Конспект урока на тему Глобализация

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 11 класс
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Конспект урока на тему ГлобализацияКонспект урока на тему ГлобализацияПлан-конспект урока по учебнику «Happy English.ru» 11 класс.

Авторы: K. Kaufman, M. Kaufman

учитель английского языка

МКОУ СОШ № 2 с. Князе-Волконское-1

Хабаровского муниципального района

Таран Людмила Витальевна


Цель: формирование знания о положительных и отрицательных чертах глобализации. Совершенствование речевых компетенций учащихся с выходом на монологическое высказывание; создание благоприятной образовательной среды для формирования у школьников иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции посредством современных технологий и формирование положительной мотивации к изучению английского языка.


предметные: систематизировать и активизировать накопленный словарный запас по темам "Globalisation ", "Education", "World and Society"; формировать навыки аудирования с извлечением запрашиваемой информации; совершенствовать умения осознанной диалогической и монологической речи.

личностные: формирование ученической компетентности, развивать мотивацию к овладению английским языком, такие качества как целеустремлённость, инициативность, дисциплинированность; формировать умение взаимодействовать с учителем и сверстниками в процессе совместной деятельности; способствовать осознанию ценности разных профессий;


-регулятивные: развивать умение осуществлять саморегуляцию и провести самооценку;
оценивать правильность выполнения учебной задачи, возможности ее решения;

-коммуникативные: развивать умение составлять монологическое высказывание; осуществлять взаимный контроль; оказывать в сотрудничестве взаимопомощь;

-познавательные: формировать умение анализировать, обобщать, делать вывод, находить закономерности; развивать память, логическое мышление и речь, умение использовать модели и схемы для решения задач, развивать познавательный интерес, умение переносить знание в новое.


1. Учебник ««Happy English.ru» 11 класс. Авторы: K. Kaufman, M. Kaufman. Издательство «Титул» 2012г

2. Медиапроектор, экран, комьютер

3. Презентация " GLOBALISATION "

  1. Раздаточный материал.

  2. Тест.

  1. Организационный момент

Целеполагание. Globalization has swept the world.

(slide № 1) Globalization. What is it?

(slide № 2) Globalization has swept the world

There are several definitions of globalization.

  1. (slide № 3,4,5) globalization is something than we can't see but we can feel the effects of it.

  1. Основной этап урока

There are some trends in globalization. There's no agreement on the question of whether globalization has more positive or negative effects on people's lives. On the one hand, it gives worldwide access to new technologies on the other hand it causes cultural diversity to disappear.

Listen to the text about Globalization

Generally speaking - одним словом

To exist - существовать

Merchant- купец

Countries focus [foukes]- страны сосредоточены (работают)

Affiliate [efiliet] - филиал

Identity - [aidentiti] самобытность

Obvious - очевидно

Suffer - страдать

Globalization is something than we can't see but we can feel the effects of it. It's a process of interaction among the people, companies and governments of different countries. We can feel globalization almost everywhere nowadays. People eat American fast-food, wear Italian shoes and Mexican shirts, drive Japanese cars and listen to French music. Generally speaking, globalization is a blend of cultures. Some people think that it's a new process. In fact, globalization existed even during Middle Ages, when people decided to trade goods with merchants from distant countries. Since 1980, it has begun to move at a faster pace. Today globalization is at its peak. There are, of course, some advantages and disadvantages of this process. The best thing is that people can buy and sell whatever they want from every corner of our planet. Internet has made it easier. People enjoy the variety of choice and prices. Globalization also gives an opportunity to learn more about culture of other nations. Countries focus on what they can do better instead of making bad-quality products. For example, Belgium is good at agriculture and producing fine chocolate but it doesn't produce cars. Thus, they can buy cars from Germany or France. Another advantage of globalization is the growth of international companies. They can open affiliates in different countries and create additional workplace for local people. The first issue on the list of disadvantages that globalization has brought is the pollution of the environment. The building of new harmful factories has resulted into considerable environmental problems. Another disadvantage is the fact that globalization gradually destroys cultural identity. It's especially obvious when European people try to impose their traditions and customs on Asian nations. And last but not the least: domestic producers also suffer. They find it difficult to sell their produce when people buy everything on international market.

All countries have strengths and weaknesses.

Fill in the table: strengths and weaknesses of the following countries


the country is good at….







              Name positive or negative effects on people's lives.


              positive effects negative effects

              Read the text

              benefit - выгода, польза, преимущество

              to define - определять

              pros and cons - плюсы и минусы

              interaction - взаимодействие

              to acquaint - знакомить

              prosperity - процветание, благосостояние

              growth - развитие, рост

              1. Globalization is a process of interaction between people, companies and governments of

              different nations. It is driven by international trade and the development of information technology. We observe its results in all spheres of our life. It has great influence on our environment, culture, political and economic systems. Globalization can be described as movement of people, goods, investments, labour and ideas all over the world. Of course it's impossible to define whether globalization is good or bad. It has both pros and cons. Some people just hate globalization and find it threatening for national cultures. Others believe that free trade between countries offers prosperity and economic growth for all nations and businesses.

              1. Today we know a lot of world-famous brands. Wherever we are, we are likely to have

              lunch at a fast-food restaurant McDonald's. We can find Coca Cola or Lipton tea at any store. And these products are offered almost in every country. Multinational companies create additional work places for local people. But there is a negative side here because it's hard for small domestic firms to compete with worldly recognized companies. That's why they often incur great losses.

              1. Globalization gives us freedom in choosing a place for holidays. We can easily get

              acquainted with other traditions, customs and national cuisines. But on the other hand, little by little we forget about our own culture and the youth starts losing old traditions. Globalization destroys cultural identity.

              1. Another benefit of globalization is advances in information technology. Thanks to the

              Internet we can get almost any information we need. It helps us with our education. We can participate in international educational programs, communicate with pen-friends from other countries.

              WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT….

              a) Great influence of Globalization on our life

              b) World-famous brands

              c) Globalization and culture

              d) Globalization and information technology

              Trends in globalization


              Let's do project. Trends in globalization

              1. Рефлексия

              1. Globalization is….

              2. There are 4 trends in globalization

              3. pros and cons of globalization

              Home work: project. Trends in globalization

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