What will happen?

Theme: What will happen? Objectives: SWAT study names of important events, will questions and short answers, ask                           and answer questions about the future. Materials: computer, screen, tapes, interactive board.  Procedure: 1.Introduction-greeting,date,attendance. 2.Warm-up: Important events.Ex.1. Match the words with the pictures: 1.take exams                                                 2.pass exams 3.fail exams 4.leave school 5.get a job 6.go abroad 7.go out with someone 8.fall in love 9.get married. 3.Presentation. What will happen? Ex.2a. Let’s look at the photo.  Now answer the question: Is Matt talking about the past, the present or the future? S1:I think that Matt is talking about  the future. Ex.2b.Now,close your books and listen to Matt’s questions.            What does he ask about – how many things can you remember. S1.Where will I live? S2.Will we walk on Mars one day? S3.Will I win the race next Saturday? S4.Will my brother pass his exams? S5.Will I get a job? S6.Will  Natalie go out with me? Ex.2c.Now, let’s match  Matt’s questions with these answers. Let’s listen and check:1.d. 2.b.  3.e. 4.a.5.f. 6.c. 4.Practice.
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Аты-жөні,тегі: Айтқулова Айгүл Суюнбековна Ұлты: қазақ

Туған жылы,айы,күні: 1966.10.09.

Мамандығы: ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі

Еңбек өтілі: 22 жыл.

Санаты: жоғары.

Әдістемелік тақырыбы: «Ағылшын тілі сабағына инновациялық жаңа технологияларды енгізу».

Мектебі: Ю.Гагарин атындағы негізгі мектебі

Lesson plan

Grade:7 b

Theme: What will happen?

Objectives: SWAT study names of important events, will questions and short answers, ask and answer questions about the future.

Materials: computer, screen, tapes, interactive board.



2.Warm-up: Important events.Ex.1.

Match the words with the pictures:

1.take exams What will happen?

2.pass exams

3.fail exams

4.leave school

5.get a job

6.go abroad

7.go out with someone

8.fall in love

9.get married.

3.Presentation. What will happen? Ex.2a. Let's look at the photo.

What will happen?

Now answer the question: Is Matt talking about the past, the present or the future?

S1:I think that Matt is talking about the future.

Ex.2b.Now,close your books and listen to Matt's questions.

What does he ask about - how many things can you remember.

S1.Where will I live?

S2.Will we walk on Mars one day?

S3.Will I win the race next Saturday?

S4.Will my brother pass his exams?

S5.Will I get a job?

S6.Will Natalie go out with me?

Ex.2c.Now, let's match Matt's questions with these answers. Let's listen and check:1.d.

2.b. 3.e. 4.a.5.f. 6.c.


Ex.3. Let's work with key grammar. Let's complete the table.What will happen?

Let's do Ex,4a. Let's put the words in the right order and make questions.What will happen?

Let's do Ex.4b. Think of answers for the questions in 4a,then ask and answer:

S1: Will I be famous one day?-Yes, you will.

S2: Will Matt pass his maths exam?-Yes, he will.

S3: Will Real Madrid win next Sunday?- Perhaps it will.

S4: When will Tim and Sue get married?- I don't know. Maybe next year.

S5:Will it rain tomorrow?- No it won't.

S6: Will you leave school soon?- No, I won't. I'll leave school in 2018.

Let's do Ex.4c. You will test a friend: be /tomorrow/cold/it/ will?

Will it be cold tomorrow?

Let's do " Try this! ".

What will happen?

Leave, abroad, pass, fail, exams, married.

5.Production. Let's do Ex.5. Listen to the poem, then repeat it: What will happen?

Practise the "w" sounds.

Now, Let's do Ex.6a. Listen to the song. Do we know what will happen to the man in the park?What will happen?

Let's do Ex.6b, complete the questions from the song: 1. Where … he … tonight?

2. Will he … warm tonight?

3. What … … bring?

Now, let's listen to the song once more and check. Let's do Ex.6c. Share your ideas about the old man and the other people in the park: 1. Where will he sleep tonight?

S1: He'll probably sleep under a bridge.

2. Will other people be warm tonight?

S2: Yes, they will.

3.Will other people talk to him?

S3: No, they won't.

Writing and speaking. Questions about the future. Write at least 3 questions.:

1.What you will do next week? I will go to the internet club with my friend.

2. Will you write an amail to your friend? Yes I will.

3. Where will you go then? We"ll go to the birthday party

6. Evaluation.

7. Home work: WB. Ex.1-5 p52-53.

Ю.Гагарин атындағы негізгі мектебі.


"What will happen?"

(Ағылшын тілі)

Пән мұғалімі:А. Айткулова


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