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Reading - test №3

  1. Read Amanda's article about her brother's problem. Seven sentences are missing. Match sentences A - H with the gaps (1 - 7). There is one extra sentence that you do not need to use.

A Who do you usually get angry with?

B Last month or last year?

C The force of it made my head spin.

D I showed the quote to Alex, who smiled.

E That explanation made a lot of sense.

F So it all turned out OK in the end.

G Later on he apologized and tried to explain what had made him so mad.

H That is not easy.

Spot the danger signs

You know when a cartoon character gets really angry, and his face goes pink, then red, his hands clench into tight fists, he jumps up and down and finally steam starts pouring out of his head? That's what my brother looked like last week when I borrowed his CD without asking. Of course, he didn't really have steam coming out of his ears but you could feel the pressure in the room. Then he just yelled at me for about a minute.

1) … . "Ok. Calm down. I'm sorry!" I shouted back. I was dead shocked. My brother Alex is

my twin, and we're really alike, usually quite laid-back and easy-doing.. Where did all this anger come from all of a sudden? I decided to let Alex cool down for a bit. 2)…. It wasn't just me taking the CD without asking. His girlfriend had dumped him, but he hadn't told anyone, so he was feeling down about that. His Science teacher had set a really tough project which he didn't understand. He had a Maths test the next morning and he just wanted to try and chill out by listening to his favorite band for half an hour, but I'd taken the CD. It was all too much pressure and he'd just seen red. The whole episode made me think: could I lose my temper like that? When was the last time I got really, really cross? 3)…. No, it was probably when I was about three and Mum wouldn't buy me sweets in the supermarket! But what if I just suddenly "snapped" like Alex?

The next time I was on the Internet doing some research for a History project, I came across this great quote:

Anybody can become angry, that's easy;

But to be angry with the right person,

And to the right degree,

And at the right time,

And for the right purpose,

And in the right way,

That is not within everybody's power.

4)… .

Do you recognize it? These words were written by Aristotle over 2,300 years ago. Anger is not new. It is very old. The thing is it always feels new and immediate to the person who is angry. 5) …. "Is there any more advice out there? Have a look," he suggested.

We found a great site which explained about different kinds of anger. There's a whole range when you think about it. The anger that most of us feel most often is irritation. Lots of little things irritate us every day and make us feel fed up, but they soon pass. If these irritating things happen a bit more often, we start to get cross and annoyed. Then, when something really big or unexpected hits you, you might get really mad. Even that's OK. The main problem comes if all these irritating and annoying things build up over time. Then one day you might suddenly fly into a rage, just over something quite small and unimportant. 6) …. The best advice I found was to make a list as that can really help. On the list you should ask yourself questions. For example, What makes you angry? 7) …. Of course, sometimes it can be really good for you to get angry. If you don't deal with the things that make you angry, you end up keeping those feelings inside. This just results

in more stress and can even make you feel ill. So, it's OK to let your anger out. It can be quite a refreshing emotion. Alex and I both know a lot more about it now, and about ourselves, too.








2) Текст "Self-study tips" содержит семь абзацев 0-6.

Для абзацев 1-6,подберите правильный заголовок A-L из списка заголовков, приведенного ниже. 5 заголовков - лишние. Абзац (0) приведен в качестве примера. Занесите ответы в таблицу.

Пример: (0) - C

List of headings

A Consult your teacher

B Take a break

C Make a timetable

D Create a working place

E Sit comfortably

F Study at home

G Talk about your work

H Photocopy important material

I Make catalogue references

J Use the library

K Prioritise your work

L Exercise regularly



However difficult you find it to arrange your time, it will pay off in the long run if you set aside a certain part of the day for studying - and stick to it. It is best to make a weekly allocation of your time, making sure that you have enough left for recreational activities or simply to be 'with' yourself: reading a novel or watching a television programme.


As part of your weekly schedule, it is also advisable to consider exactly what you have to do in that week, and make sure that you tackle the most significant tasks first, leaving the easier or less urgent areas of your work until later.


On a physical level, make sure that you have an area or space for studying. Don't do it just anywhere. If you always study in the same place, preferably a room of your own, you will find it easier to adjust mentally to the activity when you enter that area. You should have everything that you might need at hand.


Make sure that all the physical equipment that you use, such as a desk, chair etc. is at a good height for you. If you use a personal computer, there are plenty of guidelines available from the government on posture, angles, lighting and the like. Consult these and avoid the typical student aches and pains.


If you are doing a long essay or research paper which involves the use of library books or other articles, it helps to keep details of the titles and authors on small cards in a card box. It is also a good idea to log these alphabetically so that you can find them easily - rather like keeping telephone numbers. It's all too easy to read something and then forget where it came from.


Make use of equipment that is available to you. If you find a useful article in the library, it is best to make a copy of the relevant pages before you leave. Then, when you get back to your study, you can mark the article and make any comments that you have in the ;background: #ffffff; line-height: 0.18in"> If you are working on a topic your teacher has set, but finding it hard to concentrate, it may be that you actually need to take your mind right off it for a period of time. 'Airing the mind' can work wonders sometimes. After a period away from the task, having not thought about it at all, you may return to it refreshed and full of ideas.







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