Theme of the lesson: Where is my bag?

Theme of the lesson: Where is my bag?                                                                                         Aims: 1 Educational: Explaining the new theme, to get more information about prepositions and alternative questions ‘Where?’                                                                                                    2. Practical:To develop the pupils abilities in listening, speaking, reading, writing. To practice the prepositions in mind important in the new theme...
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Theme of the lesson: Where is my bag?Theme of the lesson: Where is my bag?Theme of the lesson: Where is my bag?ШҚО облысы, Тарбағатай ауданы, Көкжыра ауылы М.Әуезов атындағы орта мектеп ағылшын пәні мұғалімі Серикова Ф.У.

Form 5 Theme of the lesson: Where is my bag? Aims: 1 Educational: Explaining the new theme, to get more information about prepositions and alternative questions 'Where?' 2. Practical: To develop the pupils abilities in listening, speaking, reading, writing. To practice the prepositions in mind important in the new theme, enriching knowledge about the prepositions. 3. Cultural: To teach the pupils to express their opinions about prepositions. To bring up the pupils to support their interest in English The type: game lesson Teaching method: Information, questions and answers, games Visual aids: Electronic books, pictures, cards and toys Subject sequences: Kazakh The procedure of the lesson.

I.Org. moment

_Good morning, pupils !

_Good afternoon, teacher !

_Who is on dirty today?

_Who is absent today?

II. Check up the homework. Ex 12.Write what you can do and what you cannot do.

I can swimming, playing computer games, stand on your head.

I cannot playing kobyz ,ride a horse.

III. Conclusion of the homework.

Can you jump?

Can you swim?

Can you ride a horse?

Can you ride a bike?

I can jump.

I can swim.

I can ride a bike.

But I cannot ride a horse.


IV. Explaining the new theme.

Dear my pupils our today's new theme "Where is my bag?" and about prepositions.

Aim of the lesson:Explaining the new theme, to get more information about prepositions and alternative questions 'Where?'

Example: in, on ,under, up, down, between, behind, opposite, among, in front of.

Our new words: In-ішінде on-үстінде

Between- арасында behind- артында

Opposite-қарсы among-ортасында

In front of- алдында next to- келесі

V. The game: Think and find

Thinking and find the toys and complete the sentences with prepositions.

Ok pupils. Look at toys and saying where is it.

1.Where is my dog ?- It's on the chair.

2.Where is your cat?- It's in the table.

3.Where is your book?-It's under the table.

4.Where is my ball?-It's between the boys.

5.Where is my pen?-It's among the books.

6.Where is my clock?-It's opposite the computer.

VI. Listen and point (v) yes no

1.Can you ride a bike? *

2.Can you say "Hello"? *

3.Can you swim? *

4.Can you sing? *

5.Can you use a computer? *

6.Can you fly? *

VII. Read the dialogue.

Carol: M-u-m.

Mrs. Evans: Yes, Carol

Carol: Where're my books?

Mrs. Evans: They're in your bag.

Carol: And where's my bag?

Mrs. Evans: It's on the chair.

Carol: Oh, that's not mine, it's Colin's.

Mrs. Evans: Then it's under the chair.

Carol: Thank you, Mum, bye.

VIII. Role play.

Ex 3 Where's my bag?

It's on the chair.

IX. Sing song.

X. Doing exercise with electronic books. Find prepositions in the pictures.

XI. Look at the pictures, listen and point.

This is Colin's dog. It's name's Rex.

1.Rex is behind Colin.

2.Rex is between Carol and Colin.

3.Rex is in front of Omar.

4.Omar is next to Ben.

5.Omar is opposite Colin.

6.Rex is among the children.

XII. Complete the sentences with in front of, next to,

among, between ,into , up, down

1.The man is going up the stairs.

2.A woman is coming into the house.

3.A girl is coming down the stairs.

4.A boy walking in the room.

5.A boy is sitting behind the sofa.

6.A cat sleeping on the TV.

XIII. Conclusion of the new theme.

Prepositions. In on under up down between behind opposite among in front of Write the sentences with prepositions.

Homework: Ex 17p77 Good-bye, children.

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