План урока в 7 Г классе на тему Здоровье

Цель урока: проверка функциональной грамотности учащихся Задачи: ·         образовательные: учить применять на практике ЗУН учащихся ·         коррекционно-развивающие: коррекция и развитие функциональной грамотности учащихся ·         воспитательные: воспитывать умение работать в группе Методы обучения: демонстрация; упражнение; работа с книгой; применение ИКТ; метод проектов Подготовка к ВОУД: модальный глагол SHOULD; пословицы; лексика по теме «Здоровье»   Оборудование: интерактивная доска; к...
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План урока в 7 Г классе на тему ЗдоровьеПлан урока в 7 Г классе на тему ЗдоровьеПлан урока в 7 Г классе на тему ЗдоровьеПлан урока в 7 Г классе на тему ЗдоровьеПлан урока в 7 Г классе на тему ЗдоровьеДата: 26.09 Класс: 7Г Учитель: Адамович Е.Н.

Всего учащихся: ______

Присутствовало: ______

Тема урока: "If you want to be healthy…" («Если хочешь быть здоров…»)

Тип урока: комбинированный

Цель урока: проверка функциональной грамотности учащихся


  • образовательные: учить применять на практике ЗУН учащихся

  • коррекционно-развивающие: коррекция и развитие функциональной грамотности учащихся

  • воспитательные: воспитывать умение работать в группе

Методы обучения: демонстрация; упражнение; работа с книгой; применение ИКТ; метод проектов

Подготовка к ВОУД: модальный глагол SHOULD; пословицы; лексика по теме «Здоровье»

Оборудование: интерактивная доска; карточки; картинки по теме «Здоровье»;

Ход урока

I. Greeting

Good morning, dear guests! Good morning, pupils! Seat down, please!

Today we have an unusual lesson and for our work today you have to divide into two groups: "Apples" and "Oranges". I want each of you to choose the card and sit to your group.

II. Warm-up

Look at the blackboard, loo through the pictures on it. So, what do you see here? How do you think, what out lesson will be about? Yes, that's right! It is about health and our theme for today "If you want to be healthy…" How do you translate it?

Open your copybooks, write down the date and the theme. Today you will have different tasks to do.

III. Study

And the first task for you will be to find the translation for these proverbs:

1. Agues come on horseback, but go away on foot.

2. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

3. Desperate diseases must have desperate remedies.

4. Good health is above wealth.

5. Health is not valued till sickness comes.

6. Wealth is nothing without health.

7. What can't be cured must be endured.

1. Болезни к нам являются верхом, а от нас уходят пешком.

2. Кушай по яблоку в день и доктор не понадобится.

3. Тяжёлые болезни должны лечиться сильными средствами.

4. Здоровье дороже всякого богатства.

5. Здоровье не ценится, пока не приходит болезнь.

6. Богатство - ничто без здоровья.

7. Чего нельзя исцелить - то нужно терпеть.

IV. Vocabulary

Now you are going to work with vocabulary according to our theme. Open your student books at p.96 ex.1. You should match the sentences with the pictures. You've got three minutes and then we will check it!

So, look at the screen and tell me, what these pictures are about.

V. Study

Now, let's work with grammar. And today your grammar theme will be modal verb SHOULD. As you remember, this modal verb is used when we want to give an advice to do something. So, now you should give advices.

First of all, you should fill in the gaps with the appropriate verbs and then I'll give you problems and you should find the right variant of advices. (team to team)







a. You should ________ to the dentist.

b. We should _______ her to hospital.

c. You should _______ a first-aid course.

d. You shouldn't _______ in front of the TV for hours.

e. You shouldn't ________ those chips, then.

f. You shouldn't _________ football in sandals.


1. I've got a headache.

2. My feet hurt.

3. I've got toothache.

4. I think she's broken her arm.

5. I've got stomach ache.

6. When someone faints, I never know what to do.

VI. Physical minute

Now, let's have a rest a little bit! Stand up! I'll say you sentences and commands. If you agree with the sentence you should do this command. If you not - you needn't do this. Let's start!

If you like sweets - rise your right hand!

If you do morning exercises - rise your left hand!

If you like playing football - run!

If you like playing basketball - jump!

If you feel tired - sit down!

If you are happy - rise your both hands!

If you like bananas - turn left!

If you like ice-cream - turn right!

If you have a headache - touch your head!

If you have a stomach ache - touch your belly!

If you have a backache - touch your back!

Ok, thank you - sit down, please!

VII. Reading "What should we do?"

Let's continue our work. p.96 ex.2b - read about an accident, and do ex.2c on the p.97 (true or false) and if it is false - correct the sentence.

1. Lizzie had just fainted. F (a woman)

2. Martin wants to phone the police. F (call an ambulance)

3. The man wants to move the woman. T

4. Lizzie thinks that's a bad idea. T

5. The man thinks he's a first-aid expert. T

6. Lizzie follows his advice. F (she wasn't agree)

7. The woman feels fine. F (a bit sick)

8. An ambulance is coming. T

VIII. Study

Good job! Now I want you to find the odd word in each line and explain why should we odd it out. So, look at the screen! Here you have an example:

injection illness medicine tablets (The others are things that you get from a doctor)

Now, following the example do the others:

sick fainted ill sore (The others are states (illnesses))

earache stomach head knee (The others are parts of body)

nurse dentist ambulance doctor (The others are professions)

cold headache sore throat first-aid (The others are illnesses)

IX. Speaking/Listening "At the doctor"

Now I want some people to come up and play us a dialogue between doctor and patients. And the task for others is to complete the sentences.

#1 (pills/stomach/temperature/three)

  • Good morning!

  • Good morning, doctor!

  • How can I help you?

  • I'm not feeling very well. I have awful pains in my stomach.

  • Do you have any other symptoms? A temperature, for example?

  • Well yes.

  • You'll have some kind of a stomach infection. I'll give you these pills. Take two pills three times a day.

  • Thank you, doctor.

#2 (flu/sore throat/cold/headache)

  • What is the trouble with you?

  • I've caught a bad cold.

  • Have you taken your temperature?

  • Yes, it was normal.

  • Have you a headache or a sore throat?

  • I have both.

  • Well, I'll examine you… It is not an ordinary cold. You have flu. I'll give you two prescriptions. If you don't feel better, you will have to call for me.

  • Thank you, doctor.

#3 (heart/cough/pulse)

  • What's troubling you?

  • Doctor, I have a bad cough and headache.

  • Let me examine you. I'll listen your heart and take a pulse.

  • Ok.

  • Take these pills three times a day.

  • Thank you, doctor.

X. Reflection

And at the end of our lesson I want you to make a small project "Be healthy!". You have sheet of paper and markers. In your project you should use our proverbs, new words and pictures from your books.

Present your projects!

XI. Conclusion

Our lesson is over. I thank you for your work and participation! You work hard and I'm satisfied with your marks! I want to give you these wonderful pills and wish you good luck and be healthy, wealthy and wise!

Thank you all!

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