Конспект по английскому языку на тему We plan tomorrows day

На этом уроке мы закрепим пройденный материал по теме. Цели урока -        Обучающие: активизировать речемыслительную деятельность учащихся; закрепить лексический материал по теме; формировать навыки чтения, аудирования; научить учащихся рационально использовать свое время, придерживаться культуре общения; -        Развивающие: развивать все виды речевой деятельности; коммуникативных умений, творчества, воображения; -        Социокультурные:  развитие эрудиции, расширение кругозора; -        Вос...
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Тема: "We plan tomorrow's day"


  • Обучающие: активизировать речемыслительную деятельность учащихся; закрепить лексический материал по теме; формировать навыки чтения, аудирования; научить учащихся рационально использовать свое время, придерживаться культуре общения;

  • Развивающие: развивать все виды речевой деятельности; коммуникативных умений, творчества, воображения;

  • Социокультурные: развитие эрудиции, расширение кругозора;

  • Воспитательные: воспитывать межличностные отношения; интерес к изучению английского языка; формировать умения работать в команде, помогать друг другу.

Наглядность: учебник, лексико-грамматические структуры, аудиозапись физминутки, песни "Do it now"; текст для аудирования (стратегия «Гранулирование»), Strip-story ("Jigsaw sentences"), тематические картинки, раздаточный материал.

Ход урока

  1. Оргмомент

T: Good morning, children!


Good morning, Good morning,

Good morning, to you!

Good morning, Good morning,

We are glad to see you!

T: Today we are going to speak about your plans for tomorrow's day.

So, the topic of our lesson is "My tomorrow's working day"

You'll be more aware of using words and word-combinations on this topic in speech.

By the end of the lesson you should be able to speak about your tomorrow's working day using the Future Indefinite Tense.


II. Разминка

  1. Фонетическая

Т: Let's pay special attention the sounds [t], [d] when pronouncing the names of the days of a week. (a poem on the blackboard)

What day is it today by the way?

It's Wednesday.

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,

Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

We come to school for five days

The other two are fun days.

T: And what are the other two fun days for you?

Ps: Saturday and Sunday.

T: Yes, you are right.

  1. Речевая

Сl: I wonder how you begin your working day. Tell me, please, about it with the help of the poem.

When the sun lights up the skies,

I sit up and rub my eyes.

I brush my teeth and comb my hair,

Dress myself with greatest care

Then walking off to school I go,

To learn the things that I must know.

T: Repeat again and then read this poem without some words. (Game: Rub out)

T: Well done! Now I'll give you some cards with the words from the Unit 4 "Plenty of things to do". Your task: Circle the word which doesn't go with the others in meaning.

  1. television, radio, netball, newspaper, Internet.

  2. page, article, headline, computer, newspaper.

  3. postcard, letter, driver, newspaper, parcel.

  4. computer, station, disk, printer.

  5. editor, doctor, teacher, scientist, journal.

T: Well done. You have done it perfectly.


III. Основная часть урока

  1. Лексика (Vocabulary Practice)

T: Boys and girls, we have plenty of things to do. Let's revise some words on the topic.

Match word-combinations

1. to be

a) profession

2. to use

b) an interview

3. to write

c) the editor

4. our international

d) the answers

5. to send

e) with children

6. future

f) articles

7. through

g) the Internet

8. to communicate

h) reporter

9. to do

i) the countries

10 to type

j) e-mail letters

Keys: 1c, 2g, 3f, 4h, 5j, 6a, 7i, 8e, 9 b, 10d.

T: Very good. You have matched word-combinations very quickly.

T: If we talk about tomorrow's day, we must know and other words. Now I'll show you pictures and you say me what children do at the pictures.

(Get up, wash, dress, do morning exercises, make a bed, have breakfast, go to school, have lessons, come back home, have dinner, do lessons…)

  1. Грамматика

T: All of you know the grammar tense as the Future Simple Tense.

The Future Simple Tense is used for action that will take place in the future time - tomorrow, next week, next year. The Future Simple Tense is used with the helр of axulary verb will.

For ex.: To get up

I will get up at 7 o'clock tomorrow. They will get up at 8 o'clock tomorrow.


T: Look at the blackboard. Make up sentences.

What will (won't) you do in the future?

What will (won't) your friend do in the future?

I use English

My friend will, will not interview people
teach children

drive a car

build houses

use a computer


write stories and articles

give people medicine

  1. Говорение.

T: And now we can plan our tomorrow's day. Think a little and plan yours tomorrow's day.

P1, P2, P3, P4, P5…

T: I see you can plan yours day.

  1. Физминутка.

- Head and shoulders

- Big-little, tall-short, good-bad, left-right, fat-thin.

  1. Аудирование ( стратегия «Гранулирование»)

T: Look at the blackboard; you can see "Grapes". Our next task is listening.

I'll read the text, after that this bunch of grapes has 13 questions, if you answer correctly, our grapes will be open and in a purple colour, but now this bunch of grapes is sour.

The text's name is "Jane's tomorrow's working day"

(текст для аудирования читается 2 раза, затем учащиеся отвечают на вопросы)


6. Чтение (Jigsaw sentences)

T: Let's read. I'll give you a strip-story. This is a little text. Gather it to make a story, then we'll read and continue this story because this story has no ending, and answer the questions to the text.

Text: "My friend's next week".

(продолжение текста: «… On Sunday Paul will rest, watch TV, play chess, play computer games, read books…)


  1. What's about this text?

  2. What's the boy's name?

  3. What will the boy do on Monday?

  4. What will the boy do on Tuesday?

  5. When will Paul take photos and do interviews?

  6. How will Paul and Lilia communicate with children from different countries?

  7. When will the newspaper be ready?

  8. What will Paul do on Sunday?

T: Well done. We have the end of the text and your answers were correct.

  1. Работа по учебнику.

T: Open your books on page 70, find out Ex.1.

This exercise we'll do orally. You must put the words into sentences, paying attention to the articles a/an.

  1. «Кубирование» (стратегия)

T: So, we can plan tomorrow's day, gather the strip-story, answer the questions. It's very good.

This is a brick. On this brick 6 statements. You throw it and read the first statement. You may agree or not agree with it.

(Учащиеся подходят, кидают кубик, достают листок и соглашаются или нет с выражением)

  1. In one hundred years children will drive cars to school?

  2. In one hundred years every schoolchild will study 5 foreign languages.

  3. In one hundred years all people will live in cities.


  1. In one hundred years people will live on other planets.

  2. In one hundred years people will be able to live 100 years.

  3. In one hundred years children will not have teachers, only computers.

Answers: Yes, they will. (No, they won't)

I think, they will. (I don't think they will).

IV. Заключительная часть урока

  1. Homework: Ex.2 p.70. - in written form. (Your task is write about the things you will do next week, using the following word-combinations)

  2. Summarizing:

T: So, children, what have we done at the lesson today.

Ps.: We have spoken about our tomorrow's working day, read and listened the text, gathered the strip-story.

T: Thank you for your good and active work. You were busy. And your marks are …….

You didn't waste time, did you?

Let's sing a song "Do it now" (Ex.4, p.65)

T: Our lesson is over. Thank you for an active part on it. Good bye!


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