Общие черты и отличительные особенности между политическими системами Великобритании, США и России

Данный конспект урока для учащихся 10 класса к УМК В.П.Кузовлева.Поможет повторить и активизировать лексический материал по теме: "Политические системы Великобритании, США и России", применить раннее изученный грамматический материал(модальные глаголы, пассивный залог) в новых ситуациях общения, развивать устную речь. Так же этот конспект поможет систематизировать страноведческий материал по данной теме. Урок можно посторить в форме викторины, ребят поделить на 3 группы, каждая группа будет пред...  
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УРОК. 10 класс

Тема: Общие черты и отличительные особенности между политическими системами Великобритании, США и России.

Форма урока: Викторина

Задачи: 1. Повторение и активизация лексического материала по теме: «Политические системы Великобритании, США и России»

2. Применение ранее изученного грамматического материала (модальные глаголы, пассивный залог) в новых ситуациях общения.

3. Развитие навыков устной речи.

4. Систематизировать страноведческий материал по теме: «Политические системы Великобритании, США и России»

Ход урока

  1. Начало урока (слайд 1)

  1. Организационный момент.

  2. Сообщение темы и задач урока.

- Good day, dear friends. Today we are having a quiz between Russian, English and American pupil. Let's imagine that you are pupil from Moscow, London and Washington. You will talk about political system of America, Russia and Great Britain and about common features and their differences.

- You are divided into three teams. Each team has it own flag and a special badge (America, Russia and Great Britain)

  1. Фонетическая зарядка (слайд 2)

-Let's begin our quiz with wonderful poem

The golden legend

A thousand faiths with a common dream

A thousand tongues with a common theme

A thousand thoughts with a single plan:

Peace on Earth and goodwill to man!

(читаем, переводим, можно выразить своё мнение о легенде)

  1. Речевая зарядка (слайд 3)

- During our quiz we 'll discuss the role of the presidents. What kind of man should be the president of the country? And what is his main feature of character?

Unscramble these cities, states or places. The first letter is capitalized. With the numbered letters, fill in the spaces to get the message below.

  1. lyoHlodow -------- (3)

  2. taeSt ---------(7)

  3. omaaOhkl ---------(4)

  4. aiNraga ---------(5)

  5. verEgedal ---------(2), (6)

  6. rokBonil ---------(1)

  7. enTeenses ---------(8)








  1. Систематизация страноведческого материала

  1. -The first task. The political system of Great Britain. Who want to tell us about the political system of the UK? Which institutions represent the legislative and the executive branch of power?

( слайд 4. Схема)

  1. -Now we are speaking about the political system of the USA. Who want to tell us about the political system of the USA? Which institutions represent the legislative, the executive and the judicial branch of power? The judicial branch of power in the USA is more powerful than in some other countries. It is involved in the system of check and balances.

( слайд 5. Схема)

  1. We live in the Russian Federation which adopted its Constitution in 1993. What political system does the Russian Federation represent according to the Constitution?

(слайд 6. Схема)

  1. The next task : choose the correct variant.

(слайд 7. Ребята выбирают правильный вариант ответа. )

1. The head of the state in the UK is the ----

a)President b)Prime Minister c)Vice President

2.The Congress in the USA consists of the -----

a)House of Commons and Lords

b)Supreme Court and the Federal Assembly

c)House of Representatives and the Senate

3. The head of the state in Russia is the ----

a)Queen b) President c)Prime Minister

4. The Russian President ----

a) has only representative functions

b) check the work of the ministers

c)is the head of the state

5. The House of Lords in the UK ----

a)examines and revises bills

b)rules the country

c) elects the Prime Minister

6. The Duma consists of -----

a) 650 deputies b) 435 deputies c) 450 deputies_

V. Применение ранее изученного грамматического материала (модальные глаголы, пассивный залог) в новых ситуациях общения.

A. Open the brackets, using Passive Voice and guess the name of the country. (слайд 8)

1.The members of the House of Commons (to elect) by the people.

2.The Federal Government (to head) by the chairman of the Government.

3.The judicial branch of power (to involve) in the system of check and balances.

4.The Administration (to approve) by the Congress consisting of 535 members.

5.The reputation of the Monarchy (to spoil) by the young royals.

6.The laws (to make) by the Federal Council and the Duma.

B. Let's continue our Quiz. You should ask special questions using modal verb can.

- The questions to "Russian pupils" (слайд 9)

  1. Who can elect the President in your country?

  2. Who can dissolve the Duma?

  3. Who can declare laws unconstitutional?

  4. Who can veto laws passed by the Federal Assembly?

  5. Who can approve the Chairman of the Government?

- The questions to "American pupils" (слайд 10)

1. Who can elect the President in America?

2. Who can introduce a new project?

3. Who can appoint the Secretaries in the Administration?

4. Who can vote against the project?

5. Who can declare presidential acts unconstitutional?

- The questions to "British pupils" (слайд 11)

  1. Who can sigh the bills?

  2. Who can rule the country in fact?

  3. Who can control the House of Commons?

  4. Who can have the power to delay bills for one year?

  5. Who can coordinate the work of the government department?

  1. Развитие навыков устной речи.

And now we shall speak about common features and differences between Russian, American and English political systems. Look at this table. Give your opinion. (слайд 12)

  • Russian pupil

  • British pupil

  • American pupil

  1. Заключительная часть урока.

Thank you dear friends for your participation in this quiz. And now listen to these wonderful words about your countries. ( слайд 13)

God bless America!
God bless Great Britain!
God bless Russia!
Land that I love.
Stand beside her
And guide her through the night
With a light from above,
from the mountains to the prairies,
to the oceans white with foam.
God bless America!
God bless Great Britain!
God bless Russia!

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