Итоговый тест по английскому языку для 4 класса

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 4 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат doc
Изображения Нет
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Final Test (for the 4th form).

I. Лексический раздел.

1. Выбери лишнее слово:

a) Maths, English, History, Monday, Music

b) spring, hot, summer, winter, autumn

2. Какое это время года?

The weather is often rainy. It is usually windy and cloudy. But the forest is very nice. The trees are yellow, red, orange and brown.

a) It is winter. b) It is spring. c) It is autumn. d) It is summer.

3. Выбери правильный ответ.

Grass is ______________ in summer.

a) blue b) yellow c) green d) grey

4. О каком учебном предмете идет речь?

«I am good with numbers. I like to do sums."

a) Music b) English c) Maths d) Art

II. Грамматический раздел.

1. Выбери нужный вариант.

1. We travel _________________.

a) by ship b) under airplane c) with bus d) at train

2.Найди неправильный вариант образования 3-х степеней сравнения прилагательных

a) long - longer - the longest

b) interesting - more interesting - the most interesting

c) good - better - the best

d) hot - more hot - the most hot

3. Выбери нужное местоимение:

There are ____________toys in the box.

a) some b) any

4. Выбери нужное местоимение:

Are there ____________ pencils in the pencil case?

a) some b) any c) no

5. I get ___ very early every day.

a) on b) up c) off

6. Where did you go last summer?

a) in June b) on Monday c) to the mountains

7. _______ you have many friends?

a) Do b) Does c) Are

8. There ______ a table and two chairs in the room.

a) is b) am c) are

2.Вставьте глагол to be (is, am, are).
1) My jeans ____ blue.
2) The furniture in the sitting room ____ very expensive.
3) I ____ happy today.
5) Where _____ the children?
6) My sister's eyes ____ dark and her hair ____ fair.

3. Найдите и подчеркните предложение в Present Simple (Настоящее простое время).

1) Look! Kate is skating!

2) I have got a big family.

III. Чтение.

Primary school - Начальная школа

Secondary school - Средняя школа

Schools in Great Britain

In Great Britain boys and girls begin to go to school when they are five years old. Some boys and girls go to school till they are fifteen years old, others go up to sixteen or eighteen.

English schools are open five days a week. On Saturdays and Sundays there are no lessons.

There are primary and secondary schools in Great Britain. English children begin to go to a secondary school when they are eleven or older. There are different kinds of secondary schools in Britain. Some secondary schools are only for boys, some are only for girls and some are for boys and girls. Some schools prepare pupils for work, others for the university.

1. Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений 1-5 соответствуют содержанию текста (True) какие не соответствуют (False).

  1. In Great Britain boys and girls begin to go to school when they are six.


  1. English schools work five days a week.


  1. On Saturdays and Sundays pupils have lessons.

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