Открытый урок английского языка на тему Привычки в еде

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 7 класс
Тип Конспекты
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Урок английского языка (7 класс)

на тему



  • teaching listening skill (listening for specific sounds and into­nation; listening for explicit information);

  • encouraging pupils to use new vocabulary communicatively in context with authentic materials;

  • incorporating vocabulary into role-plays;

  • to stimulate interest to knowing cultural traditions of food in English-speaking countries.


Vocabulary: food and drinks, food groups.

Reading: reading for detailed understanding.

Listening: listening for specific information.

Speaking: expressing likes/dislikes; giving reasons.

Communication: making dialogues.

Writing: an article about your last visit to a cafe.

Pronunciation: words and phrases often difficult to pronounce.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

Teacher. Good morning, children! Sit down! Let's start our English lesson now.

Look at the blackboard, please. There are many beautiful pictures here, they look so attractive, appetizing and delicious. That's why I think you can guess that the theme of our lesson is ...

Pupils. Meals, food, what we eat.

Teacher. Yes, you are right. The theme is "Eating Habits" (показывает на доску). Many years ago our ancestors said: "Live not to eat but eat to live" (на доске написано красным мелком). Of course, we can't live without food.

Comrades, today we'll practice in reading, we'll learn about fast-food fashion in Britain, we'll listen to a very interesting text, we'll talk about your tastes for food, we'll puzzle our brains, we'll be en­gaged in creative work.

1. Words on the theme "Food".

But to do this work we must know the words on the theme "Food" very well.

First, please, listen and repeat the sentences, which will help you to make up dialogues at the end of our lesson. They are on your sheets of paper № 1.

So, listen and repeat.

  1. Can I take your order?

  2. What about your diet?

  3. May I take your order?

  4. And for the main course?

  5. What's today special?

  6. That sounds nice.

2. Words on the theme "Meals".

Now, let's check how you know the words on the theme "Meals". Look at your sheets of paper № 1. There are food products here. Your task is to divide these words into 5 categories: vegetables, fruit, drinks, junk food, sweets (Приложение 1, с. 57).


Vegetables: broccoli, carrots, lettuce, peppers, an onion, toma­toes.

Fruit: an apple, bananas, grapes, olives, an orange, a peach, a

pear, a strawberry.

Drinks: coffee, milk, orange juice, tea. Junk food: a burger, chips, pizza. Sweets: ice-cream, chocolate, cake.

Teacher. Thank you, comrades. Nice job!

3. Game "Find the odd words".

Shall we play one more game? Look at the blackboard and find

the odd words.

  1. Bacon, beef, turkey, pork, lamb.

  2. Carrot, melon, onion, cabbage, lettuce.

  1. Beer, lemonade, tea, sugar, coffee, mineral water, juice.

  2. Grapes, apple, pear, plum, ice-cream.

  3. Butter, milk, cheese, cream, oil, yoghurt.

Teacher. Well done, children! You coped with your task quite well. And now I think you know the words very well and you can answer all my questions:

  1. How many meals a day do we have? Call them.

  2. What do you usually have for J. breakfast?

  3. Do you have your coffee t black?

  4. Where do you usually have lunch? (At school canteen.)

  5. Do you like vegetables?

  6. You like to eat ice-cream, don't you?

  7. Do you eat ice-cream in winter?

  8. Who prepares meals in your family?

  9. Who likes porridge in your family?

  1. What meal (dish) can you cook?

  2. What is your favourite dish?

  3. What do you like to drink in summer?

  4. Do you go to cafes and restaurants?

II. Основная часть.

1. Reading the text "The Fast Food Fashion".

Well, thank you for your answers. I think that now we can pass on to the text about fast food restaurants, which are so traditional for America and Britain. Please, read the text "The Fast Food Fashion", you have it on your desks, pay attention to the words written on your sheets (Приложение 2, с. 57).

Repeat after me:

ordinary - обычный, простой;

to complain - жаловаться;

disadvantage - неудобство;

formal - официальный (обстановка);

informal - неофициальный;

expensive - дорогой;

cheap -дешевый;

So, read and understand the text. Учащиеся читают текст про себя.

Ready? It's high time to continue our work. Now, please, tell me what is true and what is false. Read the sen­tences from your list.

1) The first fast food restaurants were in America.

2) Young people like fast food restaurants.

3) Customers can eat quickly in fast food restaurants.

4) Fast food restaurants aren't open in the afternoon.

5) Fast food restaurants are expensive.

6) Children don't like the atmosphere in fast food restaurants.

7) The hamburgers are sometimes too small.

8) There are a lot of tables.

Teacher. Well, thank you. Children, are there such fast food restaurants in our country?

Pupils. Yes, they are in Moscow.

Teacher. Right. Look at the blackboard, there are the names of some well-known fast food restaurants in the USA and Great Britain.

(McDonald's, Pizza Hut, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Fish and Chips.)

Учитель читает названия, эмблемы нарисованы на доске (Приложение 3, с. 58).

Teacher. Which one is the most popular?

Pupil 2. McDonald's.

Teacher. Who has ever been in McDonald's in Moscow?

Pupil 1. I have. I have visited McDonald's this year?

Teacher. What did you eat there?

Pupil 1. I ate ...

Teacher. What is the most popular dish there?

Pupil 1. Hot dog!

Teacher. Right! After the hamburger, the hot dog is the great American fast food invention. As you may know, a hot dog is a sau­sage in a bread roll. But I am sure nobody knows why it is called "hot dog"?

Just listen to the true story of the hot dog (Приложение 4, с. 59).

Учащиеся слушают рассказ.

Are you ready to discuss the text? No? Well, listen to the record once again and decide if these statements are true or false.

Предложения для задания записаны на доске. Здесь же представлены незнакомые слова из прослушиваемого текста, которые учащиеся читают вслед за учителем:

dachshund (нем.) - такса;

cartoonist - карикатурист;

to cover - давать в прессу материал;

deadline - крайний срок сдачи материала;

shivering - дрожащий;

inspiration - вдохновение;

to approach - приближаться;

to snap - подбрасывать, кусать;

to bark - лаять;

to wrap - завернуть.

Ученики слушают текст второй раз.

Задание на доске:

1) A hot dog is a type of sausage.

2) Mr. Black called a dachshund sausage "a hot dog".

3) Tad Dorgan was a businessman.

4) The name changed one cold day in the early 1900s.

5) Hot dogs usually taste hot and spicy today.

Teacher. Well, thank you, comrades. I see that you understood the text quite well.

2. Reading the text "Do you have Good Table Manners?".

But when we speak about food, we always think about guests, about visiting cafes and restaurants. And I want be sure all of you have good table manners. You'll have comfortable eating anywhere if you know some rules. Please, read the rules "Do you have Good Table Manners", written on your sheets number 3 (Приложение 5, с. 59).

Учащиеся читают правила.

Teacher. Are you ready? Have you understood the text? So, find English equivalents to my Russian sentences.

  1. Держите нож в правой руке, а вилку - в левой.

  2. Не ешьте с ножа. Это опасно!

  3. Невежливо выходить из-за стола во время еды.

  4. За столом говорите только о хорошем.

  5. Не читайте во время еды!

Teacher. Very nice! Now I am sure everybody in my group has got good table manners.

Children, are you hungry?

Pupils. Yes, we are.

Teacher. I think, it's high time to go to your restaurants. It was your hometask - to make your dialogues in a restaurant or a cafe.

Look at the blackboard, there is the menu of the Old England Restaurant, we were working with it yesterday, and this is the ap­proximate example of a dialogue in a restaurant.

На доске размещены плакаты с красиво написанным при­мерным меню и диалогом «В ресторане», а также таблица «Система денежных единиц» (см. также Приложение 6, с. 60).




-Chefs salad


- Strawberries

- French onion soup


and cream - Apple pie


and ice cream


Main Course

Cold Beverages

- Fish and chips


- Orange juice


- Spaghetti Bolognese


- Mineral water


- Steak with potatoes


- Coca-Cola:





Диалог «В ресторане»

Waiter. Good evening, sir. May I take your order1?

Tim. Yes, please, I'll have the vegetable soup to start with.

Waiter. And for the main course?

Tim. I'm not sure. What's today special?

Waiter. It's grilled fish with carrots.

Tim. That sounds nice. I'll have that, please.

Waiter. Would you like anything to drink?

T i m. A large glass of mineral water, please.

Waiter. Ok.

Система денежных единиц

65p = sixty-five [pi:] (or pence)

£1 = a pound / one pound

£1,50 = one pound fifty (pence)

£2,75 = two pounds seventy-five (pence)

Teacher. And now, your dialogues, dear children. Which pair will be the first? Are there any volunteers? Опрашивается несколько пар.

III. Итог урока. Объяснение домашнего задания.

Teacher. Very nice. There'll be the bell soon. Let's stop here. For your homework: make up a story about your latest visit of a cafe or restaurant.

Thank you, comrades, for your work, we were working hard to­day. We have revised the words on the theme "Food", have known a lot of interesting things about eating habits in Great Britain and the USA, about fast-food fashion and "a hot dog", we have visited your restaurants.

Your marks for today are .

The lesson is over. Good-bye. You may go.

Pupil. Just a moment, please. Today is the first day of our group cafe. It's name is "Finger licking good". We want to advertise our samples, we give out our wafers for free. Taste yourself!


Приложение 1

Задание. Divide these food products into 5 categories:




junk food


An apple, bananas, ice-cream, broccoli, a burger, carrots, coffee, chips, grapes, lettuce, olives, an onion, chocolate, an orange, orange juice, a peach, milk, a pear, pizza, a strawberry, tea, tomatoes, cake, peppers.


Fast food restaurants started in America but now you can find them all over the world. Britain is no exception! The food that you eat there is familiar to us all - hamburgers and chips, apple pie and a milk-shake or a Coke. Fast food restaurants are very popular With young people. I interviewed some customers in London to find out the reasons for this popularity.

One obvious reason is that you can eat very quickly in such res­taurants. 17-year-old secretary Claudia Black said: "I don't have a long lunch break, only an hour, from one to two o'clock. In fast food restaurants you get your food very quickly, so I always get back to the office at 2 o'clock". Another reason is that you can eat there when you want; they're open from 10 o'clock in the morning to 12 o'clock at night. Claudia said: "After the cinema or the disco, I can have a hamburger if I'm hungry".

Fast food restaurants are also very cheap. Peter Harding, a bank clerk from Brixton , told me: "I can come here with my wife and two children, and it only costs about £12".

A lot of adults don't like the bright colours which are a charac­teristic of fast food restaurants, but children seem to like them ... and the informal atmosphere. As Peter Harding Said: "My chil­dren really enjoy coming here. Traditional restaurants are too formal for them".

The customers that I interviewed only made one or two criti­cisms. 15-year-old Chris Jones complained about the size of the hamburgers: "Ordinary hamburgers aren't very big". Claudia com­plained that it's sometimes difficult to find a table. "There aren't many tables," she said, "and there are always a lot of people. But that's because fast food is so popular!" But young customers aren't very worried about these disadvantages. They like the cheap, attrac­tive food and the relaxed atmosphere. So perhaps fast food isn't just a fashion!


Открытый урок английского языка на тему Привычки в еде

Приложение 4


(текст для аудирования)

July is known in the United States as National Hot Dog Month. Hot dogs used to be called hot dachshunds sausages. The name changed one cold day in the early 1900s, so one story goes. Sports cartoonist Tad Dorgan was covering a baseball game in New York City. Deadline was approaching, and Dorgan needed a cartoon idea. He watched shivering fans snap up hot dachshund sausage sandwiches. Suddenly he had an inspiration. He drew a cartoon of barking sausages wrapped warmly in rolls. Dorgan didn't know how to spell "dachshund". So, he wrote "hot dogs". The name became popular. Now hot dogs are one of the nation's most popular food.

Открытый урок английского языка на тему Привычки в еде


  • Keep the knife in the right hand, the fork in the left.

  • It's not polite to take the biggest piece. Don't put your elbows on the table.

  • Put your napkin on your lap.

  • It's not polite to leave the table during meal.

  • Cut your meal into small pieces, one piece at a time.

  • Don't eat from your knife. It's dangerous.

  • Don't talk with your mouth full.

  • Never read while eating.

  • Only talk about nice things at the dinner table.

  • Take a slice of bread from the bread plate with you hand. Don't take your bread with a fork.

  • Finally, don't forget to say, "Thank you".


Find all the words hidden in the word square. There are 17 words connected with food. Solutions can be found horizontally and verti­cally. Find them and write down in your copybooks.

Открытый урок английского языка на тему Привычки в еде

В.А. Полуэктова

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