План урока At the Zoo

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс -
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
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Lesson plan



  1. To use lexical material in speech

  2. To develop reading, speaking and writing skills.

Equipment: a tape recorder, texts, pictures, hand-outs.


I. Introduction

T.: Good morning, dear children! I see that all pupils are present today. How are you today? That's OK! Let's begin our lesson.

Today we are going to speak about animals at the Zoo. We are going to do some exercises on reading, speaking and writing.

II. Warming-up.

Вот и пришли мы to the Zoo.

Кто живет там, покажу.

Это tiger, грозный lion,

Это Гена-crocodile.

Мышка-mouse, кошка-cat.

Вот и giraffe,их сосед

elephant, a bear, frog.

Крошка fish и носорог.

III. Main part

  1. Pre-reading

Put these letters in the correct order to make up the names of the wild animals.

Pair work.

Hantelep-elephant, affegir-giraffe, noil-lion, regti-tiger, lecrodico-crocodile, lowf-wolf, xof-fox, nomyke - monkey, irdb-bird, aerb-bear.

  1. Reading

Mute reading

Read the text" At the Zoo"

On Sundays Tom likes to go to the Zoo with his mother and brother. They get up early and at ten o'clock they are at the Zoo.

At the Zoo they can see many wild animals: elephants and giraffes, lions and tigers, monkeys and crocodiles, wolves and foxes, white bears and brown bears. They can see many birds, too.

Tom likes to watch monkeys. They are nice, clever and funny animals. They like to jump, run and play. They like to eat fruit.

His brother Mike likes to watch white bears. They are big animals. They can swim in the water very well. They like to eat meat and fish.

Tom and Mike do not like to watch crocodiles. They are angry animals.

  1. Post-reading activities

  1. Matching ( arrange in pairs)

Clever monkey

Funny crocodile

Big bear

Angry elephant

  1. Answer the questions:

When do they go to the Zoo?

What wild animals can they see at the Zoo?

What does Tom like to watch? Why?

What do monkeys like to eat?

What does Mike like to watch? Why?

What can white bears do?

What do they like to eat?

Do children like to watch crocodiles? Why?

IV. Relaxation

Physical exercises

V. Language Game

Group work

Draw the animal and make up the riddle about animal together.

VI. Now children tell me please your riddles

VI. Home Assignment

VIII. Summing-up

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