» Welcome to the Future»

Данный конспект урока предназначен для учащихся 6 класса, изучающих английский язык по учебнику Т. Аяповой «English». Урок способствует демонстрации учащимися знаний, умений, навыков по теме »Future», развивает внимание, память, наблюдательность, фантазию и творческие способности учащихся, умения слушать и понимать друг друга, применять полученные знания в новых речевых ситуациях; содействует воспитанию культуры общения, самостоятельности, расширению кругозора, привлечению внимания к проблемам будущего.
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Тема урока: " Welcome to the Future"

Тип урока: применения знаний, умений и навыков

Образовательная цель урока: создание учебно-познавательной среды, способствующей демонстрации учащимися знаний, умений, навыков по теме "Future".

Развивающая цель урока: развивать внимание, память, наблюдательность, фантазию и творческие способности учащихся, умения слушать и понимать друг друга, применять полученные знания в новых речевых ситуациях;

Воспитательная цель урока: содействовать воспитанию культуры общения, самостоятельности, расширению кругозора, привлечению внимания к проблемам будущего

Оборудование: презентация по теме "Future", карточки с заданиями "Дополни предложения", оформление класса с элементами будущего: роботы, ракеты, летающие тарелки, звезды, аудиозапись песни "Прекрасное далеко". Слайды проектов учащихся по теме "Жизнь в 2500", рожицы "оптимиста" и "пессимиста".

Содержание урока:

I. Организационный этап

Взаимное приветствие.

Сообщение целей урока. Звучит песня "Прекрасное далеко"

The theme of our lesson is "Welcome to the future". Boys and girls I want you to show your knowledge in using the Future Simple tense and your ideas about the future life. So, welcome to the future!

II. Этап подготовки к осознанному восприятию учебного материала

1. Прослушивание стихотворения.

"Think of the future"

What is the future for me'?

Funny it's going to be.

What's the future for you?

Your hopes and dreams will come true.

What's the future for us?

Without pollution-green grass.

Robots, computers, commuting to the Moon.

Think of the future!

Don't be a fool!

2. Составление кластера по теме Future

What ideas come to your mind when you hear the word "Future"

» Welcome to the Future»

3. Compose sentences using the ideas from cluster

III. Этап обобщения и систематизации знаний

1. Revising grammar

Conversation using funny questions

Will you eat snow for breakfast?

Will your cat play the guitar?

Will you live in the house or in the tree?

Will you clean your teeth under the sofa?

Will you grow pink bananas?

2. Pair work

Раздаются опоры - карточки с вопросами.

What will you be?

Where will you live?

Where will you travel?

What will you buy?

Will you be happy?

(учащиеся работают в парах, отвечая на вопросы по карточкам)

IV. Этап применения знаний

1. Working with cards "Predictions about the future"

Finish the sentence -

Life will ...

I will...

People will...

My friend will...

TV will...

Music will...

Houses will...

Cars will...

Robots will...

The children will...

The weather will...

( Учащиеся составляют предложения по началу)

2. Высказывания с точки зрения оптимиста и пессимиста

Вытягивают карточку, на которой написано: Life, School, Weather, Food, Air, Music и т.д. Высказывают точку зрения оптимиста или пессимиста

» Welcome to the Future»

I think life will be interesting because robots will do all work.

» Welcome to the Future»

I don't think so. Life will be boring because we'll see many robots and we won't see people.

3. Presentation of the students' projects in different aspects of the future life. The themes of the projects are:
"Houses", "flats", "school", "transport", "rest and traveling", "food and shops", "clothes".

(Учащиеся представляют свои рисунки и сообщения по теме проекта)

Примерные сообщения:

• Our house will be on water. They will float and go in many directions. The house will be high

• These are bedrooms. The beds will be in the water too. The goldfish will be in the water under the bed. This computer is called "dream-maker". You will order a dream before going to sleep.

• This is a bedroom too. This bed is called a sleeping tube. The temperature will be different in this tube. You will order temperature. The computer is called

Food-o-Matic. You will order any food or drinks. You will get food or drinks very quickly.

• This is a picture of a classroom. All children wear hats. The hats are connected with a Robot-teacher. They will learn lessons using these hats.

• You see an automatic book-reader.

The book will be connected with the child's brain and the brain will read the book. The child will play, watch TV and at the same time his brain will record this book.

• The pupils will go to school by a flying school bus. A robot will drive this bus. The children will watch TV, play computer games during the flight.

• Some students will have their own skateboards or flying space bubbles. They will fly to school by skateboards or space bubbles.

• The pupils will not wear uniform to school. They will wear T-shirts, jeans to school. They will wear hats. The hats will be connected with different computers. Some boys and girls will wear super watch. There will be a TV and a phone in this watch.

• The people will not go to the shops. They will order food, drinks, clothes, books, and other things with the help of the computers and phones. But they will often go to other planets and they will need money. They will grow a money tree. There will be money instead of leaves.

• The people will eat many chewing gums, soup-gums, fruit-gums. They will eat intergalactic ice-cream.

• You will see many clones of people and animals in the streets. The dogs and cats will be very clever. They will read, write, drive and even wear clothes.

• The children will play in the anti-gravity playground. They will jump, swing, jump, swing, fly and play games without getting hurt.

• The people will travel a lot. They will commute to the Moon and to other planets and galaxies. They will go to "Out-of-this-world tour office" and order any trip. Some people will use "The Go Tube". They will type the place and enter the Tube. They will be in this place in a minute.

V. Этап подведения итогов урока

1. Подведение итогов урока.

Will life be interesting?

Will people be happy?

Will the world be different in 500 years?

2. Информация о домашнем задании. Ответить на вопрос « Will the world be different in 500 years?»

3. Выставление и комментирование оценок.

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