Олимпиадные задания по английскому языку для обучающихся 6 класса

Представляю вашему вниманию олимпиадные задания по английскому языку для обучающихся 6 класса. Разработаны в тестовой форме.Включают в себя два упражнения на аудирование, два задания  по чтению, лексико-грамматический тест с тремя вариантами ответов  и задание написать писмо-ответ, изучив предоставленные письмо от друга и объявление. Задание 1. Прослушайте текст и выберите правильный ответ на вопрос. Выуслышитезаписьдважды.   1.Tony went for a picnic last …   A) Sunday B) Friday C) Saturday   ...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 6 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат doc
Изображения Нет
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Школьный этап Всероссийской олимпиады школьников по английскому языку

2014 - 2015 учебный год / 6 класс


Задание 1. Прослушайте текст и выберите правильный ответ на вопрос. Вы услышите запись дважды.

1. Tony went for a picnic last …

A) Sunday B) Friday C) Saturday

2. … drove the car.

A) His mother B) His father C) His sister

3. His father has bought a new …

A) car B) CD player C) mobile phone

4. His little sister made …

A) a toy B) a cake C) a sand castle

5. Tony went for …

A) a swim B) a walk C) a bath

6. The water was …

A) too hot B) too cold C) rather warm

7. Father took the … out of the car.

A) sausage B) chicken C) sandwiches

8. They had lunch at …

A) 12 B) 1 C) 2

9. Tony played …

A) badminton B) beach volley C) beach football

10. They went back home at …

  1. 6 B) 7 C) 8

Задание 2. Прослушайте рассказ и решите, какие из утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста (True), не соответствуют (False) или об этом нет точной информации (Not said). Вы услышите запись дважды.

11. Robin's father was killed at fight.


B) False

C) Not said

12. The Normans burnt down the house.


B) False

C) Not said

13. The Normans were allowed to do whatever they want.


B) False

C) Not said

14. Robin Hood lived in the Tower of London.


B) False

C) Not said

15. Robin was called "Hood" because he and his men wore green hoods.


B) False

C) Not said

16. English kings were crowned in Westminster Abbey.


B) False

C) Not said

17. Father's life was saved, because he ran away to the forest. The children came to the museum on Sunday.


B) False

C) Not said

18. Robin and his men were called the Merry men.


B) False

C) Not said

19. The Normans joined Robin Hood and made him their leader.


B) False

C) Not said

20. Robin Hood was very smart.


B) False

C) Not said



Задание 1. Прочитайте текст и дополните предложения 1-10, выбрав правильный вариант ответа.

In summer, the human population of Antarctica goes up to 2,500. In winter, there are only 700 people on the whole continent. It is the last great "empty" place on the earth, and people in many countries are beginning to think that it must stay that way. They want Antarctica to be a world park: a place where nature will stay free of the changes that people bring.

People have used huskies for hundreds of years to pull sledges in Arctic areas. The first explorers in the Antarctic also used them. But now a new international law has banned them from Antarctica. Many people want to keep Antarctica in its natural state, free of too many people and animals from other places. Huskies are not natural Antarctic animals, of course.

But Antarctic scientists are angry. They don't have many neighbours in Antarctica, and dogs are good company. They are still very useful to explorers, too. Modern machines can move people around easily on flat ground, but huskies are better for hills and sea ice.

There are ninety huskies in Antarctica at the moment: the British have twenty, the Australians have forty and the Argentineans have thirty. They must all go before April 1st 1994.

Dog Clubs around the world want to help the huskies. They will try to find new homes for them. They say they are intelligent and loving animals. But there is a problem. Huskies are natural hunters. If you keep them with other pets, they may eat them!

1. This text is about …

A) Antarctic Huskies B) Winter in Antarctica C) World Park

2. Antarctic is ...

А) a country B) a continent C) an ocean

3. …people live in Antarctica in summer.

A) two thousand five hundred В) seven thousand C) seven hundred

4. … people live in Antarctica in winter.

A) two thousand five hundred В) seven thousand C) seven hundred

5. People want Antarctica to be an…

А) international park B) empty place C) natural museum

6. Huskies aren't

А) intelligent and loving B) useful to people C) natural Antarctic dogs

7. … are better for sea ice

A) Modern machines B) Explorers C) Huskies

8. There are … huskies in Antarctica at the moment.

A) 19 B) 90 C) 9

9. … have more huskies.

А) the Argentineans В) the British C) the Australians

10. Huskies are natural … .

A) hunters B) animals C) dogs

Задание 2. Прочитайте рассказ и решите, какие из утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста (True), не соответствуют (False) или об этом нет точной информации (Not said).

Victor and Anita, who live in Italy, are the happiest couple in the world. Two years ago, they were on a boat a few kilometres from the beach. Victor asked Anita to marry him and he gave her a nice gold ring. He wanted to put the ring on Anita's finger, but he dropped it and it fell into the sea. They were sure the ring was lost for ever.

That is, until last Friday, when Mr Morrison visited them. He has a fish shop and he found the ring in a large fish which he was cutting up for one of his customers. The fish thought the ring was something to eat! Mr Morrison knew that the ring belonged to Victor and Anita because inside the ring there were some words. They were, 'To Anita, All my love, Victor.' And so Mr Morrison gave the ring back to them.

Anita now has two rings. When they lost the first one, Victor bought Anita another one. But they think the one the fish ate is the best one.

11. Victor and Anita's home is in Rome.

A Right B Wrong C Not stated

12. Victor asked Anita to marry him when they were on a boat.

A Right B Wrong C Not stated

13. Victor put the gold ring on Anita's finger.

A Right B Wrong C Not stated

14. They returned from their boat trip without the ring.

A Right B Wrong C Not stated

15. Mr Morrison often visited Victor and Anita.

A Right B Wrong C Not stated

16. Mr Morrison caught the fish.

A Right B Wrong C Not stated

17. Mr Morrison found the ring when he ate the fish.

A Right B Wrong C Not stated

18. Mr Morrison didn't want to give the ring back to Victor and Anita.

A Right B Wrong C Not stated

19. Victor bought another ring to Anita a month after the boat trip.

A Right B Wrong C Not stated

20. Victor and Anita like the first ring more.

A Right B Wrong C Not stated



Задание 1. Дополните предложения 1-10, выбрав правильный вариант ответа.

  1. Who… that bridge?

A) did build B) does built C) built

2. It … often snow here.

A) - B) isn't C) doesn't

3. I never have… apple juice.

A) a B) an C) -

4. We usually buy… cheese.

A) a lot of B) many C) a

5. There were very …people in the street.

A) a B) many C) much

6. I … her friend.

A) am B) is C) are

7. It … snowing now.

A) not B) doesn't C) isn't

8. You mustn't eat so … sweets.

A) a B) many C) a few

9. They came home at 8 o'clock, …?

A) did they B) hadn't they C) didn't they

10. It's the biggest tomato she … .

A) has ever grown B) grow C) grows

Задание 2. Дополните диалоги 11-20, выбрав нужную реплику.

11. Would you like some more dessert?

A) Enjoy your meal! B) No thanks, I'm full. C) It's delicious!

12. What time does it finish?

A) I'm not sure B) On Thursday C) It takes 15 minutes.

13. How often do you go hiking?

A) I go with three friends. B) We stay for a weekend. C) Most weekends

14. Let's go to the cinema tonight.

A) OK! What's on? B) Let's go! C) Do it!

15. Are you looking forward to your holiday?

A) Yes, I'm really excited about it. B) We're going to China. C) Not to worry

16. Good afternoon, madam! Can I help you?

A) No, I don't. B) Yes, I like it! C) Yes, please!

17. Would you like a cup of tea?

A) I'd love one. B) Yes, I like tea. C) Sorry, I'm not.

18. What does your sister do? She ... .

A) is cooking B) is a secretary C) does secretary

19. Good-bye!

A) Good afternoon! B) Bye! C) Fine, thank you!

20. What is the weather like today?

A) Yes, I like it. B) Yes, it is. C) It is fine.




Задание. Прочитай объявление и письмо от Лоры, заполни пропуски в заметках Брайана.


Every Tuesday 8 p.m.


2 April Death on the Nile

9 April The Return of the King

Tickets Students: 3.50 $

Visitors: 5. 00 $


Let`s go to the Film Club next week. Can you get the tickets from the college office? Remember we pay the cheaper price. I must study at home for our exam on 8 April. Thanks!

See you next Tuesday in the Coffee at 7.45 p.m, before it starts!



Film club with Laura

Day: Tuesady

Date: (1) ______________________

Name of Film: (2) ________________________

Starting time: (3) _________________________

Ticket price: (4) __________________________

Meet Laura in: (5) ________________________


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