Сценарий спектакля Волк и три маленьких котёнка

Вашему вниманию представлен сценарий спектакля Волк и три маленьких котёнка.  Данное внеклассное мероприятие проводилось в рамках недели английского языка. Этот спектакль предназначен для учащихся младшей школы. В нём - пять действующих лиц: мама-кошка, волк и три котёнка. Постановка соответствует возрасту учащихся начальной школы. Спектакль поставлен по мотивам хорошо известной сказки "Коза и семеро козлят". На мой взгляд, такого рода внеклассные мероприятия способствуют повышению мотивации, ра...
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The wolf and three little kittens

(A fairy-tale)








A room in the Cat's house. The Cat and her three Kittens and sitting at the table. She is reading a book to them.

CAT (rising): Children, I am going to buy something for supper. You must be good and sit still, or the Wolf will hear her.

She puts on her hat and coat, takes a basket and goes away. And the tree Kittens sit still and try to be very good.

BLACK KITTEN: I shall read and sit very very still.

GREY KITTEN: I shall write and sit very still.

WHITE KITTEN: I shall look out of the window and sit very still.

The Wolf comes up to the door and looks through the key-hole.

WOLF ( to himself): Big Cat is not at home. I shall go into the house and eat up all her kittens. What a good supper I shall have!

He knocks at the door.

KITTENS (all together): Who is it?

WOLF: It's me, your mother. Open the door.

WHITE KITTEN: Show me your paw through the window.

The Wolf shows his paw through the window.

WHITE KITTEN: This is not Mother's paw. Mother's paw is white, and your paw is black. I shall not open the door for you.

In a minute the Wolf comes to the door again and knocks.

KITTENS (together): Who is it?

WOLF: It's me, your mother. Open the door.

KITTENS: Show us your paw.

The Wolf shows them his paw through the window; it is wrapped in a white handkerchief and it is white this time.

KITTENS: Your paw looks very white, but your voice is not sweet. You are not our mother.

WOLF (to himself): What can I do to make my voice sweet? Oh, I know, I shall eat sugar and my voice will be sweet.

He takes our to of his pocket some pieces of sugar, eats them up and knocks at the door again.

KITTENS: Who is that?

WOLF (in a sweet voice): It's me, your mother. Open the door.

KITTENS: That is Mother! That is Mother! Let's open the door.

The open the door. The Wolf rushes in.

WOLF: Ha, ha! Its not your mother. It's me, the Wolf. I shall eat you up, dear kittens!

The there little Kittens, screaming, run about the room to hide. Black Kitten hides behind a chair. White Kitten hides in the wardrobe. Grey Kitten hides under the table. The Wolf is very angry because he does not see the Kittens. He begins to look for them.

WHITE KITTEN: Ha, ha, Big Wolf, you don't see us.

GREY KITTEN: Hay, Big Wolf, you cannot eat us up.

BLACK KITTEN: Go home, Bad Wolf, you will have no supper.

The Cat's voice is heard from the street.

CAT: My little kittens, open the door to your mother.

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