План-конспект и презентация по теме Еда

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс -
Тип Конспекты
Формат rar
Изображения Есть
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The theme of the lesson:


6 grade

THEME: Food.

The task: To summarize pupils' knowledge of countable and uncountable nouns, using the structure TO BE GOING TO.

The aims of the lesson:

  1. Educational: to practice using countable and uncountable nouns and to be able to differ them, to enrich pupils' vocabulary

  2. Development: to develop pupils' skills and habits abilities in reading, writing, mental activities

  3. Upbringing: to bring up attention and curiosity, love to the learning of the English language

  4. Activities: a lesson-game

  5. Method: individual and group work, shaping the way, CLIL

  6. Equipment: cards, pictures, active board, computer

The Procedure of the lesson:

1. Org .moment.

Good morning, boys and girls. How are you today? Ok, let us start our lesson.

Now look at the blackboard there is a picture. Try to guess the theme of our lesson, what are we going to speak about today?

(slide 1)

2. Warming-up

Now each of you will get worksheets. Your task is to write the words next to the picture. You have 5 minutes to do this work.

План-конспект и презентация по теме Еда

Now change your works and check it up. Look at the blackboard there's a key (slide 2)

Give the marks to each other. (slide 3)

3. New material.

A. Look at the board. Let's divide the words into 2 columns: food and drinks (slide 4).

There are two columns of the words, look at them carefully and say

Can we count apples? Hamburger? Chicken? Yes, we can.

One milk? Two waters? Five juice. Six soup. Am I right? You are right, we cannot count them.

We should say some milk, some water, and some juice. BUT: one apple, two apples- some apples. Some is use with countable and countable nouns.

In English nouns divide into countable (these nouns we can count one apple, five apples) and uncountable (we cannot count them, there is a special measure for them, we can measured them by liter and kilos).


I am going shopping tomorrow and I am going to buy an ice cream. (I demonstrate the game)

Now let us divide into groups of four or five. For each group I will give a set of cards, shuffle them and deal them out between your group and each player should keep your pile of cards face down on the table. Now I take one card, turn it over face and put it in the centre of the table and say, "I'm going shopping tomorrow and I'm going to buy an ice-cream". Now it is your turn, continue, please.

Whose turn is it? Now it's my turn. (slide5)

C. Look for the words and tick the boxes

План-конспект и презентация по теме ЕдаAfter doing this work, let us check it up. (slide7)

4. Hometask.

You should write your mother's shopping list for tomorrow. Ask your mother what she is going to buy tomorrow, e.g. my mother is going shopping tomorrow, she is going to buy...

5. Conclusion.

Therefore, our lesson is over. Thank you for your lesson. You are hard-working children. I am satisfied with you. Never forget we are what we eat. If you want to be healthy, nice, and strong, try to use healthy food, avoid junk one.



План-конспект и презентация по теме Еда

План-конспект и презентация по теме ЕдаПлан-конспект и презентация по теме ЕдаПлан-конспект и презентация по теме ЕдаПлан-конспект и презентация по теме Еда

План-конспект и презентация по теме ЕдаПлан-конспект и презентация по теме ЕдаПлан-конспект и презентация по теме ЕдаПлан-конспект и презентация по теме Еда

План-конспект и презентация по теме Еда

План-конспект и презентация по теме Еда

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