Конспект открытого урока по английскому языку на тему Faces of London (5 класс)

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Класс 5 класс
Тип Конспекты
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Конспект открытого урока в 5 классе по теме " Faces of London ".

Цель урока: формирование социокультурной компетенции сквозь призму восприятия

достопримечательностей Лондона как достояние Британской культуры.


1. Обучающие: совершенствование лексических и грамматических навыков по теме

«Лица Лондона».

2. Развивающие: развитие памяти, внимания, логического мышления.

3. Воспитательные: прививать любовь к культуре страны изучаемого языка.

Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, презентация, карточки с заданиями.

Ход урока.

I.Организационный момент: приветствие:

T.: Good morning children!

P.: (приветствие песенкой)

Good morning, good morning!

The best to you this morning

How are you, how are you?

I hope you feeling fine

And happy all the time.

T.: Children! I'm so happy today. Yesterday my sister came back from Great Britain. She

lived 5 days in London. She has told me a lot about (повторяют хором и фронтально):

the Thames

Westminster Abbey

the Houses of Parliament

Big Ben

the Tower of London

Tower Bridge

The London Eye

Buckingham Palace

Trafalgar Square

II.Знакомство с темой урока.

T.: What do you think is the theme of our lesson today?

P.: I think it is London.

P.: To my mind it is London.

T.: Right you are. P: At the lesson we are going to speak about London. We'll need some

Words for our lesson. Guess them, please.

III.Повторение лексики по теме.

Дети разгадывают слова со слайда № 3 и № 4 (фронтально)

P.: to be fam - - s for, is s-t-ated in, alr - - dy, sig - t, re- - ently, Tr - f - lgar Square ,

the T - -er of L - - don, c - - tural, a-nc-ent, to be r - ch in.

T.: You will get cards. (Make up sentences, please). (получают карточки со словами и

работают в парах).

1. is famous, for, London, it's, ancient, sights.

2. a cultural, London, centre, of Great Britain, is .

3. is situated, at the river, London, Thames.

4. we, read, Recently, have, about, Trafalgar square?

T.: Are you tired? Let's remember our rhyme about London.

IV. Физминутка. (Дети инсценируют считалку).

Up, down, up, down,

Which is the way

To London town?

Where: Where?

Up in the air,

Close your eyes -

And you are there.

IV. Проверка домашнего задания.

T.: My sister has brought some presents for me. What do you think they are?

P: a book?

  • No.

  • A souvenir?

  • No?

  • Photos?

  • Yes. She has taken a lot of photos. Look and guess the places of interest in London. ( слайд

№ 5 ). But excuse me, how can I get to Trafalgar square? Speak in a dialog, please.

P.: диалог, составленный дома(2 пары)

T: Слайд №6. Tower of London. What have you read about it?

P: сообщения учеников о Лондонском Тауэре, об истории Big Benа, «Чёртовом колесе».

V. Повторение грамматики. (Present Perfect)

T.: Children, have you ever visited the London Eye?

Have you seen Westminster Abbey in the picture?

Have you liked my sister's photos?

T.: О каком моменте действия мы говорим?

Как образуется Present Perfect в английском языке?

P.: рассказывает правило образования Present Perfect.

VI. Работа в группах.

T.: Children! London is a capital of Great Britain. Complete the text. (получают карточки с

текстами о Лондоне. Надо подставить пропущенные слова).

Карточка №1.Complete the text.

Use: capital, was founded, cities, famous

London is the … of Great Britain. It is a very old city. It … about two thousand years ago. London is one of the most famous and interesting … in Europe. It is … for its places of interest.

Карточка №2.Complete the text.

Use: cathedrals, of, thousands, proud, city

There are a lot of museums, ancient … and monuments. It is full … history. Every year …of tourists come to London. London is rich in modern and old buildings. Londoners are … of their … and peoples. In London you can see …

VI. Рефлексия.

T.: Have you liked to work at the lesson today? Have you liked my sister's presents? What

have you (liked, learned, known ) today at the lesson? (слайд №15).

P.: I have (liked, learned, known) …

I haven't (liked, learned, known) …

It was (not) interesting.

VIII.Итог урока.

You have worked well. Your marks are …

Thank you. Good buy.

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