ПЛАН открытого мероприятия по английскому языку «Do you know…?»

Урок – это основная организационная форма обучения в школе Его назначение – подготовить учащихся к занятиям, сформулировать цель, дать установку. Началом урока может быть приветствие учителя, запись на доске даты и темы урока. Приветствие учителя часто переходит в беседу с классом по поводу какого-либо события, погоды и т.п.   Вступительная беседа (ее называют еще речевой зарядкой) призвана создать атмосферу общения на уроке и подготовить переход к его основной части.  В заключении формулируется...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс -
Тип Рабочие программы
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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ПЛАН открытого мероприятия по английскому языку «Do you know…?»


  • УМК «Enjoy English 7» (Биболетова)

  • Ноутбук

  • Колонки

  • Презентация Power Point

  • Мышь

  • Экран

  • Проектор

  • Грамоты для награждения

Ход мероприятия:

I (Класс разделен на три группы).

T1: Good afternoon, boys and girls! We are glad to invite you to our quiz-lesson "If you know…?" (на экране слайд 1).

T 2: Look back. Today we have got many guests and they are going to spend our lesson with us.

T 1: Our task for today is to find out whose team will be the best. Also we have our special guests. They will help us to judge our quiz.

T 2: Before we start, each pupil should help his team in the quiz. Mind your pronunciation and grammar. And now let's begin.

II. "Describe your group".

T1: You were divided into 3 groups. Please, look at the screen. (на экране слайд 2). Your first task is "Describe your group". This plan was done to help you.

  1. Our team's name is…

  2. Our motto is…

  3. We are…

T 2: You have 2 minutes to prepare your representations.

GROUP 1: P 1: Our team's name is "Red Letters"

P 2: Our motto is "Never give up"

P 3: We are active, responsible, bright, merry, unpredictable.

T 1: Thank you, and now Group 2.

GROUP 2: P 1: Our team's name is "Stolen ABC"

P 2: Our motto is "We live to have a fun"

P 3: We are energetic, smart, cheerful, kind and friendly.

T 2: Very good and finally our third group.

GROUP 3: P 1: Our team's name is "Restles guys".

P 2: Our motto is "Life goes circle"

P 3: We are fast, erudite, hospitable, talented and modern.

T1: All three groups are very interesting. Your representations were very good.

II. "Agree / Disagree with these statements".

The Thames is a sea, isn't it?T 2: We have our next task. Please, look at our screen. Here we have some pictures. You should agree or disagree with these statements.

  1. Слайд 1

The Statue of Liberty is a park, isn't it?P 1: No, it is a river.

  1. Слайд 2

The symbol of Scotland is a clover, isn't it?P 2: No, it is a monument.

  1. Слайд 3

The black ravens live in Westminster Abbey, don't they?P 3: No, the symbol of Scotland is thistle.

  1. Слайд 4

P 4: No, they live in the Tower of London.

The English kings and queens are crowned in the Houses of Parliament, aren't they?Слайд 5

P 5: No, they are crowned in Westminster Abbey.

A lot of different boats go up and down the Thames, don't they?Слайд 6

P 6: Yes, they do

All the parks and gardens in London are free for people, aren't they?Слайд 7

The Statue of Liberty is situated in Wales, isn't it?P 7: Yes, they are.

  1. Слайд 8

P 8: No, it is situated in New York.

The Niagara Falls is situated in France, isn't it?Слайд 9

P 9: No, it is situated in the USA.

Madame Tussaud's Museum has a large collection of women's dress, hasn't it?Слайд 10

P 10: No, it has a large collection of wax models.

The Statue of Liberty is one of the symbols of the USA, isn't it?11.Слайд 11

The White House in the USA - is the official residence of the American Government, isn't it?P 11: Yes, it is.

12.Слайд 12

P12: No, it is the official residence of the President of the USA.

Lake Baikal - is the deepest lake in the whole world, isn't it?13. Слайд 13

P13: Yes, it is.

The USA hasn't got its own official language, has it?14. Слайд 14

P 14: Yes, it hasn't.

Russia is washed by twelve seas, isn't it?15. Слайд 15

P 15:Yes, it is.

T 1: Well done! Thanks a lot. Let's count your points.

III. "What is it & where is it?"

T 2: Many interesting pictures help us with our next task. At first you see a picture and then you should say "what \ who is it and where is it situated?". Be very attentive.

На экране появляются по очереди изображения достопримечательностей / портреты знаменитостей. Задача групп - озвучить название достопримечательности где она располагается или назвать человека, чей портрет они видят на экране.

Слайд 1: P 1 - It is Niagara Falls. It is situated in the USA.

Слайд 2: P 2 - It is Kremlin. It is situated in Moscow.

Слайд 3: P 3 - It is London Eye. It is situated in London.

Слайд 4: P 4 - It is the White House. It is situated in the USA.

Слайд 5: P 5 - It is Empire State Building. It is situated in New York, the USA.

Слайд 6: P 6 - They are the Royal family.

Слайд 7: P 7 - His name is Walt Disney. He was a famous animator, cartoonist, producer, director.

Слайд 8: P 8 - It is Westminster Abbey. It is situated in London.

Слайд 9: P 9 - Her name is Elizabeth 2. She is the Queen of the UK.

Слайд 10: P 10 - His name is William Shakespeare. He is a well-known poet and writer.

Слайд 11: P 11 - It is Stonehenge. It is situated in the UK.

Слайд 12: P 12 - It is the Houses of Parliament. It is situated in London.

Слайд 13: P 13 - His name is Charlie Chaplin. He is an actor.

Слайд 14: P 14 - His name is Barack Obama. He is the President of the USA.

Слайд 15: P 15 - Her name is Marilyn Monroe. She is a famous actress.

T 1: You've done this task brilliantly. It's time to count your points.

Жюри подсчитывает очки за данный конкурс.

IV. "Finish the sentence"

T 2: So, we have calculated your points. And now, let's continue our quiz.

Look at our screen. Here we have different sentences without their endings. You should match the beginning and the ending of the sentences.

Слайд 1 P 1:

Слайд 2 P 2:

Слайд 3 Р 3:

P 3:

Слайд 4 Р 4:

Слайд 5 Р 5:

Слайд 6 Р 6 :

Слайд 7 Р 7:

Слайд 8 Р 8:

Слайд 9 Р 9:

Слайд 10 Р 10:

Т 1:Very good. Now, we are going to count your points.

V. "Remember the proverb"

T2: Our next task is very unusual. You should look at the picture on our screen, read the English proverb and remember the Russian equivalent of this proverb.

Слайд 1 Р 1:

Слайд 2 Р 2:

Слайд 3 Р 3:

Слайд 4 Р 4:

Слайд 5 Р 5:

Слайд 6 Р 6:

Слайд 7 Р 7:

Слайд 8 Р 8:

Слайд 9 Р 9:

Слайд 10 Р 10:

Т 1: ОК, and now your points.

VI. "Let's speak about the countries…"

T 2: Team-leaders, please, come to me. Here we have 3 envelopes. You can find your task inside these envelopes. But before, choose the envelope.

Обучающимся предлагается выбрать один из трех конвертов, в котором название страны + текст об этой стране. Задача каждой группы, используя 3 минуты на подготовку, составить рассказ о предложенной стране, используя план с экрана.

    1. The capital of … is…

    2. The main cities are…

    3. The main rivers are…

    4. The most famous places of interest are…

    5. The main traditions are…

    Конверт № 1: Страна _______________

Конверт № 2: Страна___________________

  1. The capital of … is…

  2. The main cities are…

  3. The main rivers are…

  4. The most famous places of interest are…

  5. The main traditions are…

Конверт № 3: Страна___________________

  1. The capital of … is…

  2. The main cities are…

  3. The main rivers are…

  4. The most famous places of interest are…

  5. The main traditions are…

T 1: And now it's time to name the winners. Our judges have made their decision.

The third place got the group "_________". They have got …. points and a special official document.

The second place got the group "_________". They have got …. points and a special official document.

And finally, this group got ______ points and a special official document. It is _________.

T 2: We would like to thank our groups, their leaders and of course, our guests. Good bye.

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