Where are you from? Сабақ жоспары 1сынып

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 1 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Form 1


Theme; Where are you from?

Aim of the lesson; Оқушыларды танысқанда Where are from?

сұрағымен және I`m from жауабымен таныстыру.

«Танысу»тақырыбы бойынша диалог түрінде сөйлесу біліктілігін қалыптастыру.

Шет тілінде сөйлеуге тәрбиелеу.

Visuals aids;Picture,CDdisc.

The procedure of the lesson

I.Organization moment

Good morning pupils!

Good morning teacher!

Who is on duty today?

Who is absent?

What date is it today?

What day of the week?

II. Check up the hometask

What was your hometask for today`s lesson?

III. Phonetic drill.

Good morning, good morning,

Good morning to you

Good morning, good morning.

We are glad to see you

IV. New theme.

''Where are you from?

V. New words.







VI Conclusion.

Ex;1 p.10.Listen,point and repeat. Match.

I`m from Kazakhstan, I`m from UK, I`m from Canada, I`m from USA, I`m from Austalia

Ex;2 ,p.11 Look and match.

I`m from…

I`m from…

Ex;3,p.11 Act.

Where are you from?

I`m from….Where are you from?

Ex;4,p.12.Listen and sing.

Where are you from? Where are you from?

Where are you from? Where are you from?

I`m from the USA. I`m from Australia.

Where are you from? Where are you from ?

Where are you from? Where are you from?

I`m from the UK. I`m from Kazakshstan.

Where are you from? I`m from Kazakshstan.

Where are you from? Kazakshstan.

I`m from Canada.

Ex;5 ,p.13 Make

I`m from the Kazakshtan.

Ex;6,p.13 Make a poster.

Open your work book at page 6and 7



VII .Checking up the hometask

Ex;3,p.7.Trase and colour.




The lesson is over Good-bye!

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