Сценарій уроку - свята Helloween

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 6 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
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Сценарій уроку - свята «HELLOWEEN»


- Ознайомити дітей з традиціями країни мови, що вивчається.

- Розвивати у дітей комунікативну компетенцію.

- Розвивати навички говоріння і виступи на публіці.

- Формувати вміння працювати в команді.

- Виховувати почуття товариськості і взаємодопомоги.

- Підвищити мотивацію до вивчення англійської мови.

Оформлення класу: вікна завішували чорними шторами, на шторах і по стінах класу розвішуються картинки з символами Хеллоуїна (привиди, чорні коти, відьми, летючі миші, гарбузи, скелети). На дошці плакати з назвою і символікою свята. Столи розставлені вздовж стін, за ними розсідаються гості.

Звучить таємнича і страшна мелодія, яка закінчується з початком вистави. (Гості та учасники розсідаються на свої місця).

Звучить пісня-відеокліп (на екрані) МР4 1. Halloween Song:

Ведуча 1: Good day, dear guests. Welcome to our party! In Europe the night of the ghosts and witches was combined with the Christian holiday. As that night fell on October 31, people called it Halloween. The word itself, "Halloween," actually has its origins in the Catholic Church.

1 - Student: On Halloween, people often go to the parties at which fortunes are read and ghosts stories are told.

2 - Student: Children may dress up in the costumes and masks of witches, goblins or skeletons and go trick - or - treating.

3 - Student: They ring doorbells and ask for candies, apples, or coins. If they don't receive a treat, they may play a trick.

4-Student: At night on October 31 witches fly on their broomsticks, skeletons rattle their bones, ghosts frighten people, Jack - O' - Lanterns walk around houses, black Halloween cats play tricks with us.

На екрані фрагмент мультфільму "The Nightmare before Christmas".

(2. This is Helloween) c18 секунди - до 1 хвилини 50 секунд.

Ведущая 1: October is orange & red & brown.

See - the leaves all tumble down!

Rake them up into piles so high

You can jump in them, & flop, & lie!

We have to wait the whole day long

For spooky Halloween!

What are you going to be?

A ghost? A witch? Or a queen?

Хід свята

Black Cat -Today is Halloween, the last day of October. We've come to you to celebrate this holiday together!

Old Witch -Tomorrow it will be All Saints' Day. All Saints won't let us come but today is our day.

Ghost - We are here to frighten the children. Let's begin!

Bat - I fly all nights and touch your heads and faces. Are you scared?

Children - No, we are not.

Black Cat - I am a Black Cat. Don't meet me on your way! It'll give you a lot of troubles! Are you scared?

Children - No, we are not.

Ghost - I am a Ghost. I live in old houses. All nights I wander from one room to another and frighten people. Are you scared?

Children - No, we are not!

2 Old Witches - We are Old Witches. We wait for people in the forest and eat them. We prepared different potions and told magic spells:

Old Witch 1: Bubbling, bubbling, bubbling pot

Add some bat wings and then what?

Mix and mix until you've got

A new monster ugly and hot.

Old Witch 2: Bubbling, bubbling, bubbling pot,

Turn a rat into a frog,

Turn a cat into a log,

Bubbling, bubbling, bubbling pot.

Are you scared?

Children - No, we are not.

Black Cat - The children are very brave. But when we dance round the fire they will be scared.

Ведуча: Guys, you can dance all together!!!

Представники нечистої сили починають свій «страшний» танець навколо імпровізованого вогнища.

(3. "The monster mash" Sunfly Karaoke Monster Mash - Boris Picket (Halloween) )

Ведуча 2: Well, now we know that witches fly on their brooms, skeletons rattle their bones, ghosts frighten people and what about Jack - O' - Lantern? The jack-o-lantern, most typical of Halloween symbols. Children, anybody knows how to make a Jack o'Lantern?

One of the children: I know!

Ведуча 2: Can you tell and show us how to do this?

One of the children: Of course!

You need to take a huge yellow pumpkin.

Then cut off the top of the pumpkin with the knife. Be careful.

Then let's clean out the inside of the pumpkin with the spoon.

Let's draw of face: two eyes, a nose and a mouth.

Then cut off the face.

Put the candle inside the pumpkin, light the candle. The jack-o-lantern is ready!!!

Ведуча 2: Oh, thank you, dear. Now our guests know how to make The Jack-o-Lantern.

Ведуча 3: - Look! Someone is coming here! He is carrying a pumpkin lantern.

Who are you?

Jack: - My name is Jack. I wander around the world. I wandered many years ago and I will wander forever lighting my way with this lantern.

Ghost: - Oh, I know him! English and American children make pumpkin lanterns to frighten their friends!

Jack: - You are right. They call this lantern "jack-o'lantern".

Джек високо піднімає свій ліхтар, проходить і ставить його на підвіконня.

Діти встають і голосно кричать:

All the children: - Trick or treat! Trick or treat!

Bat - What are they crying?

Black Cat - They want you to treat them or they will play a trick on you!

Bat - A trick? What trick?

Irish boy - We'll draw your windows and doors with a soap. We are celebrating Beggars' Night today. Trick or treat!

Частування дітей і гостей цукерками, печивом, яблуками. Діти все складають в свої кошики.

Ведуча 1: Well, well, well the time for fun has come. We have a lot here to enjoy.

Apples were like links between men and the Gods and were often used to tell the future. By putting an apple under your pillow you could dream a wish and eat the apple in the morning. Later people began to use apple in games.

Ведуча 2: Let's play the game "Bobbing for apples". Apples are in a bowl of water. Let someone try to catch an apple with his teeth.

Одна дитина виходить і намагається зловити яблуко в мисці з водою зубами, при цьому руки у нього знаходяться за спиною.

Ведуча 3: OK. We have four "lucky apples". Let's see who is the best apple eater.

Steady, ready, go!!!

За сигналом ведучого четверо в центрі починають їсти яблука. Той, хто з'їсть швидше за всіх - «Кращий поїдач яблук». Йому вручається медаль "The best apple eater".

Ведуча 1: Now, next game "Feed the Monster".

It is a monster. He is very hungry, but you are afraid of him too much. He eats only fruit, vegetables and sweets. You should feed him. Take this food, name it in English and try to feed the monster.

Гра «Нагодуй монстра»

Це монстр. Він дуже голодний, але ви боїтеся його і не можете підійти близько. Він їсть тільки фрукти, овочі і цукерки. Ви повинні нагодувати його. Беріть цю їжу, називайте її англійською і спробуйте нагодувати монстра.

(З кола кидають цукерки, фрукти, овочі в гарбуз)

Ведуча 2: So, tell me, please, are you a scaredy-cat? Do you know what does it mean?

Scaredy-cat it a person who is afraid of something.

Can you continue the sentence? These pictures will help you.

(На екрані картинки із зображенням різної нечисті і атрибутів, пов'язаних зі святом)

Ведущая 3: There are many traditional Halloween songs. Do you know any? Can you sing it to our guests?

На екрані відеокліп пісні "One little skeleton" - діти співають всі разом.

Teacher: Well, I am very glad to see your happy faces. But our party has come to the end.

Just before we leave we would like to give our guests souvenirs in memory of our party.


Trick or treat, trick or treat,
Give us something good to eat.
Give us candy, give us cake,
Give us something sweet to take.
Give us cookies, fruit and gum,
Hurry up and give us some.
You had better do it quick
Or we'll surely play a trick.
Trick or treat, trick or treat,
Give us something good to eat.

And , of course, you can have your treats, cakes, candies and fruit.

Звучить фінальна пісня.

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