Экзаменационные вопросы по фонетике английского языка для учащихся лингвистических колледжей (II курс)

Данные экзаменационные вопросы составлены для учащихся 2 - 3-го курсов лингвистических колледжей. Включают в себя все темы пройденные за весь период обучения: Фонетика и ее связь с другими лингвистическими дисциплинами (стилистика, грамматика, лексикология, страноведение); связь фонетики с нелингвистическими дисциплинами; Фонетический строй английского языка; Цели и задачи дисциплины "Фонетика английского языка"; Классификация гласных и согласных звуков; Особенности сонорных в английском языке; ...
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Тип Тесты
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Теоретическая фонетика английского языка

Теоретические вопросы

1. Phonetics and its connection with other linguistic and non-linguistic sciences.

2. Methods and devices of phonetic investigation.

3. The history of phonetic development.

4. The aim and objectives of phonetics.

5. Role of phonetics in teaching foreign languages.

6. Acoustic properties of sounds.

7. Branches of phonetics.

8. Important dates in the phonetic development.

9. Phonetics as an independent branch of linguistics.

10. The aim and objectives of special phonetics.

11. The aim and objectives of general phonetics.

12. Connection of phonetics with grammar.

13. Connection of phonetics with lexicology.

14. Connection of phonetics with stylistics.

15. Importance of sound interchange as a phonetic phenomenon.

16. Articulatory aspect of phonetics.

17. Acoustic aspect of phonetics.

18. Phonological or functional aspect of phonetics.

19. Aims and objectives of the theoretical phonetics of the English language.

20. Main properties of sounds.

21. The major problems of the theoretical phonetics.

22. Give examples to prove that phonetics is an independent science.

23. Confirm the importance of phonetics as a science by giving examples.

24. Give examples demonstrating connection of phonetics with other linguistic sciences.

25. Give examples that highlight the importance of a vowel interchange as a phonetic phenomenon.

26. Sounds of speech as acoustic and articulatory units of speech.

27. Three aspects of speech sounds.

28. The acoustic aspect of speech sounds.

29. The articulatory and physiological aspect of a speech sound.

30. Sound frequency and its connection with the pitch of the voice.

31. A speech sound from the acoustic point of view.

32. Sound intensity, its characteristics and properties.

33. Sound duration, its characteristics and properties.

34. Difference between fundamental tones and partial tones.

35. By what means is the analysis of a sound frequency is carried out?

36. The four mechanisms of speech, functions and role of each.

37. The power mechanism of speech.

38. The vibrator mechanism of speech.

39. The resonator mechanism of speech.

40. The obstructor mechanism of speech.

41. Articulatory differences between vowels, consonants and sonorants.

42. The three articulatory criteria of sounds.

43. Peculiarities of consonants.

44. Peculiarities of vowels.

45. Peculiarities of sonorants.

46. Place of sound interchange among other phonetic phenomena of speech.

47. Connection of phonetics with linguistic sciences.

48. Connection of phonetics with non-linguistic sciences.

49. Systematize the problems of phonetics and contrast your point.

50. Write about the achievements of modern theoretical studies.

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