Сборник упражнений и заданий

Данная разработка предназначена для использования на уроках английского языка.  В разработке содержатся упражнения, направленнные на закрепление лексики к каждому уроку английского языка (для 6 и 7- классов  К учебнику И. Н. Верещагиной, О. В. Афанасьевой).  Предлагаемая разработка предназначена для тренинга и текущего контроля по английскому языку в 6-7-х классах общеобразовательных учреждений. Сборник включает в себя лексические упражнения и тексты. Данная разработка предназначена для учащихся...
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Упражнение к уроку 1. (Английский язык И.Н.Верещагина 5 год обучения. 6 класс)

Match the words with their meanings

A dancer

A person who catches fish

A baker

A person who works in hospital and helps doctors

A singer

A person who sews clothes

A doctor

A person who drives cars and trucks

A fireman

A person who treats people

A fisherman

A person who sales food and clothes in different kind of shops

A tailor

A person who types different documents

A postman

A person who sings a lot

A driver

A person who works in the office and helps the boss with letters and other papers

A teacher

A person who bakes tasty things

A salesman

A person who dances a lot

A nurse

A person who fights fire

A secretary

A person who goes from house to house to bring mail

A typist

A person who teaches

Упражнение к уроку 1 (Английский язык И.Н.Верещагина 5 год обучения.6 класс)

Make a story about yourself.

What is your name?

My name is …

What is your surname?

My surname is …

Where are you from?

I am from … (Russia)

Where do you live?

I live in … (Nizhne-


What is your address?

My address is … (18 Omskaya Street flat 12)

Where were you born?(What is your place of birth?)

I was born …

When were you born? (What is your date of birth?)

I was born …

Упражнение к уроку 4 (Английский язык И.Н.Верещагина 5 год обучения.6 класс)

Make a dialogue answering the following questions.

- Do you like to travel by fast or by slow train?

  • Do you know where can we get information about bus timetable?

  • Do you like to take pictures by camera?

  • Are you a traveller now?

  • When must you take through the passport control?

  • Have you ever seen the arrival of the President?

  • Do you know anything about the departure of your friend?

  • Have you ever checked your luggage in?

  • Have you ever gone through the Customs?

  • Who checks your luggage in?

  • Where can you buy tickets for concerts, show or other performance?

  • What's the fare from Nizhnevartovsk to Moscow?

Упражнение к уроку 6 (Английский язык И.Н.Верещагина 5 год обучения.6 класс)

Match the words with their meanings

  1. curious

  1. to go up

  1. explore

  1. a large group of people living together

  1. set

  1. eager to learn

  1. rise

  1. to divide the continents

  1. continue

  1. to go down

  1. separate

  1. to travel in unknown lands for the purpose of discovery

  1. nation

  1. to go on

Упражнение к уроку 6 (Английский язык И.Н.Верещагина5 год обучения. 6 класс)

Open the brackets.

  1. One of my friends is very (любознательный). He asks a lot of questions at the lessons of biology.

  2. Amudsen (исследовал) the North Polar.

  3. Amerigo Vispuchi is a famous Spanish (исследователь).

  4. (Исследование) of space begin in Russia in 1957.

  5. The sun (встает) in the west.

  6. It (садится) in the east.

  7. The rain may (продолжается) for weeks in India.

  8. The Urals (разделяет) Europe from Asia.

  9. Russians are a peaceful (государство).

  10. (Национальный) Park is a protected area.

  11. What is your (национальность)? - I'm Russian.

Упражнение к уроку 8 (Английский язык И.Н.Верещагина5 год обучения.6 класс)

Open the brackets.

  1. Where can I find her? - (среди) the flowers.

  2. My friend loves (свежий) bread.

  3. The fireman (спас) the child from the burning house.

  4. Lake Baikal is the (глубокий) in the world.

  5. The Urals are not very (высокий).

  6. The planes fly (высоко) in the sky.

  7. We couldn't see the bird. It (спряталась) in the bushes.

Упражнение к тексту "Animals in danger"урока 8 (Английский язык И.Н.Верещагина 5 год обучения. 6 класс)

Read the text and say if the following statements are true, false or not mentioned in the text.

  1. People live on different continents and in different countries.

  2. They don't depend on their planet, on the sun, on animals and plants around the.

  3. Many seas are disappearing.

  4. Many animals and birds changed their habitat.

  5. Many animals and birds are in danger.

  6. Tigers and elephants are very kind animals.

  7. People kill tigers to save their domestic animals.

  8. Some people have often hunted tigers for fun and for their beautiful skin.

  9. The result is fun.

  10. Many of Indian tigers are old and sick.

  11. They hide high in the mountains.

  12. In the 19th century Africa was full of elephants.

  13. These days there are not many of them except in African parks.

  14. Many less dangerous wild animals and birds are also disappearing from the Earth.

Упражнение к уроку 9 (Английский язык И.Н.Верещагина 5 год обучения. 6 класс)

Match English words with Russian equivalents


a) примула


b) эмблема


c) нарцисс


d) подснежник


e) приятный


f) фиолетовый


g) взбираться


h) мак


i) пахнуть


j) цвести

  1. lily

  1. жимолость

  1. chrysanthemum

  1. лилия

  1. honeysuckle

  1. маргаритка

  1. daisy

  1. хризантема

Упражнение к уроку 9 (Английский язык И.Н.Верещагина 5 год обучения. 6 класс)

Fill in the gaps.

  1. (примула ) appears in February.

  2. (примула) is a spring flower.

  3. All fruit trees (цветут) in spring

  4. (нарцисс) is a very beautiful spring flower.

  5. (нарцисс) (пахнет) very (приятно).

  6. (лилия) (пахнет) very (приятно) too.

  7. (маргаритки и мак) are my mother's favourite flowers.

  8. (подснежник) is the first flower which appear in spring.

  9. (подснежник) is the (эмблема) of Wales.

Упражнение к уроку 9 (Английский язык И.Н.Верещагина 5 год обучения. 6 класс)

Put the letters in the words in order.












Упражнение к уроку 9 (Английский язык И.Н.Верещагина 5 год обучения. 6 класс)

Read the words.











Текст для прослушивания к уроку 9 (Английский язык И.Н.Верещагина 5 год обучения. 6 класс)

A dream.

Once upon a time a little girl lived. Her name was Gerda. She lived in the country where the winter was long and cold and the summer was very short.

Gerda liked summer. She liked green trees and beautiful flowers. One long winter day Gerda was sitting near the window. The day was cloudy. Strong wind was howling. The girl fell asleep.

She dreamt that she got into the beautiful garden full of wonderful colourful flowers. "Come in, Gerda!" she heard the voices. The girl was very surprised. "Come in, Gerda!" she heard again. Gerda decided to come nearer. She came to the poppy and saw a beautiful tiny man. "My name is Alan", said the little man who lived in this flower. Gerda met with Nelly who lived in the daisy and with Ida who lived in the chrysanthemum. The alf who lived in the snowdrop introduced himself as Glen. She also met with John, Ophelia and Konny who lived in the primerose, in the lilly and in the rose.

Listen to the text and fill in the table.










Упражнение к уроку 10 (Английский язык И.Н.Верещагина 5 год обучения. 6 класс)

Open the brackets.

  1. Great Britain has a (мягкий) (климат).

  2. In South Africa the (климат) is warm.

  3. Computers do a lot of (вред).

  4. We (вдыхаем) in the oxygen and (выдыхаем) out carbon dioxide.

  5. People make a lot of goods at the (фабриках).

  6. It is (невозможно) for me to get there at 8 o'clock.

  7. Is it (невозможно) to do this task?

Текст для прослушивания к уроку 10 (Английский язык И.Н.Верещагина 5 год обучения. 6 класс)

A sad story.

One lovely autumn day when the sky was bright blue and the sun was warm animals gathered on the glade. They were very sad.

"Friends, look around! There are a lot of empty plastic bottles, packets, paper and other litter. Not long ago we used to come here and enjoyed playing and eating primeroses on this glade. You know primrose is our favorite food. There were a lot of them here. But last spring we could hardly find some of them, " one of the rabbits said.

"We are in a great danger because in the nearest future we'll have no food to eat," he added.

"You are right," said the hedgehog. "We are also very worried. We also used to come to this glade to pick up mushrooms and to store them for the winter. But now few mushrooms are left for us. Every autumn people come here and pick up all the mushrooms."

"We are also in a trouble," said the squirrel. "We used to store cedar nuts for the winter. But people cut down cedars. Every autumn they come to taiga and struck the trees to knock off the cones. As a result, we have nothing to store for the winter."

Suddenly the bear came out from the bushes. "Why are you so sad?" he asked.

"We have nothing to eat and to store for the winter," they answered. "And what about you? How have you got here?" the animals asked.

"Oh, I am also in a big trouble," said the bear. "I have no house any more. People have come and have made dirty all the ground around. Now I have to find new house," he sighed.

Listen to the text and fill in the table.







Упражнение к уроку 12 (Английский язык И.Н.Верещагина 5 год обучения. 6 класс)

Match English words with Russian equivalents

  1. surprise

  1. внимательный

  1. kingdom

  1. святой

  1. consist (of)

  1. промышленность

  1. especially

  1. государство

  1. lonely

  1. состоять

  1. state

  1. удивить

  1. saint

  1. особенно

  1. industry

  1. одинокий

  1. careful

  1. королевство

Упражнение к уроку 12 (Английский язык И.Н.Верещагина 5 год обучения. 6 класс)

Open the brackets.

  1. Oil and gas (промышленность) are important in our region

  2. My friends gave me a puppy on my birthday. They (удивило) me.

  3. The Russian Federation is the official name of our (государство).

  4. The United (королевство) is an island ().

  5. Misty morning in winter is a (признак) of frosty weather.

  6. I know many (святых) of the Russian church.

  7. The UK (состоит) of two large islands and a number of smaller ones.

  8. You must do your homework more (внимательно).

Упражнение к уроку 12 (Английский язык И.Н.Верещагина 5 год обучения. 6 класс)

Read the text "The land and the people of Great Britain" and complete the sentences.

  1. … is the official name of the state which is situated in the British Isles.

  2. … consists of four countries which are …, …, … and … .

  3. … is the capital of England.

  4. … is the capital of Scotland.

  5. … is the capital of Wales.

  6. … is the capital of Northern Ireland.

  7. The two main islands are … and… .

  8. The two islands are separated by … .

  9. Everyone who was born in Britain is ….

  10. … and … are big industrial cities in the centre of England.

  11. Everyone in Britain speaks … .

  12. The flag of the UK is known as the … .

Упражнение к уроку 12 (Английский язык И.Н.Верещагина 5 год обучения )

Read the text "The land and the people of Great Britain" and say if the following statements are true or false.

  1. The Russian Federation is the official name of the state which is situated in the British Isles.

  2. The UK consists of four countries which are Italy, Spain, Egypt and Greece.

  3. Moscow is the capital of England.

  4. The two main islands are Carribian and Bali.

  5. Everyone who was born in Britain is Italian.

  6. Everyone in Britain speaks Spanish .

  7. The flag of the UK is known as the Uncle Sam.

Упражнение к уроку 13 (Английский язык И.Н.Верещагина 5 год обучения. 6 класс)

  1. lawyer

  1. включать

  1. royal

  1. постоянный

  1. delay

  1. сила, власть

  1. belong

  1. предлагать

  1. elect

  1. юрист

  1. former

  1. откладывать

  1. include

  1. принадлежать

  1. power

  1. выбирать

  1. offer

  1. королевский

  1. permanent


Упражнение к уроку 13 (Английский язык И.Н.Верещагина 5 год обучения. 6 класс)

Open the brackets.

  1. Windsor is the residence of the () family.

  2. The members of the House of Commons are () by the population.

  3. I would like to have a () job in my future.

  4. Who was the () President of our country?

  5. The weather was bad and our flight was ().

  6. My relative got into prison. He needs a ().

  7. This University () the preparatory courses.

  8. This book () to me.

  9. In a monarch state () () to the monarch.

  10. British Isles () two large islands Great Britain and Ireland and a large number of smaller ones.

Упражнение к уроку 13 (Английский язык И.Н.Верещагина 5 год обучения. 6 класс)

Put sentences in order and translate them.

  1. Does/ have/ the/UK/power/not/real/in/Queen.

  2. Know/address/do/his/permanent/you?

  3. Me/this/to/belongs/book.

  4. Elect/every/people/Britain/five/members of Parliament/years/in.

  5. Power/the House of Lords/ much/not /have /does/.

  6. And /the House of Lords/change/ discuss/ laws/ can.

  7. Permanent/are/the members of the House of Lords/.

  8. The/Royal/who/to/family/belongs?

  9. Know /about/do/Soviet Union/ you/ former/ anything / the?

  10. But/help/ refused/I/my/he/offered.

Упражнение к уроку 13 (Английский язык И.Н.Верещагина 5 год обучения. 6 класс)

Read the text "The Queen and Parliament" and say if the following statements are true, false or not mentioned in the text.

  1. In Britain the Queen is the Head of the state.

  2. The Queen rules the country.

  3. India, Pakistan and Ceylon are not independent states now.

  4. In 1959 Britain and the former colonies founded the Commonwealth.

  5. The UK includes many countries such as Canada, Australia, New Zealand and others.

  6. The Speaker is the Head of the Commonwealth.

  7. The real power in the UK belongs to the British Parliament.

  8. The British Parliament has two houses: the Cabinet and the House of Representatives.

  9. The House of Lords is very important as it can discuss and change laws.

  10. The House of Commons travels about the country.

  11. The members of both Houses are permanent.

Упражнение к разделу 1 (Английский язык И.Н.Верещагина 6 год обучения. 7 класс)

Match English words with Russian equivalents.

1.weather forecast

a) синоптик


b) низкое давление

3.to expect

c) метеорологическая станция


d) прогноз погоды

5.get into trouble

e) ожидать


f) высокое давление

7.weather stations

g) гроза

8.high pressure

h) попасть в беду

9.low pressure

i) урожай

Упражнение к разделу 1 (Английский язык И.Н.Верещагина 6 год обучения 7 класс)

Open the brackets.

  1. Internet has a strong (влияние) on teens.

  2. Computers have(повлиял) the world of science.

  3. (человеческая) nature is mysterious.

  4. (человеческий) voices are rare heard in the forest.

  5. It is very easy to (разрушить) the building, it's more difficult to construct it.

  6. Many people grow vegetables in the (парниках) in our region.

  7. (парниковый эффект) is one of the problems of environment.

  8. Some people don't like summer (жару).

  9. Russia is a (огромная) country.

  10. Be careful! Things are very (хрупкие).

Упражнение к разделу 1 (Английский язык И.Н.Верещагина 6 год обучения 7 класс)

Fill in the gaps

- a … place;

- important …;

- a … territory;

- long … of time;

- … and wet;

- can be really …;

- summer and … … ;

- … winter and … summers;

- recently the … has changed;

- the world is becoming …;

- winters have become …;

- there were winters when it …on the New Year's Eve;

- … effect;

- … surrounding the earth;

- winter and … … in many place have become …;

- people have produced a lot of … …;

- it lets … get in, but it … let much … get …;

- people and animals … … …, and … … … …;

- we produce … … when we … things;

- … take this gas from the …;

- people have … … and … big areas of …;

- changes can be … for our … planet which needs …;

Упражнение к разделу 3(Английский язык И.Н.Верещагина 6 год обучения. 7 класс)

Open the brackets.

  1. What (вымершие) animals do you know?

  2. There are a lot of (голубей) in our town. Have you ever feed (голубей)?

  3. What animals have become (вымирающие) in our country?

  4. What (виды) of flowers grow in our region?

  5. Are (насекомые) useful?

  6. What (млекопитающие) animals do you know?

  7. After the earthquake there are a lot of

(разрушенных) buildings in the city.

  1. Taiga is a (место обитания) of cedar.

  2. What do we use to pack things? We use (картонный) box.

  3. Carbon dioxide (наносит вред) the ozone layer of the earth.

  4. Flue is easy to (лечить).

  5. Human is considered to be the cleverest (создание).

Упражнение к разделу 3(Английский язык И.Н.Верещагина 6 год обучения. 7 класс)

Put the words in the sentences in order.

  1. know /mammals/do /what/ you?

  2. in /what / have/ endangered / our /animals/country /become ?

  3. the /are /destroyed /after/ in /of /the /there/ earthquake / city /a lot/ buildings/ city.

  4. cleverest /considered/to /human/ be /creature/ is /the.

  5. Useful/insects /are?

  6. cedar /habitat /is /of/ the /taiga.

  7. of /the /layer/Carbon /earth /the /damages /dioxide /ozone.

Упражнение к разделу 4 (Английский язык И.Н.Верещагина 6 год обучения. 7 класс)

Open the brackets.

  1. (загрязнение)(окружающей среды) is becoming dangerous.

  2. Carbon dioxide (разрушает) the ozone layer of the earth.

  3. Smoking (вызывает) cancer.

  4. Australians suffer from a (нехватки) of fresh water.

  5. You mustn't (нагромождать) rubbish in the yards.

  6. A lot of (отходы) from factories and plants goes to the rivers.

  7. People can be (отравиться) by mushrooms.

  8. Many countries are against testing (ядерного) (оружия).

  9. Man can't (выжить) without water.

Упражнение к разделу 7 (Английский язык И.Н.Верещагина 6 год обучения. 7 класс)

Fill in the gaps with following words.

Emblems, white rose, open jacket, John Bull, high boots series of wars, round face, Englishman, plants, cartoons or pictures, Wars of the Roses, big man, red rose, Dukes of Lancaster, large stomach, Dukes of York, 1712, Union Jack waistcoat.

… is the symbol of the typical … . He is often drawn in … or … about England. He was invented in… by political writer John Arbuthnot. John Bull is drawn as a … … with l… ... and a … …. He wears ……, an … and a …. He often has a bulldog with him.

The different parts of Britain have their own …. They are all … . In the 15th century there was a … of… in England, which were called the … of the …. They were between the … of … and the … of … over who should be King. The emblem of Lancaster was the red … and the emblem of York was the … . The Duke of Lancaster won, so the emblem of England is the red rose.

Упражнение к разделу 7 (Английский язык И.Н.Верещагина 6 год обучения. 7 класс)

Say if the following statements are true or false.

  1. John Bull is the symbol of the typical Russian.

  2. John Bull is drawn as a high and slim man.

  3. He wears trainers, jeans and a jacket.

  4. The different parts of Britain have their own emblems.

  5. They are all trees.

  6. In the 15th century there was a series of concerts in England, which were called the Wars of the Roses.

  7. They were between the Kings.

  8. The emblem of Lancaster was the primrose.

  9. The emblem of York was the daffodil.

Упражнение к разделу 8 (Английский язык И.Н.Верещагина 6 год обучения. 7 класс)

  1. county

  1. холмистый

  1. rolling

  1. штаб

  1. earn

  1. неиспорченный

  1. unparalleled

  1. графство

  1. landscape

  1. слава

  1. heaths

  1. благоговение

  1. commons

g)получить, заработать

  1. link up

  1. несравненный

  1. glory

  1. степи

  1. awe

  1. соединять

  1. headquarters

  1. ландшафт

  1. unspoilt

k)выгоны, пустыри

Упражнение к разделу 8 (Английский язык И.Н.Верещагина 6 год обучения. 7 класс)

Read the text.

Counties of England

England occupies the largest part of the island of Great Britain. This part of the country is divided into 39 counties. Kent is one of the most magnificent counties. The acres of apple and cherry blossom have earned Kent the nickname "The Garden of England". Canterbury, one of the oldest English towns, is situated in this county. It is known principally as the sit of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of all England (примас всей Англии) and head of the Anglican Church.

The landscape of Surrey is distinguished by woods, heaths and commons, many of them link up and provide a chain of wild free "Green Belt" country.

The most famous cities of the County of Sussex are Brighton and Hastings. Brighton is one of the most elegant and celebrating resorts in the county. Hastings was a base of the Royal Fleet.

Berkshire is famous for Windsor. It is one of the most popular towns in England for foreigners. It is because the Queen often stays there at the castle and because Windsor itself is one of the oldest towns in England. A mile up the river from Windsor is the little town of Eton. The most important building here is Eton College - one of England's best-known Public Schools. It was founded by King Henry VI in 1440, when he was only 14. Windsor Safari Park has some of the most impressive and varied collections of animals in Britain.

Wiltshire is a largely rural area of unspoilt rolling countryside. The vision of Stonehenge rising from the bare contours of Salisbury Plain must be one of the most awe-inspired sights in Britain.

The main town the County of Oxfordshire is Oxford. No one knows how old is Oxford. One legend tells us that long before the birth of Christ. It was first mentioned in 912. In 1188 the University was described by Gerald of Wales who lectured to the doctors and scholars of Oxford.

The glory of Cambridgeshire is Cambridge. The history of Cambridge dates back to Neolithic times. There was a settlement here in Roman times. The town was constantly growing and by the 13th century it became a teaching centre for scholars from neighbouring monasteries.

The County of Warwickshire is the birthplace of William Shakespeare. It is a fascinating region with its unparalleled variety of attraction.

Nottinghamshire lies in the heart of England's East Midlands. Nottingham is known throughout the world. Although the great Sherwood Forest has practically disappeared, parts of it still exist in the Dukeries, and near the village of Edwinstowe is the Major Oak, a tree which Robin Hood and his Merry Men made their headquarters. A state of Robin Hood now stands on Robin Hood's Green at the foot of Nottingham Castle.

Упражнение к разделу 8 (Английский язык И.Н.Верещагина 6 год обучения. 7 класс)

Read the text "Counties of England" and say if the following statements are true or false.

  1. Kent has the nickname "The Harrods"

  2. It is known principally as the seat of the Houses of Parliament.

  3. The landscape of Surrey is distinguished by mountains, many of them link up and provide a chain of wild free "Green Belt" country.

  4. Brighton is one of the most elegant and celebrating fit centres in the county.

  5. Hastings was a base of the Royal Theatre.

  6. Windsor is one of the most popular towns in England for foreigners because the Prime-minister often stays there at the castle and because Windsor itself is one of the oldest towns in England.

  7. A mile up the river from Windsor is the little town of Eton which has one of England's best-known skyscrapers.

  8. The vision of Stonehenge rising from the bare contours of Salisbury Plain must be one of the most awe-inspired sights in Britain.

  9. The main town the County of Oxfordshire is Oxford which is famous for its cathedrals.

  10. Cambridge became a teaching centre for scholars from neighbouring monasteries in the 13th century.

  11. The County of Warwickshire is the birthplace of Winston Churchill.

  12. Nottingham is known throughout the world because of Robin Hood and his Merry Men.

Упражнение к разделу 8 (Английский язык И.Н.Верещагина 6 год обучения. 7 класс)

Read the text "Counties of England "and answer the following questions.

  1. What county has the nickname "The Garden of England"?

  2. Why is it known principally?

  3. What is the landscape of Surrey is distinguished by?

  4. What is Brighton famous for?

  5. What was Hastings?

  6. Why is Windsor one of the most popular towns in England for foreigners?

  7. What is Eton famous for?

  8. What is Salisbury Plain famous for?

  9. What are Oxford and Cambridge famous for?

  10. Who was born in the County of Warwickshire?

  11. Why is Nottingham known throughout the world?

Упражнение к разделу 8 (Английский язык И.Н.Верещагина 6 год обучения. 7 класс)

Read the text "Counties of England" and fill in the table with necessary information.






Windsor, Eton




Упражнение к разделу 9 (Английский язык И.Н.Верещагина 6 год обучения. 7 класс)

Read the text and fill in the necessary words.

1. the settlers became more organized.

2. which attract customers from different countries of the world.

3. which lasted for many centuries.

4. also the seat of the Royal Family.

5. famous for its rich library

6. the area around London

7. one of the greatest commercial centres in the world,

8. those people who have built the palaces of the West End

9. towering over narrow, winding streets,


Numerous finds prove that 1__________ was inhabited by the Celts from 800 BC onwards.

In later prehistoric times 2___________. They lived in villages of huts made of timber, brunches and clay. They hunted, fished and farmed.

In 55BC, the Emperor Claudius conquered the south-east of Britain and founded the military camp of Londinium on a strategic ford across the Thames. The camp rapidly developed into a flourishing port and trading post.

They built a bridge over the Thames and there has been a "London Bridge" in the same area ever since.

Londinium was surrounded with a wall of stone and brick 3___________.

During five centuries, London became a great, dense, medieval city of timber-framed buildings 4_________, with gothic churches and cathedrals.

In the 18th and 19th centuries, London mushroomed as a commercial centre; docks, bridges and canals were built and, in 1836, the first railway opened.

In the 19th century, ships delivered goods to London from all over the Empire.

Today London is the capital of Great Britain, Northern Ireland, the centre of the Commonwealth, and 5_______.

More than 9 million people live in London. London lies on both banks of the river Thames. It is the largest city in Europe and one of the largest cities in the world.

London is not only the capital of the country, it is also a very big port, 6___________, a university city, and the seat of the government of Great Britain.

The most important parts of London are: the City, the West End, the East End and Westminster.

The City is the oldest part of London, its financial and business centre. Numerous banks, offices and firms are concentrated here, including the Bank of England, the Stock Exchange and the Old Bailey. Few people live in the City but over a million come to work here. Two masterpieces are situated within the City: St. Paul's Cathedral and the Tower of London. St. Paul's Cathedral was built in the 17th century by Christopher Wren. The Tower of London was built in the 11th century. It was used as a fortress, a palace and a prison. Now it's a museum.

Westminster is the aristocratic official part of London. It includes Buckingham Palace where the Queen lives and the Houses of Parliament stretching for nearly 1000 feet along the north bank of the river Thames.

The Clock Tower of the Houses of Parliament is famous for its big hour bell, known as "Big Ben". Westminster Abbey is the place where coronation of nearly all kings and queens has taken place. Many of them are buried here as well as some other famous people of the country (Newton, Darwin, R. Kipling, Ch. Dickens, Watt.)

The West End is the richest and the most beautiful part of London. It is a symbol of wealth and luxury. The best hotels, restaurants, shops, theatres, cinemas, museums, fine parks and squares are situated there. English aristocracy lives in this region. One of the busiest streets in the West End is Oxford street. There are many various shops here 7___________.

Trafalgar Square is the geographical centre of London. It was named in the memory of Admiral Nelson's victory at the battle of Trafalgar in 1805. The tall Nelson's Column stands in the middle of the square.

Opposite the Nelson monument is the National Gallery and the National Portrait Gallery. They contain the finest art collections in the world. Not far from the National Gallery is the British Museum 8__________ (about 7,000,000 books).

The East End is the industrial district of London. There are many factories and the Port of London there. The region is densely populated by working class families, 9________________

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