Сценарий игра 7 класс

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 7 класс
Тип Конспекты
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Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку


  1. Повышать интерес к изучению английского языка;

  2. Развивать умения говорения, выразительного чтения;

  3. Формировать положительные эмоций учащихся, уважение к культуре и народу страны, язык который они изучают;

  4. Развивать умения работать в команде, помогать друг другу.


  1. Активизация лексико-грамматических структур в речи учащихся, развитие речевых умений;

  2. Стимулирование желания учащихся общаться, высказывать свои мысли на английском языке.

Ход мероприятия:

Учитель приветствует детей. Ученики выбирают капитанов, которые получают маршрутные листы. Учитель следит за правильным выполнением заданий и выставляет очки.

Задание 1

Скороговорки (Tongue Twisters) 3 балла за скороговорку

Roger helps Roddy.

Roddy helps Roger.

Roger and Roddy

help each other.

Robert Rowley rolled a round roll round,

A round roll Robert Rowley rolled round;

Where rolled the round roll

Robert Rowley rolled round?

Swan swam over the sea

Swan swam over the sea,

Swim, Swan, swim;

Swan swam back again,

Well swum, Swan.

Задание 2 20 баллов

Пословицы и поговорки (Proverbs and Sayings)

Правильно подберите перевод к английским пословицам и поговоркам (Match the Proverbs and Sayings)

  1. Better to do well than to say well

  2. Lost time is never found again

  3. The least said, the soonest mended

  4. Live and learn

  5. Well begun is half done

  1. Век живи - век учись

  2. Лучше хорошо поступать, чем хорошо говорить

  3. Доброе начало - половина дела

  4. Больше дела, меньше слов

  5. Потерянного времени никогда не воротишь

  1. A little pot is soon hot

  2. A word is enough to the wise

  3. Where there is a will, there is a way

  4. Art is long, life is short

  5. Choose an author as you choose a friend

  1. Где хотенье, там и уменье

  2. Книга - лучший друг

  3. Искусство вечно, (а) жизнь коротка

  4. Умный слышит в полслова

  5. Мал да удал

Задание 3

Составление рассказа (Making Stories) 10 баллов

Several years ago as I was walking home from the theatre I saw a large white dog…

Задание 4

Загадки (Riddles) 8 баллов

I like green grass.

I am smaller than a camel.

I am smaller than a cow.

My milk makes good cheese.

What am I?

I am yellow.

I am not very hard.

You put me in cakes.

You eat me on bread,

What am I?

I grow in the field.

I am green.

I help to make milk,

Cows eat me.

Goats, like me, too,

What am I?

It is white and blue.

It is cold.

You see it on the skating-rink.

You can skate on it.

What is it?

Задание 5

Преувеличение (Exaggeration) 1 предложение - 2 балла

Придумайте предложения с конструкциями: 1 ошибка - - 1 балл

So stupid that… such big ears that…

So slowly that… such a loud voice that…

Задание 6

История в обрывах (Sabered Stories) 5 баллов

Восстановить последовательность событий в тексте (Put the paragraphs of the story into the correct order)

Chewing Gum

We think of chewing gum as a modern American invention. But this is only partly true. For thousands of years people have chewed gum resin, a juice collected from trees. In Mexico, for example, Indians have long chewed chicle, the gum resin from the sapodilla tree.

In 1850 Mexico and US fought a war over Texas. General Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana led the Mexican soldiers. When Mexico lost the war, Santa Ana had to leave his country. He went to live in New York and he took with him a large amount of chicle.

An American investor, Thomas Adams, bought some chicle from Santa Ana. He wanted to make the chicle into rubber but his plan failed. Adams then decided that chicle was better as something to chew. In 1871 he made and sold the first gumballs. These gumballs were a great success.

Then, in 1890s, a man named William Wrigley first made chewing gum, as we know it today. William Wrigley had little education or money, but he had an idea. He made gums into flat sticks and added special flavours. Today, Wrigley's Spearmint gum and Juicy Fruit gum are among the most popular chewing gums in America.

How did modern chewing gum spread from the US to other countries? During World War I and World War II, the US Army found that chewing gum kept soldiers from getting thirty. So American soldiers were given chewing gum each day. The soldiers who fought in Europe often given chewing gum to the people they met. Gum became as popular as it was in the US. Today, of course, chewing gum can be found around the world.

chicle - каучук

gum resin - смола

Задание 7

Paired Letters 1слово - 1 балл

Составить больше слов с помощью парных букв (make up as many words as you can with these letters)


























Задание 8

Рифмa (Rhyme) 5 баллов

Придумать короткое стихотворение (make up a short poem with the words)

sleep - deep

clock - dock

Задание 9

Закончи! (Finish it!) 1 предложение - 1 балл + 1 балл за юмор

Употреби сравнительные конструкции в предложениях (Use these comparative constructions in your own sentences)

as light as he laughs like

as funny as he runs like

as tall as it rained like

as soft as he swims like

После окончания игры жюри подводит итоги, объявляется команда-победитель и происходит награждение команд.


  1. Балк Е.А., Леменев М.М. Английский язык. Занимательный урок. Сборник дополнительных материалов 6-7 классы, Москва «ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО НЦ ЭНАС», 2001г.

  2. Дж. Стайнберг, 110 игр на уроках английского языка. АСТ Астрель, Москва, 2004г.

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