Методическая разработка открытого урока на тему Ответственность детей и подростков

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Открытый урок

на 3 курсе по специальности «Правоохранительная деятельность»

Подготовила и провела преподаватель Павлова И.В.

Тема: "When the children are allowed to do what"; "Children's and teenagers' liability"

Цель: расширение словарного запаса по теме, развитие языковых компетенций в диалогической и монологической речи, чтении и письме.

Задачи: тренировать учащихся в использовании лексики, тренировать умение работать с текстом, развивать память, языковую догадку.

Оборудование и материалы к уроку: текст "When the children are allowed to do what", текст "Crime" , электронная доска, видеофильм "Crime"

Ход урока:

  1. Организационный момент. Доклад дежурного о готовности группы к уроку

- Comrade Instructor! Platoon number № is ready for the lesson! All are present and correct, but student(s) is (are) absent. Reported by student N.

2. Повторение и закрепление пройденного

Teacher: I hope you are in a good mood today and we'll work with pleasure. At our previous lessons we spoke about different crimes and criminals. Let's revise these words.

So, what do we call a person who :

- buys and sells drugs? (a drug dealer)

- takes control of a plane and makes the pilot change the course? (a hijacker)

- steals money from people's pockets? (a pickpocket)

- takes away people by force and demands money for their return? (a kidnapper)

- betrays his or her country to another state? (a traitor)

- breaks into houses and other buildings to steal? (a burglar)

- makes false money (a forger)

T.: You've got good memory! I want you to enlarge your vocabulary, that's why I'm going to show you a film in which you will meet some new words. Write them down with the translation.

(Видеофильм kinoline.com.ua)

Слова, прозвучавшие в фильме:

Felony - to commit a felony

Kidnapping - series of kidnappings

Hijacking - organized hijacking

Arson - arson in malice

Fraud - credit card fraud

White-collar crime - solved white-collar crime

Money laundering - money laundering charges

Homicide - premeditated homicide

Assassination - assassination attempt



(После просмотра фильма проверяется запись слов и перевод)

3. Объяснение нового материала.

Teacher: - Well done! Now, look at the theme of our lesson. How do you understand the meaning of the word "liability"? (Students give their ideas. If they can't T. gives the explanation: it means responsibility according to law.) At today's lesson we'll be (T. points to the plan of the lesson, written on the blackboard) reading the text together, you'll be making up dialogues, you'll be listening to short sentences and decide if they are true or false, according to the text. And, finally, I'll ask you to write a few sentences, commenting on one of the statements.

1) Now, before we start reading, let's check that you know the meaning of the following words:

- Be convicted of a crime

- A bank account

- Own an air gun

- Premium bonds

- Consent

- Armed forces

- Glider

- Give blood

- Elections

- Heavy goods vehicle

- Apply for

( Ss suggest their ideas or the T. explains the meaning in English)

T. Write down the words with their translation.

T. Now, let's read the text together.

When the children are allowed to do what

At 10 a child can:

 be convicted of a crime (but see below)

 open a bank account

At 14 a child can:

 own an airgun

 go into a bar with an adult (but not drink alcohol)

 take on a part-time job

At 16 a child can:

 buy cigarettes, fireworks, or premium bonds

 marry (with parental consent)

 join the armed forces (with parental consent)

 drive a tractor or fly a glider solo

At 17 a child can:

 drive a car

 give blood

At 18 a child can do anything an adult can, except:

 stand as a candidate in local or national elections

 drive a bus (or heavy woods vehicle)

 apply for a license to sell alcohol.

2) T.: I want you to make up dialogues, based on the text as in the example:

- Excuse me, I'm 11. Can I own an airgun?

- No, you can't. You can own an airgun when you are 14.

3) T.: Thank you! I'm sure you've got very good memory and we're going to prove it now. You will hear five short sentences. You must decide if they are true or false according to the information we've just discussed. Write numbers from 1 to 5 in a column.

1. I'm 15. I can give blood. (F)

2. I'm 12. I can take on a part time job. (F)

3. I'm 13. I can open a bank account. (T)

4. I'm 18. I can sell alcohol. (T)

5. I'm 16. I can marry if my parents agree. (T)

T.: Let's check your answers.

4) T.: Are there any volunteers to translate this text from Russian into English?

(Some Ss try to translate)

В 10 лет ребенок может

- быть обвиненным в преступлении (смотри ниже)

- открыть банковский счет

В 14 лет ребенок может

- иметь пневматическое оружие

- ходить в бар со взрослым (но не пить алкоголь)

- брать работу на неполную занятость

В 16 лет ребенок может

- покупать сигареты, фейерверки, ценные облигации

- вступать в вооруженные силы ( с родительского согласия)

- управлять трактором или летать на параплане самостоятельно

В 17 лет ребенок может

- водить автомобиль

- сдавать кровь

В 18 лет ребенок может

- выставлять свою кандидатуру на местных или всеобщих выборах

- водить автобус (или тяжелые грузовые машины)

Обратиться за лицензией на продажу алкоголя

5) T.: I hope, all the rest will be able to do it at the next lesson. And now, let's turn to the text that I asked you to read at home. First of all, tell me

- Was the text difficult? - What sentences in the text were not clear? Let's translate some of them. (дается перевод выделенных предложений)


Children under ten years of age cannot be tried for a crime. The only remedy for children so young who persistently break the law is for them to be taken into care. After the age of ten children can be charged with a crime and may be found guilty if the court considers that the child was aware that the action for which they are being tried was seriously wrong. From the age of fourteen children are considered to be morally responsible.

Up to the age of seventeen, young persons who are suspected of a crime, or who may have witnessed one are treated somewhat differently from adults. If they are taken to a police station to be questioned, this must be done in the presence of an appropriate adult. This will often be a parent, but if the parent is unavailable or unsuitable (for example because of mental incapacity) then it may be someone from the Local Authority Social Services Department. Indeed any adult unconnected with the police may be an appropriate adult, depending on circumstances.

If a young person admits to committing a crime then unless it is a serious offence such as rape or arson the police have some freedom of action. Rather than prosecuting, they may decide to give the young offender a caution-effectively a serious telling-off which does not go down on the individual`s record, but can be mentioned in any future hearing in a Youth Court.

If the young person does not admit the offence, then the police must decide whether to prosecute. If they do, then the case will usually be heard before specially trained magistrates in a Youth Court. Sentences available to the magistrates range from a custodial sentence in a young offenders` institution to a supervision order, which is the equivalent to probation for ten- to sixteen-year-olds.

Возможный перевод выделенных предложений:

  1. После возраста 10-ти лет детям могут предъявить обвинение в преступлении, и они могут быть признаны виновными, если суд посчитает, что ребенок осознавал, что действия, за которые его судят, являются тяжким преступлением.

  2. Если их приводят в полицейский участок на допрос, то это должно быть сделано в присутствии подходящего взрослого.

  3. Если молодой человек признается в совершении преступления, то в случае, если это не тяжкое преступление, такое как изнасилование или поджег, у полиции есть некоторая свобода действий.

  4. Приговоры, которые могут вынести судьи, варьируются от помещения в колонии для несовершеннолетних нарушителей до надзорного ордера, сто равнозначно условному приговору для подростков от 10 до 16 лет.

T.: I hope it will be easy now to cope with the task, based on the text.

You must decide if the sentences are True, False or Not Stated

1. Children can't be taken to prison at the age of ten.


2. Children are morally responsible at 13.


3. At the age of 15 a child must be questioned only in the presence of his parents.


4. Children of 16 and adults are treated in the same way.


5. A parent is unsuitable if he or she gets little money.


6. Police always have freedom of action.


7. It is not difficult to be an appropriate adult.


8. There are three magistrates in a Youth Court.


T.: If you are ready, let's check.

1-T; 2-F; 3-F; 4-F; 5-NS; 6-F; 7-T; 8-NS

6) T.: Well, friends, we did a lot of talking today, and now I want you to do some written task. I want you to comment on one of the statements. Here they are:

1. Young people face many problems.

2. Young people lack tolerance.

4. Заключение. Подведение итогов урока.

Заключительный этап урока зависит от успешности выполнения письменной части задания. Если студенты с ним успешно справились, то в оставшееся время можно выслушать их высказывания. Если времени не хватает, необходимо дать это задание на дом. Контрольные вопросы по пройденной теме:

- What does the word liability mean?

- What can a child do at 10? 14? 17?

Домашнее задание: Find out what the children in Russia are allowed to do at the ages of 10; 14; 16; 17; 18.

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