Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку в 4 классе Встречайте Рождество

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 4 класс
Тип Другие методич. материалы
Формат doc
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Автор: Учитель английского языка

МКОУ «НОШ№22» РК п. Аршан


Праздник - Встречайте Рождество

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку в 4 классе Встречайте Рождество

Участники: учащиеся 4г класса.

Цель: познакомить учащихся 4г класса с традициями празднования Рождества; развивать навыки презентации проектной деятельности учащихся.


  • Закрепить лексику по теме «Рождество»;

  • Воспитывать интерес к традициям страны изучаемого языка;

  • Создать праздничное настроение в канун Рождества;

  • Показать учащимся 4г классa практическую значимость изучения иностранного языка;

  • Заинтересовать проектной работой учащихся;

  • Воспитание уважительного отношения к культуре и традициям страны изучаемого языка.


  • Магнитофон; аудиозапись - песня " I am Father Christmas";

  • Записи английских детских Рождественских песен;

  • Интерактивная доска;

  • Детские презентации, посвященные Рождеству;

  • Раздаточные схемы Рождественских традиций;

  • Декорации и маски для сценки: "В гостях у мамы Кенги"

  • Рождественские открытки для учителей;

  • Письма Рождественскому Деду.

(Slide 1)

Под мелодию "Jingle Bells" ведущие выходят в центр зала и приветствуют гостей и участников. (Slide 2.)

Christmas is here,

Christmas is here.

Merry Christmas, Teachers!

Merry Christmas, Children!

Все вместе с колокольчиками исполняют песню "We wish you a Merry Christmas!".

We wish you a Merry Christmas!

We wish you a Merry Christmas

And a Happy New Year!

Teacher: The 25th of December is Christmas day! It is the greatest holiday in Britain. (Slide 3)

(На доску прикрепляется плакат "Christmas")

In Britain people have many interesting Christmas traditions.

(На доску прикрепляется второй плакат " Christmas traditions")

Listen to the short stories about trees, presents and other Christmas traditions!

(Slide 4)

(Участники проекта выходят к интерактивной доске и рассказывают об одной из Рождественских традиции, одновременно прикрепляя информационный листок к школьной доске. В результате на доске должен выстроиться коллаж «Рождественские традиции»)


People began to celebrate Christmas many, many years ago. They began to decorate the evergreen tree and give presents to each other. They placed a large shining star at the top of the Christmas tree and many bright shining balls from top to bottom.

(Slide 5.)

Teacher: Look! We have a nice Christmas tree too! How many beautiful toys!

(Slide 6 - 12)

(Дети исполняют песню)

Christmas Tree

Oh, Christmas tree! Oh, Christmas tree!

How lovely are your branches!

Oh, Christmas tree! Oh, Christmas tree!

How lovely are your branches!

Lovely and green they always grow,

Through summer sun and winter snow.

Oh, Christmas tree! Oh, Christmas tree!

How lovely your branches!

(Продолжается презентация «Рождественских традиций»)


In the evening of the 24th of December children hang their Christmas stocking on their beds or put them under the Christmas tree. Father Christmas puts presents into them. A Christmas stocking is not a real stocking. It is big and beautifully decorated.

(Slide 13 - 15)


Christmas pudding was first made many, many years ago. Now it is the highlight of Christmas dinner. Children often put holly on the pudding. Traditionally a coin is placed into the pudding. It brings good luck to a person who finds it.

(Slide 16 -17)

Teacher: Oh, it's a very interesting tradition. And do you know any poems about Christmas or winter?

Children: Yes, we do.

(Дети читают стихи)

Christmas is coming,

The geese are getting fat.

Please, put a penny

Come to the garden

And play in the snow,

Make a white snowman

And help him to grow,

"What a nice snowman!"

The children will say.

"What a fine game for a cold winter day!"

Winter! Winter! Winter!

The snow is falling.

The wind is blowing.

The ground is white.

All and all night!

Little snowflakes, come and play,

We have nothing to do today.

(Выходят Снежинки, танцуют и поют)

Snowflakes fall on trees and walk.

Snowflakes fall as white as chalk.

Snowflakes fall into my hand.

Snowflakes brighten up our land!

(Продолжается презентация и постепенно заполняется коллаж «Рождественские традиции»)


Christmas Day is on the 25th of December. British people celebrate this holiday with big dinner. Children have much fun. They play under Christmas trees, find presents in their Christmas stockings, eat Christmas puddings, watch pantomimes.


Boxing Day comes after Christmas Day. It is on the 26th of December. Traditionally people put their Christmas presents into boxes. That is why the day on which they give and receive these boxes is called Boxing Day.

(Slide 18.)


Every English family sends and receives many Christmas cards. Traditionally there is a robin on almost every card (and you know already that a robin is a Christmas bird ). Sometimes there is a bunch of holly on the Christmas card. You can read on the card: «Merry Christmas! »

(Slide 19, 20.)


You know already that Father Christmas comes into children's homes on Christmas Eve. He has a white beard and white and red clothes. He is always merry. They say he comes from the North Pole. He brings presents for children.

(Slide 21 - 24.)

Teacher: Do you like Christmas traditions? What is your favourite tradition? (Второклассники выходят к доске и по коллажу называют ту традицию, которая понравилась).

Can you match pictures and Christmas traditions?

(Ребята выходят по очереди и на интерактивной доске соединяют картинку и слова. Затем все традиции прочитывают хором)

Teacher: "Thank you!" Children!

Teacher: Who is the main man at Christmas day?

Children: Father Christmas!

Teacher: Let's call him.

Children: Father Christmas! You are welcome!

Входит Father Christmas и поет, играет песня "I am Father Christmas ".

Father Christmas: Here I am! Good morning, children! Glad to see you! Let's play the game "Nose, nose, nose, mouth…"

(Дети стоят кругом. Рождественский Дед в центре. Он говорит: "Nose, nose, nose, mouth". Произнося первые три слова, он держится за нос, а при четвертом вместо рта дотрагивается до другой части головы или тела. Игроки должны делать все как говорит, а не делает ведущий. Выигрывает самый внимательный.)

Father Christmas: Oh, you are very merry and friendly! How beautiful is here! Children! I have got some questions for you!

- Are there any naughty boys among you?

- Are there any lazy girls among you?

- Do you learn well at school?

- Do you play together well?

- Do you eat cheese, meat, porridge?

- Do you listen to your teachers?

- Do you help your parents?

(Дети хором отвечают на вопросы).

Father Christmas: I see, that you are very good children. You have a very nice tree! I see here many interesting things: animals, toys, sweets! Help me, please, name them!

(Дети называют предметы, висящие на елке: golden balls, candles, Christmas crackers, bells, snowflakes, stars, garlands, chocolate, candies, apples, cookies, nuts and etc.).

Father Christmas:

But there are not lights!

Let's light the fir-tree!

Please, say together with me: 1, 2, 3…

Fir-tree in lights be!

(Повторяют три раза, елка загорается).

Our Fir-tree is lighting, let's have fun!

(Дети поют песенку "Jingle bells").

Father Christmas:

Children! I have got some riddles for you. Guess, who are they?

1. They are three brothers.

They are pink.

They are very funny. (Three pigs)

2. They live together:

A cock, a car, a frog, a mouse… (House in the wood)

3. He is round, he has got many friends:


Pussy-the-dog… (Puff-the-Ball)

Father Christmas: Oh, do you know everything? I think that riddle will be difficult for you!

4. She is a beautiful girl.

She has got two sisters, a father and a stepmother! (Cinderella)

Children: We have got a riddle for you, Father Christmas! (Ребенок загадывает загадку)

In winter it is white,

In summer it is grey,

It likes carrots and cabbage.

Who is it?

(Рождественский Дед старается угадать, называя разных животных)

Father Christmas:

I am very tired, children! I want to have a rest!


Father Christmas! We have some presents for you!

(Дети инсценируют сценку "В гостях у мамы Кенги")


Father Christmas! We have some letters for you!

Father Christmas:

Oh, can you read your letters for me?

(Желающие читают свои письма Рождественскому Деду)

Father Christmas:

Thank you very much for your presents. I want to play and sing with you. (Дети вместе с Рождественским Дедом играют и поют).

If you are happy

1. If you are happy and you know it

Clap your hands (clap-clap).

If you are happy and you know it

Clap your hands (clap-clap).

If you are happy and you know it

And you really want to show it,

If you are happy and you know it

Clap your hands (clap-clap).

3. Stamp your feet.

4. Snap your fingers.

5. Nod your head.

6. Say "OK".

7. Do all six!

Father Christmas:

Thank you, thank you for presents, for dances, songs and games. I have presents for you, too. (Раздает подарки)

Father Christmas:

A merry Christmas! Happy Holidays!

I shall meet with you next year!

A merry Christmas for me,

A merry Christmas for you,

A merry Christmas for everyone.

That's what I wish - I do.

Good bye, dear children!


Good bye, Father Christmas!

Our celebration is over. Let's give Christmas cards to the teachers and sing a song!

(Дети дарят открытки учителям и поют песню с колокольчиками)

We wish you a merry Christmas!

We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

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