Конспект урока по английскому языку в 5 классе We are Ukainians

Topic:  !SNAINIARKU ERA EW (We are Ukrainians!) Objectives: to systematize pupils’ knowledge on the theme; to teach pupils to generalize the material; to develop pupils’ listening & reading skills; to develop pupils’ speech habits; to teach pupils to be quick – witted; to cultivate pupils’ love for their native land. Цілі: активізувати в мові учнів лексичні одиниці теми; активізувати навички мовленнєвої діяльності, формувати вміння чітко висловлювати свої думки; розвивати вміння працювати в ...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 5 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат doc
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Конспект урока по английскому языку в 5 классе We are Ukainians

Конспект урока по английскому языку в 5 классе We are Ukainians

Солодка Олександра Леонідівна,

вчитель англійської мови,

Topic: !SNAINIARKU ERA EW (We are Ukrainians!)

Objectives: to systematize pupils' knowledge on the theme; to teach pupils to generalize the material; to develop pupils' listening & reading skills; to develop pupils' speech habits; to teach pupils to be quick - witted; to cultivate pupils' love for their native land.

Цілі: активізувати в мові учнів лексичні одиниці теми; активізувати навички мовленнєвої діяльності, формувати вміння чітко висловлювати свої думки; розвивати вміння працювати в групах, розвивати мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію; виховувати почуття любові до рідного краю, гордості за свою країну.

Equipment: a map of Ukraine, the pictures of different places, cards, a tape with text, a tape recorder, flash cards, handouts.

План уроку

І. Вводна частина.

1. Оргмомент.

2. Робота в групах.

3. Ознайомлення з темою, метою уроку.

4. Мотивація (запрошення).

5. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

ІІ. Основна частина.

  1. Практика навичків читання та письма ("ажурна пилка").

  2. Проектна робота.

ІІІ. Заключна частина.

  1. Пісня.

  2. Гра "Розумний м'ячик".

  3. Самооцінювання.

  4. Домашнє завдання.


  1. Introduction

1.Good morning, dear friends. I'm very glad to see you at our lesson of English.

- Good morning! How are you?

WКонспект урока по английскому языку в 5 классе We are Ukainianse're very happy

To say "Hello" to you.

-Dear pupils but who is on duty today?

2. Work in pairs

-I'm on duty today.

-Alex, is anybody absent?

-No. Everybody is present.

-Is everybody ready for the lesson?

-Yes, we are.

-What country do we live in?

-We live in Ukraine.

-Are you proud of your country?

-Yes, we are.

3. Today we continue speaking about our Motherland - Ukraine, its regions, our native city. Try to guess what the topic of the lesson is…

We are Ukrainians!

Right you. By the end of the lesson we should be able:

  • to activate the words & expressions at the previous lessons by using them in oral speech; to show your ability of operating facts about Ukraine, its regions, our native city; to develop your listening & reading skills; to develop your speech habits.

4. Children, I want to say, that you're really good pupils. It's a pleasure to work with you!

But first of all let's find where we are?

This is the invitation. Read it please.


We invite you to the heart of your Motherland & we'll be glad to see you here.

So you are there.

  1. Warming - up

Before we start talking about Ukraine, its regions, our native city, I'd like to know how you imagine a big city. I'll give you a definition & your task is to guess what it starts for.

-Do you know the names of town's features? Let's check your knowledge.

1. You get money here (Bank).

2. You can catch a bus here (Bus stop)

3. You see films here (Cinema)

4. You can have a cup of coffee (Cafe)

5. You go here to pray (Church)

6. You go here when you're sick (Hospital)

7. You take books here (Library)

8. You buy fruits & vegetables here (Market)

9. You can buy things here (Shopping centre)

10. You watch a match here (Stadium).

Good for you. What city has so many features?

-Our capital. Yes, you are right. It's our capital.

ІІ. Основна частина.

  1. Reading and writing ("ажурна пилка")

I see that you're acquainted with big cities. So in my opinion it's high time to read the text about Kyiv. The capital of our country is Kyiv. It's an ancient & beautiful city. What is it? Let's learn this from the text. Read the extracts of the text you've got in groups. Finish reading & change your places, share your information with the pupils in other groups.

The capital of Ukraine is Kyiv, a beautiful and ancient city. The founders of Kyiv are Kyi, Schek & Horiv. More than 3 million people live here. Kyiv stands on the Dnipro - the biggest Ukrainian river.


There are several bridges over it. Khreshchatyk is the main street of the capital. People like to walk along the street. Maidan Nezalezhnosti (it means Independence Square) is in the centre of the city.


There are many places of interest in Kyiv: St. Sophia Cathedral, Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, monuments to Prince Volodymyr and to hetman Bohdan Khmelnytskyi, the Golden Gate and many others.


It is a very beautiful place with lots of people walking around. The symbol of the city is the chestnut leaf. Chestnut trees make Kyiv very beautiful, especially in springtime.


Now split into 4 groups.

PКонспект урока по английскому языку в 5 классе We are Ukainiansost - reading discussion (Диференційоване завдання було дано учню: перекласти з української мови на англійську питання, які він зараз задаватиме цілому класу)

  1. Is Kyiv a new city?

  2. How many people live in the capital?

  3. What is the biggest river of Ukraine?

  4. What is the name of the main street?

  5. What is in the centre of Kyiv?

  6. What is the symbol of the city?

  7. Are there many places of interest?

Take your places & do the tasks in your groups.

The first group will fill in the gapes:

The capital of Ukraine is ..…….., a ………… and ………city. …….. is the main street of……… There are many places of interest in Kyiv:..…….. Cathedral, Kyiv-Pechersk..……., monuments to ….…and to hetman……., the ..……. Gate and many others. The symbol of the city is the……….


The second group will complete the sentences:

The capital of Ukraine is___________. Khreshchatyk is___________. There are many places of interest in Kyiv: __________. The symbol of the city is ______________.


The third group will correct the wrong statements:

The capital of Ukraine is Kharkiv, a beautiful and new city. Sobornaya is the main street of the capital. There are many places of interest in Kyiv: St. Sophia Cathedral, Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, monuments to Prince Volodymyr and to hetman Bohdan Khmelnytskyi, the Golden Gate and many others. The symbol of the city is the ship.


The fourth group will match 2 halves of the sentences:

Kyiv is

one of the places of interest.

The founders of Kyiv are

the central square of the city.

The symbol of Kyiv is

a chestnut leaf.

St. Sophia Cathedral is

the main street of Kyiv.

Maidan Nezalezhnosti is

ancient city.

Khreschatyk is

Kyi, Schek and Horiv.

Give me your sheets of paper.

  1. Project Work

Let's finish our lesson with Project Work

AКонспект урока по английскому языку в 5 классе We are Ukainianss you know the pupils of our form were divided into 3 creative groups. Their homework was to perform the following tasks. Group N 1, present your material!


We have guests.

- We have made up the dialogue.

-We're from America.

-We're from Ukraine.

- I'm an interviewer.

Interviewer: How do you imagine Kyiv?

American boy: I imagine there are many cowboys in Kyiv.

Interviewer: & what about you?

American girl: In Kyiv they wear their Ukrainian national costumes.

Interviewer: What do you think?

American boy: It's a very hot place with palm - trees & heavy transport.

Interviewer: And you?

American girl: I imagine Kyiv as a great wonderful city to live in. The children are very lucky to live there.

Interviewer: And how do you imagine Kyiv?

American boy: It's very cold in Kyiv in winter, isn't? Children can skate & ski all the year round.

Interviewer: What do you think, Ukranians?

Ukranian boy: Kyiv is a beautiful and ancient city. Khreshchatyk is the main street of the capital.

Ukranian girl: There are many places of interest in Kyiv: St. Sophia Cathedral, Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, monuments to Prince Volodymyr and to hetman Bohdan Khmelnytskyi, the Golden Gate and many others.

Thank you. We really enjoyed your dialogue.

Group N 2 Act out such situation:

You are planning to make a photo album of your native city\region (with photos & pictures). Describe the buildings which pictures you would like to have in your album.

-Our task was to find the sightseeings of our native city & present them to the class. We'll describe a certain place of our native city & your task will be to guess & name it

-It's the main street in Nikolayev. We can see old houses & modern buildings o shops & cafes. A lot of people go there every day.

-Classical Ukrainian & modern operas are performed here.

- It's the most ancient church (Cathedral) in Nikolayev. The name of it is in honor of the saint of our city.

- Many children go there to have lunch, to eat ice - cream & other American food.

- It's the place where children like to skate.

- It's the most favourite place for children where they can play, jump, run all day long.

- It's the place where children swim & swim & swim.

- There are a lot of animals in this place.

Thank you. It was useful to check your knowledge about our native city.

Group N3 In your small group create a poster devoted to the topic"The city of your dream"

It's the Moon city. It's in the Moon region. It stands on the Star river. The Moon city is 1 hundred years old. 5 million people live here. It was famous for its space buildings. Well - known star people live & visit it. There are a lot of stars on the roads of the Moon city. Some people live in spaceships, some- on other planets. You can see space banks & space markets, space cinemas & theatres, space shops & space concert hall, etc. All places of interests are space. People of the Moon city use spaceships as a transport. There is a legend about this city: star kids played & played on the moon & built a whole city made of stars. The symbol of the Moon city is spaceship with stars. You are welcome! I'm sure you'll love it.

Thank you. It was a real pleasure to listen to you.

  1. Summing - up

1. Now let's continue our lesson. We live in the beautiful country. It's rich in hard - working, talented & kind people. Let's sing the song about them "Ukraine is our Motherland". (Ex. 3p. 153)

Children, how do you understand this song?

I think this song tells us, that we must not forget about the place where we were burn. We have to remember that it is wonderful!

Very often we do not notice people around us, but it is our life!

And our life will be poor, if we shall not respect each other.

2. & now to finish with let's summarize the information about Ukraine, its regions, our native city. Each of you should say only 1 sentence about Ukraine, its regions, our native city (Play "A clever ball"). Today we have learnt a lot of facts about Ukraine.

3. Children, you were very active & hard - working during the lesson. & now I want you to estimate each other. Work in groups, please. The first group will estimate the second group, & the second group will estimate the third group, etc. I give you 1 minute.


The first group

The second group

The third group

The fourth group

Work in groups

Warming - up


Project Work

Play "A clever ball"

You'll have got marks at the next lesson including your estimate.

  1. Home assignment

Make a short report about Ukraine & prepare a crossword.

Now stand up,

Jump up high,

Wave your hand

And say "Good - bye".

Конспект урока по английскому языку в 5 классе We are Ukainians

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