

Soft and thick they lie. (Легко и густо они ложатся.)

On the window ledges, (На подоконниках,)

On the branches bare; (На голых ветвях;)

Now how fast they gather, (Сейчас как быстро они собрались,)

Filling all the air. (Заполонив весь воздух.)

Look into the garden, (Посмотрите в сад,)

Where the grass was green; (Где трава была зелена;)

Covered by the snowflakes, (Укрыта снежинками,)

Not a blade is seen. (Ни травинка не видна.)

Now the bare black bushes (Теперь голые черные кусты)

All look soft and white, (Все выглядят мягкими и белыми,)

Every twig is laden, (Каждая ветка присыпана,)

What a pretty sight! (Какое прелестное зрелище!)

Teacher: And what do you know about the weather in England? (slide) 4,5,6

Look at the pictures I think they will help you.

P. - The weather in GB often rainy and foggy.

Teacher: Yes, of course.

If the weather is not so good in GB we may take our umbrellas and begin our travelling .

The theme of our lesson is - Going to Britain". S-7,8

And the Motto of the lesson: It's better to see something once than to hear about it a hundred times. (Slide) -9,

How you understand these words?

T: At the beginning of our lesson I have an unusual task for you - short tongue -twister ,listen to me. Please, who can pronounce it better. (Slide-10

Phonetic drill : Larry loved Laura and sent the latter a letter later.

3. Teacher: To my mind we must prepare for our travelling , so let's to speak some English words which help us in the lesson and master our pronunciation of English sounds.

Listen to me and repeat after me English words which we will use in our lesson

Speech drill: (на мониторах) y children - S-11

Capital, state, nationality, map, money, pound, language, native, the United Kingdom, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, symbol, daffodil, shamrock, thistle, historical

4. The next task - read not only words in English , read them in Kazakh language, compare English and Kazakh words. ( S-12)

Language тіл

Native ақша

Country мемлекет

Nationality көлік

Capital астана

State әлем картасы

Money туған

Map ұлт

Transport ел

5. T: "We want to travel in GB , but - How do we get there ?" (slide- 13,14

Of course, we can use transport - may be - plain, bus, ship, car and so on

Students tell me please - How do you get to Britain , Daniil ? Erhan…..

P1- I can get to Britain by plain , by ship … (слайд о транспорте)
P2 - by plain,,,,,,,

6. S-15 All right - we take umbrellas , choose a transport, but can not remember ,that there are many countries in the world where live people of different nationalities and speak in foreign languages, let's remember .

Open your books at p.128 ex.1

( работа с упражнением) учебник Read -countries , then languages.

p-1, p-2, p-3

7. T: People speak in different languages , but every man has his own native language - let's take ex. 2 p 128 (работа с упражнением).

Sergey, read what Abilai says about himself.

Thank you.

And now, pupils using these sentences tell us about yourself - about your native language P-1, P-2, P-3…..

8," British money" As you know, if we want to travel, we need some money , slide -16,17

Do you know the British money? … Now liste some information about money . (Слайд о деньгах) But in different countries - different money. I gave you home task to know what money we use in other countries . And now using your knowledge we do ex. 4, p.129 -Look at the blackboard.

9. Физкультминутка. S-18

Teacher: I think we are tired. First of all let's do exercises for our eyes:

SIT straight. Prepare.



OPEN YOUR EYES. (Несколько раз) ONCE MORE.

Thank you.

Teacher: Please -stand up. S-19

We know the song - London Bridge. Let's sing it for our guests! ( в виде репа)

London Bridge is falling down,
Falling down, falling down.
London Bridge is falling down,
My fair Lady!

Fix it up with bricks and stones,
Bricks and stones, bricks and stones.
Fix it up with bricks and stones,
My fair Lady!

10.Continue our work; S-20,21 Answer my question Why do we want to travel?


  • To visit new places;

  • To meet new people and new friends;

  • To study;

  • To master our English;

  • To see famous places of interest;

  • To learn more about the countries;

. Teacher: Thank you, students

11. Аудирование . Teacher's speech: S-22 - computer-

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Great Britain consists of 3 parts : England, Scotland and Wales
The United Kingdom consists of 4 parts :

England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
The capital of The United Kingdom is London
The capital of England is London
The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh
The capital of Wales is Cardiff
The capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast
The symbol of England is a red rose
The symbol of Scotland is a thistle

The symbol of Wales is a daffodil
The symbol of Northern Ireland is a shamrock and a red hand.

12. Выполнение теста на компьютере. (поисковая работа)( на мониторе)

Teacher: Now let's do a test on computers. Who will work on a computer? I wish you good luck !

-Учащиеся выполняют тест на компьютере.

1. Учитель read one time the text , учащиеся находят слова, вставляют и читают text
Cities of the UK and symbols - составить текст на доску без названий городов . дети должны будут подставить их
London is the capital of the United Kingdom, Great Britain and England. It's a transport port and a centre of business, industry and tourism.
Oxford and Cambridge are the oldest Universities and cities in the UK
Stratford-upon-Avon is the birthplace of world-known English play writеr William Shakespeare.
Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland, one of the most beautiful cities in Britain built over two centuries ago.
Cardiff is the capital of Wales and its main port.
Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland The symbol of England is a red rose
The symbol of Scotland is a thistle The symbol of Wales a daffodil.
The symbol of Northern Ireland is a shamrock and a red hand.

London, Oxford and Cambridge, Stratford-upon-Avon, Edinburgh, a red rose, a thistle , a shamrock and a red hand. Well done!(Прочитать с мониторов и скопировать и подставить. Где необходимо).

13. We know many information about GB and now read the text - GOING to BRINAIN. Ex.6 , p. 129

Some of you - Reader - Others translator

P- 1, 2, 3…..

14. And at the end of our lesson we have opportunity to see some famous and interesting places of London .

PRESENTATION - FILM - Достопримечательности Лондона

15. Crossword - ( slidе)- работаем на интерактивной доске.

16. Answer the questions - (slide) - читают и отвечают на вопросы

18. Home- Task.

Teacher: You have done that very well. Today you have got some marks for your answers. The lesson is over. Thank you. Good - bye.

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