«About animals» тақырыбындағы ағылшын пәнінен презентация

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Тақырыбы: «About animals»

Дайындаған пән мұғалімі: А.Б.Садиканова

2015-2016 оқу жылы


Білімділігі:Оқушыларыңа компьютерді пайдалану арқылы ағылшын тілін оқытудың жаңа технологиясын қолдана отырып,ағылшын тілінде сөйлеу мәдениетін дамытып және жазба тіл дағдыларын қалыптастырып, логикалық ойлау қабілетін шыңдау.

Дамытушылығы: Оқушылардың еркін сөйлетіпөз ойын еркін жеткізуге,өз еркімен дайындалып,тың нәрселерді іздену қабілетін қалыптастыру.

Ауызша сөйлеу,оқу,жазу дағдыларын дамыту.

Тәрбиелігі:Оқушыларды ұйымшылдыққа тәрбиелеу.

Керекті жабдықтар: тақырыптық суреттер. қосымша карточкалар, кроссворд, компьютер.

Plan of lesson:

I.Organization moment:

Good morning, pupils! Sit down,please! Im glad to see you!Who is on duty today? -Im on duty today. What day is it today?-Today is Thursday. What date is it today? -Today is 15 th . What month is it today?-It is October. Who is absent today?-He\She is absent or All are present.

II.Speech drill:

Lets begin our lesson. Today we shall speak about animals.Look at the blacboard we have new themes. Listen and be attentive. Ill ask you some questions.

First think then speak. Are you ready? Lets begin.

1)Do you like animals? -Yes,I do.

2)What is favourite animal?-My favourite animal …....

3)Have you got any pets?-Yes,I have got pet (dog or cat)

4)What do you know about wild animals?- I know wild animal bear …...

5)Can you describe your cat or dog?-Big or little.

6)What colour is your dog?-Its grey,black,white.

7)What colour is your cat?-Its black and white.

III.New theme:

Today is new themes About animals. Listen and be attentive.You may hear unusual names of animals. Look at the blackboard on the slide About animal. (a wolf,a rabbit,

a fox,a bear,a squirell,a cow,a dog,a cat,a pig, an elephant ).

Then following about animals ,look at the blackboard pupils.

Habitat: Character:

Colour: Size: Food:

Then first to hear about animals. Ill read the definition and you must guess

What animal it is?

1.It lives on the farm.It runs well. It eats grass.It gives milk.(a cow) What is it?

2.Im big .Im grey.My nose is long.My tail is short.Im....... What is it? (an elephant )

3.It is grey and white .It like carrots and cabbage.It can run and jump.What is it?(a rabbit)

IV.Work with new words:Listen to me and repeat after to me .the names about animals . Please open your note books and write down the names about animals. Look at the blackboard: A wolf-қасқыр

a rabbit-қоян

a fox-түлкі

a squirrel-тиын

b)Look at the picture read new words. You read new words and repeat together.

The following new words listen to me and repeat together to me.








endanger-қауіпке душар ету


in danger-қауіпті жағдайда

out of danger-қауіпсіз

habitat-жануарлар таралу орны

V.Work with books:

Open your books at page 38.Listen to me and you read the text about animals. Then read pupils to order.

1)Erulu:Our pupils is home to vast collection of animals.They live everywhere.

2)Eldar:Animals are all around us,so it is easy to think that we know exactly what animals are.

3)Aidar:But some animals have fur or feather,others have shells or scales, while many have no hard body parts at all.animals after have eyes ,ears and legs.

4)Ajulum:Firstly,animals bodies are made of lots of cells.These cells work together,like a team.Secondly,unlike plants,animals need to eat.

5)Zhanbolat:Such animals as the tiger,black rhino and giant panda,are now so rare that they endangered.

6)Kuat:Animals are in danger for many reasons,and most of these are to do with humans.

7)Roman:People collect animals as pets,and hunt them for food and for fun.

8)Adulet:They destroy their habitats.

9)Erusul:We must look after the animals we have left,before it is too late.

T-тағы қандай жануарлар бар? P-tiger,rhino,giant panda now so rare that they are endangered.

VI.Work with exercises:Open your books at page 39.

Do it exercises3. Read the words and find them at the text. Then practice and pronunciation .

The following do it exercises5 at page 39. Read the text and write out the names of animals and compare them with your classmates (partners)then practise the pronunciation

Go to the blackboard write out the names of animals and compare them words.

VII.Games:Look at the blackboard. Who is quicker?

Compare the diagramms about animals.

Size food

Habitat Characteristics

A wolf

A fox A rabbit

A squrrel

VIII.Work with computer: Pupils stand up! Then sit down please og computers. Do it tasks English to Kazakh or Kazakh to English

a wolf-қасқыр

a fox-түлкі

a rabbit-қоян

a squrrel-тиын

a dog-ит

a cat-мысық

an elephant-піл

a bear-аю

IX.Conclusion theme: Today is new themes What do you know themes?

What do you know new words?

X.Home work:Ex\se7 at page 40-41 Complete the end diagramms.

XI.Marks:Today is very well,pupils!

XII.The end of lesson: The lesson is over! Good-bye!

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