Тест по Циклу 2 Религии мира по УМК О. В. Афанасьевой для 10 класса

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 10 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
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1. Find the word combination that doesn't exist:

a) Growing menace, serious menace, dangerous menace, increasing menace, hidden menace;

b)Look innocent, walk innocent, play innocent, sound innocent;

c)considerable demands, progressive demands, heavy demands, high demands;

d)fair trial, murder trial, criminal trial, private trial, public trial.

2. Complete the sentences using the words in the right form:

a) The employers ….. a higher salary now.

b) My car … servicing because I've been driving it for a year.

c) He always does everything that …. by law.

d)We … an immediate apologize.

3. Choose the best item to complete the sentence:

1. There are ___ main universal religions in our time.

a)1 b)2 c)3 d)4

2.People devoting themselves to God and living in convents are _____ a) nuns b)monks c)parishioners d) popes

3. The major Islamic festival is ___

a)Advent b)Nirvana c)Ramadan d)Lent

4. The protestant believers usually don't worship in ____

a)temples b)churches c)chapels d) mosques

5. A traditional place of pilgrimage for Muslim is ____

a)Bethlehem b) Mecca c)Jerusalem d) Rome

6. The world's biggest religion is ____

a)Buddhism b) Christianity c)Judaism d)Islam

7. Before entering the place of worship Muslims take of their__

a) shoes b)shirts c)skirts d)coats

8.The Jewish spiritual leaders are called ___

a) rabbis b) ministers c) monks d) priest

9. ___ found the path to the Enlightenment.

a)Moses b)Jesus Christ c) Siddhartha Gautama d)Allah

10. Moses was the leader who freed____

a) Jews from slavery b)Matzah c) from Abraham d) from God

4. Express the same in English:

1. Основные места богослужения четырех мировых религий - церкви, соборы, часовни, синагоги, мечети, храмы и пагоды.

2. Атеисты считают, что мир может быть понят с помощью точных наук.

3. Во главе Римско-католической церкви стоит Папа. Монахи живут в мужских монастырях, а монахини - в женских.

4. Имамы проводят службы в мечетях.

5. Люди, которые разделяют одинаковые религиозные убеждения, являются членами религиозных общин.

6. Многие семьи в Британии регулярно посещают воскресные богослужения.

2 вариант

1. Find the word combination that doesn't exist: a) deny firmly, deny hotly, deny fiercely, deny angrily, deny socially;

b)stand in awe, hold sb. in awe, look in awe at, calculate in awe, inspire awe; c) deserve coldly, deserve truly, deserve justly, deserve surely, deserve rightly;

d) execute exceptionally, execute poorly, execute well

2. Complete the sentences using the words in the right form:

a) What …. for so long? Did you find it?

b) Scientists … a cure from cancer for many years.

c) Do you think the unemployed …. work?

d ) What ….. you … in my room?

3. Choose the best item to complete the sentence:

1. There are ___ main universal religions in our time.

a)1 b)2 c)3 d)4

2.People devoting themselves to God and living in convents are _____ a) nuns b)monks c)parishioners d) popes

3. The major Islamic festival is ___

a)Advent b)Nirvana c)Ramadan d)Lent

4. The protestant believers usually don't worship in ____

a)temples b)churches c)chapels d) mosques

5. A traditional place of pilgrimage for Muslim is ____

a)Bethlehem b) Mecca c)Jerusalem d) Rome

6. The world's biggest religion is ____

a)Buddhism b) Christianity c)Judaism d)Islam

7. Before entering the place of worship Muslims take of their ____ a) shoes b)shirts c)skirts d)coats

8.The Jewish spiritual leaders are called ___

a) rabbis b) ministers c) monks d) priest

9. ___ found the path to the Enlightenment.

a)Moses b)Jesus Christ c) Siddhartha Gautama d)Allah

10. Moses was the leader who freed ____

a) Jews from slavery b)Matzah c) from Abraham d) from God

4. Express the same in English:

1. Христианство существует в различных формах и включает Римско-католическую, православную церковь и протестантизм.

2. В конце службы проповедники и его паства спели псалом.

3. Древние греки часто приносили жертвы своим богам.

4. Иудеи, христиане и мусульмане отправляются в Иерусалим в поисках благословения, исцеления и спасения.

5.Католики должны регулярно исповедоваться. 6.Минарет - это мечеть с куполообразной крышей и высокой башней

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