Игра-викторина на английском языке “THE STAR HOUR”

Расширение знаний учащихся по английскому языку; развитие способностей диалогической речи, расширение лексического запаса, тренировка фонетических умений и навыков; внедрение новых технических средств в педагогической практике; продолжение развития дружеских отношений в классе и между классами. Предварительная подготовка: подготовка информации на русском языке по содержанию игры-викторины; отработка детьми стихотворений на английском языке; разработка и изготовление эмблем; подготовка «презентац...
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Игра-викторина на английском языке
"The Star Hour"

Цели: расширение знаний учащихся по английскому языку; развитие способностей диалогической речи, расширение лексического запаса, тренировка фонетических умений и навыков; внедрение новых технических средств в педагогической практике; продолжение развития дружеских отношений в классе и между классами.

Предварительная подготовка: подготовка информации на русском языке по содержанию игры-викторины; отработка детьми стихотворений на английском языке; разработка и изготовление эмблем; подготовка «презентации» классного часа на компьютере; подготовка детьми вопросов к конкурсу "I for you and you for me…"; подбор музыкального оформления.

Оборудование: мультимедийный проектор, экран, компьютер, музыкальный центр, стулья и столы для участников игры, для зрителей и представителей жюри, оформление доски для фиксирования результатов игры.

Ход игры

Ведущий. Glad to meet you, dear boys and girls, guests and teachers! Today we are having a competition "The Star Hour". Now the participants will introduce themselves. Please, you are welcome.

- The 5th form. (Участники конкурса говорят о себе, представляют название команды, девиз.)

- The 6th form. (Участники конкурса говорят о себе, представляют название команды, девиз.)

1. Further, further, further. The next one.

- Now we have the first competition.

- А сейчас у нас с вами первый конкурс, который называется «Дальше, дальше, дальше». По очереди участники команд ответят на вопросы. Если вы не знаете ответа на вопросы, то можете сказать "the next one" и вам будет задан следующий вопрос. Are you ready?

- Questions for the 1 team.

1. What is the official name of Britain? (The U.K. of GB and NI.)

2. What is the capital of Scotland? (Edinburg.)

3. What is the symbol of Wales? (The daffodil.)

4. What birds live in the Tower of London? (Ravens.)

5. Where was Charlie Chaplin born? (In London.)

6. Who heads the government of GB? (The Pr. Min.)

7. Which house of Br. Parliament's elected by the people? (The House of Commons.)

8. When do British people celebrate Christmas? (On the 25 of December.)

9. What river is the British capital situated? (On the Thames.)

10. What were the "Beatles"?

- And questions for the second team.

1. Where is the U. K. situated? (On the BI.)

2. What is the capital of Wales? (Cardiff.)

3. What is the symbol of England? (The red rose.)

4. Where is Big Ben situated? (On the Houses of Parliament.)

5. Who played the role of Scarlett in the screen version of "Gone with the wind"? (V. L.)

6. Who is the Prime Minister of GB? (T. Blair.)

7. What period are the members of the House of commons elected for? (5 years.)

8. What is the traditional Christmas meal in Britain? (Turkey and pudding.)

9. What is the oldest part of London? (The City.)

10. What is the Head of the State of GB? (Queen.)

- А сейчас мы предоставляем слово членам жюри. (Подсчет очков.)

- Boys and girls, are you ready for the second competition? The next one calls "Sights of London".

Ребята, перед вами самые знаменитые места Лондона. Вам необходимо будет угадать по зачитанным предложениям ту или иную достопримечательность. Каждое предложение стоит определенное количество звезд. Первое - 4 звезды, последнее - 1. Если вы не угадываете достопримечательность по первому предложению, вы можете попросить зачитать вам следующее и так далее. Чем больше предложений вы берете, тем меньше звезд вы получаете. Be very attentive!

- Sentences for the first team.

The Trafalgar Square

1. This building was built in 1829-1941.

2. D. Nash gave the idea to build it.

3. This building is situated in the central square of London.

4. The main sights of this square are pigeons.

St. Paul's Cathedral

1. This building has a famous "Whispering Galery".

2. It was rebuild in London in 1666.

3. It was rebuild after the great fire.

4. This building was rebuilt by Christopher Wren.

British Museum

1. More then 4 ml. people visit this building every year.

2. This building was founded in 1753 by the will of (Хэнс) Слоуэн.

3. In 1853 The Royal Library was built there.

4. You can see a lot of pictures, sculptures, copies of treasures.

The Tower of London

1. All British important things were kept there.

2. This tower was built in the 11th century.

3. A lot of kings and queens lived there, and the first lived there too.

4. This building was a castle, a prison, a zoo and now it's the most important attractive in the world.

Madame Tussaund's

1. This building was found with the help of Mary Grossholds in 1761 in Strasburg.

2. Two million people usually visit this building every year.

3. Near it there is another famous building.

Westminster Abby

1. This building was built in 1605 with the help of Edward.

2. A lot of kings were crowned there more than 6000 years ago.

3. A lot of poets, artists, doctors, soldiers and politicians were buried there.

4. This building has the official name - "St. Peter's Church in Westminster".

- For the 1 sent. - 4 stars.

the 2 sent. - 3 stars.

the 3 sent. - 2 stars.

the 4 sent. - 1 stars.

- А сейчас я предоставляю слово жюри. (Жюри подводит итоги конкурса и называет общее количество звезд.)

- The next competition, which calls "I for you and you for me".

- А сейчас конкурс «Ты мне, я тебе». Теперь каждый игрок может задать свой вопрос своему сопернику. Каждый правильный ответ приносит команде звездочку. Если игрок не отвечает на заданный вопрос, право задать вопрос за них сохраняется.

- Let's start with… (Ребята задают друг другу вопросы. Если ответ неправильный, игрок предлагает свой вариант.)

"White rose"

1. How many letters are in English alphabet? (26.)

2. Who wrote about adventures of the girl called Alica in magic country? (L. C.)

3. The wood combination "to play through the nose" means «платить через нос». Приведите адаптированный вариант перевода.

4. Name some traditional British food. (Turkey, pudding, fried potatoes.)

5. When do people celebrate the Earth day? (On the 22 of April.)

- Слово предоставляется жюри.

- So, before the next competition we have the game with our parents, who help their children.

- А теперь «Игра с родителями». Уважаемые родители, вам будут даны ….. Перед вами предстанут названия стран, но буквы в названиях расположены неправильно. Вам необходимо правильно расположить буквы, чтобы написать названия страны.

- You are welcome!

- But with our participant we have the competition "Say Tongue Twister".

А для ребят фонетический конкурс. Мы приглашаем участников конкурса.

T. Twister (5 кл.)

Humpty Dupty sat on a wall,

Humpty Dupty had a great fall.

All the king's horses,

All the king's men

Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Little girl, little girl,

Where have you been?

I've been to see grandmother

Over the green.

What did she give you?

Milk in a can.

What did you say for it?

Thank you, Grandma.

T. Twister (6 кл.)

Van is a fan

Frank is a crank

Sid is a kid

Pearl isn't a girl,

Roy is a boy

Pete is a wit,

Luke is a cook,

Dealan is a dealer,

Beacher is a teacher

Cliff is a chief

Laken is a baker

Nock is a dog.

Ведущий. Thank you very much. А сейчас слово жюри, родителям.

- Спасибо большое, уважаемые гости, надеемся, вам понравился наш небольшой праздник. До встречи. Спасибо.

And now we have the following competition, which calls "What do you know about…".

You may choose questions from these sections "Holidays", "Modal verbs", "Rooms", "Home Reading characters".

Do it, it's your …

Questions for …


1. This holiday is celebrated on the 14th of February as a day of love and friendship. (St. V. D.)

2. People buy presents and cards and send them to their friends and relatives. Parents put their presents into stockings. The traditional meal is roast turkey and pudding. They also decorate streets, rooms and trees.

3. Children usually eat chocolate eggs and Cross Buns on this day. (Ea.)

4. Children make lanterns out of pumpkins, dress as witches and ghosts and go from house to house and say "Trick or Treat!"

"Home Reading characters"

1. He took care of animals, because he loved them very much. Many different animals lived in his house. (Doc. Doolittle.)

2. She looked after children. The wind had brought her over. She usually had a bag and an umbrella in her hands. In her bag she had an armchair, a piano and a magic bottle. (M. Poppins.)

3. He was a boy who didn't grow. He could fly as a bird. (Peter Pan.)

4. He was a sailor. One day there was a storm in the sea and the ship was wrecked. He swam to an island. He lived on the island alone for a long time and he had a friend called Friday. (R. Cruzo.)

"Modal Verbs"

Какой из этих глаголов нужен для перевода с русского языка на английский следующих предложений:

1. Не могли бы вы передать мне соль? (could)

2. Можно ли задать вам вопрос? (may)

3. Я умею кататься на роликах. (can)

4. Улицу следует переходить на зеленый свет. (should)


О какой комнате говорится в следующих предложениях?

1. In this room there is a table, chairs or armchairs, a sofa, a fireplace, a television and a carpet. (Living-room.)

2. In this room there is a table, a mirror, a chest of drawers and beds. We sleep here. (Bedroom.)

3. In this room there is a desk, chairs, shelves of books, a computer. You may do your homework there. (Study.)

4. In this room you may wash you hands and face, clean your teeth, take a bath or a shower. (Bathroom.)

Find out the name of the country:

Incah China

Pajan Japan

Ereceg Greece

Rafnec France

Pgyte Egypt

Iatrusa Austria

Namyreg Germany

Idani India

Sanip Spain

Naldgen England

Landpo Poland

Liche Chile

Wesned Sweden

Raywon Norway


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