Тест для 8 класса к учебнику Кузовлева В. П

Данный тест включает в себя упражнения по чтению (текст с заданиями) и грамматике английского языка и предназначен для проверки и контроля знаний по чтению и грамматике учащихся 8 класса, занимающихся по учебнику Кузовлева В.П. Учитель может также использовать упражнения из данного теста для работы на  факультативных занятиях или как тренировочные упражнения для работы над чтением и грамматикой английского языка. Данный тест может использоваться при работе с другими учебниками, так как содержит ...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 8 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат doc
Изображения Нет
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I. Read the text and do the tasks.


The British are greatly interested in horse-racing. Everybody knows it. The races near Ascot take place every year. Lovers of horses watch them on TV and read about them in the press. The Queen comes to watch them and gives the winner a gold cup. Every man whose horses take part in the races tries to win the Ascot Cup. But one day the Ascot Cup disappeared just before the race. The police couldn't find it. At that time Mark Twain was in England. He came there to meet with the

members of an English Literary Club and have dinner with them. At dinner the President of the Club said how happy they were to have the American writer as their guest. Then Mark Twain stood up.

"I thank you for your warm welcome," he said. "I'm sure that all Englishmen are also happy to see me as their guest. I had been sure about it even yesterday before I bought a newspaper and, to my surprise, I read these words on the first page in big letters:



These two sentences stood together. So it seems to me that some people in this country suspect me of stealing the Ascot Cup."

The guests laughed long at the clever joke of the writer.

1. Right or wrong?

  1. The text is about Mark Twain.

  2. Ascot races take place every year.

  3. The Ascot Cup diappeared before the race.

  4. Mark Twain came to England to steal the cup.

  5. Mark Twain had a good sense of humour.

2. Complete the sentences according to the text:

1. The English are interested in....

2. The Queen ....

3. The Cup ... .

4. At that time ... .

5. Mark Twain's joke ....

3. Match the questions and the answers.

1. What are the British greatly interested in?

2. Who gives the winner a gold cup?

3. What happened one day?

4. Who was in England at that time?

5. Why did Mark Twain come to England?

a) The Queen does.

b) He came there to meet with the members of an English

Literary Club.

c) They are interested in horse-racing.

d) The Ascot Cup disappeared.

e) Mark Twain was.

II. Choose the correct variant.

  1. The books… to the library today.

a) has been returned b) have been returned c) returned

2. The TV programme… since 2005

a) has been shown b) was shown c) have been shown

3. I haven"t heard from him…a long time.

a) since b) for c) in

4. She has known them… childhood.

a) - b) for c) since

5. The rules of this game…since the 19th century.

a) has been set b) were set c) have been set

6. Football… for hundreds of years.

a) played b) has been played c) has been playing

7. They have learnt English… 3 years.

a) since b) during c) for

8. She hasn't seen her son…his departure.

a) for b) since c) from

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