Frankenstein ( after Marry Shelly). (V ч)

Посібник  призначений сприяти розвитку навичок читання англійською мовою.  Складається з текстової частини (Франкенштейн. Мері Шеллі),   лексико - граматичних  після-текстових завдань та аудіоматеріалів, начитаних носіями мови.   Посібник структурований за трьома видами мовленнєвої діяльності. Розроблені завдання допоможуть вчителю здійснити контроль сформованості цих навичок. Кожен вчитель може використати пропонований матеріал на свій розсуд для перевірки знань учнів.     Видання  рекомендуєть...
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The Monster's Story

- I remember the heat of the fire, - the monster said. - I remember running away from it. I ran and ran through the city. It was dark and no one saw me. I did not know who I was. I did not know where I was going. Many days passed.

- How did you live? - I asked him. - What did you eat?

- Sometimes I ate fruit from the trees, - the monster answered. - Sometimes I took food from houses. The first time I did this a man saw me. I shall never forget the fear in his eyes. I could not understand it. I wanted to be friends with him. I smiled at him but he ran away. A few days later I came to a small pool of water. When I bent down to drink I saw my own face. How horrible it was! How different from other people's faces! I saw my yellow wrinkled skin; I saw my yellow eyes and thin black lips. Now I knew why people ran away from me. From that moment I hated myself. And I hated you, Victor Frankenstein!

- How do you know my name? - I cried.

- The laboratory was on fire, - the monster replied. - I picked up your clothes to protect myself from the fire; I used it to cover myself. Later I found a book in the pocket with your name in it. I made a promise to myself: everyone with that name was my enemy; everyone with that name would die. I would wander through the world looking for my revenge! I walked on for many days, - the monster continued. - At last I came to a beautiful valley. At the end of the valley there was a little cottage. I hated myself and watched the cottage. Three people lived there: an old man, a young man and a girl. They were poor but very happy. Why? Because they loved each other. I watched them for several days. The old man never moved from the cottage. The young people worked hard all day. Then they came back with food or wood. In the evenings they all sat together. I watched them through a small hole in the wall. The house was full of books. The old man was blind, he could not see. The young girl read aloud from the books to the old man. I listened too. I learned many, many things. One day I watched the young people go out. I knew they would be away all day. I knocked at a cottage door. The old man answered and I went in. I knew that he could not see me. "- I am a stranger in this country, - I said. - A terrible accident has made my face ugly. People are afraid of me. But I must talk to someone. Can I talk to you? The old man smiled and told me to sit down. I began to talk. And we soon became friends. The old man was very clever. He became my teacher, - the monster said. - His cottage was my school. I wanted to be part of his family. But I always left the cottage before the young people returned. Then one day I stayed late. The young girl came into the cottage and saw me. She screamed loudly and I ran to the door of the cottage. The girl was terrified and fell to the ground. I bent over to help her. At that moment her brother came running up. He saw me and shot at me with his gun. I cried out in pain and ran away down the valley. My mind was full of anger. I hated everyone in the world: men, women and children, but most of all I hated you, Victor Frankenstein. You've made me ugly. You've made me a monster who everyone fears!

The unhappy monster looked around him.

- And so my wanderings began again, - he went on - I came at last to these mountains, but their beauty did not please me. I went on until I was near the city of Geneva. I was lonely and tired. Would I ever find a friend? One day I saw a little child. He was running about happily and singing to himself. There was no one near us. I had an idea: I would make this child my friend. He would not fear me. We would live happily together. I stood up quietly and took the child by the arm. But when he saw my face he screamed and screamed:"- Let me go! - He cried - Let me go! I will tell my father! "

" No, you must come with me! " "- But my father is an important man. His name is Frankenstein. He will put you in prison if you hurt me!"

Frankenstein! It was the name of my enemy. I put my hands round the child's neck. Soon he stopped moving. He was dead. And I had killed him. Then I saw the picture round his neck. I took it from his neck and held it in my hand. The woman in the picture was smiling, but no woman would ever smile at me. I hurried away from the dead child. I saw a young woman. She slept under the tree. I put the picture in her hand. People would think she had killed the child. She would die too…That is my story, Victor Frankenstein, - the monster said. - What can you say to me now?

After-Reading Section

1. Match the word - combinations with their translation:

a) the heat of the fire 1. озерце, ставочок

b) a pool of water 2. жар від вогню

c) to bend down 3. бродити

d) to pick up 4. голосно кричати

e) to protect 5. піднімати

f) to make a promise 6. нахилятися

g) to wander 7. обіцяти

h) to look for revenge 8. декілька днів

i) for several days 9. бути самотнім

j) to be blind 10. бути сліпим

k) to scream loudly 11. кричати від болю

l) to be terrified 12. ув'язнити

m) to shoot with the gun 13. захищати

n) to cry out in pain 14. шукати помсти

o) to be lonely 15. бути наляканим

p) to put smb in prison 16. вистрілити з пістолета(рушниці)

2. Write down antonyms:

a) to remember ______________________________________________________

b) blind____________________________________________________________

c) fear _____________________________________________________________

d) to bend __________________________________________________________

e) horrible _________________________________________________________

f) ugly ____________________________________________________________

g) to find __________________________________________________________

h) enemy __________________________________________________________

i) to love ___________________________________________________________

j) poor _____________________________________________________________

3. Choose the correct variant:

1. The monster took food from houses; the first time he did this…

  1. a man saw him;

  2. a woman saw him;

  3. a policeman saw him.

2. A few days later the monster came to…

  1. a small house;

  2. the mountains;

  3. a small pool of water.

3. When he bent down to drink he saw…

  1. a beautiful fish;

  2. a nice ring;

  3. his own face.

4. From that moment he…

  1. was afraid of V. Frankenstein;

  2. loved himself very much;

  3. hated himself.

5. The monster knew the name of Frankenstein because…

  1. he read the name in the book;

  2. he saw the name on the door of the laboratory;

  3. he read the name on Victor's clothes.

6. Everyone with the name of Frankenstein was a…

  1. monster's friend;

  2. monster's enemy;

  3. monster's relative.

7. At the end of the valley the monster saw…

  1. a little cottage;

  2. a great mountain;

  3. a nice pool.

8. Three people lived there…

  1. an old man, a young man and a girl;

  2. an old woman, a young girl and a man;

  3. an old man, an old woman and a young man.

9. In the evenings they…

  1. all sat together;

  2. an old man read them the stories;

  3. they watched TV.

10. An old man was…

  1. blind;

  2. dumb;

  3. deaf.

11. The monster…(situation with a little child).

  1. suffocated the boy;

  2. took the boy with himself;

  3. talked to him and then went away.

12. The monster… (situation with a young woman).

  1. killed her;

  2. bent down to awaken her;

  3. put the picture in her hand.

4. Complete the sentences filling in missing words from the text:

a) Sometimes I ate food __________________________________________

b) I smiled at a man but ___________________________________________

c) I made a promise to myself _____________________________________

d) Those three people were poor but very happy because _________________

e) In the evening a young girl ____________________________________

f) I watched them through ________________________________________

g) When one day I stayed late a young girl came into the room and _______

  1. Then her brother saw me and ___________________________________

  2. When I saw a child I had an idea ________________________________

  3. When I hurried away from the dead child I saw ____________________

5. Guess the meaning:

a) Something that people or animals eat - ____________________________

b) The feeling that you have when smth dangerous, painful or frightening might happen - ______________________________________________________

c) To make a smile appear on your face - ____________________________

d) To move your body forwards and downwards - _____________________

e) A small line in smth, especially one on the skin of your face which you get as you grow older - _______________________________________________

  1. To keep smb/smth safe; to defend smb/smth - ______________________

g) A piece of material like a small bag that is sewn inside or on a piece of clothing and is used for carrying things in _______________________________________________________________

h) A small and usually old house, especially in the country - ____________

  1. A weapon that is used for shooting - _____________________________

  2. To cry out loudly in a high voice because you are afraid, excited, angry, in pain etc - ________________________________________________

  3. To make smb/smth die - _______________________________________

6. Answer the questions:

1. What did the monster remember?


2. What did the monster see in water?


3. What did he feel at that moment?


4. What did the old man do all days?


5. What did the young people do and what did they come back with?


6. What did the monster watch them through?


7. What did the child do when he saw a monster?

` _____________________________________________________________

8. Why did the monster put the picture in the young girl's hand?


7. Odd one out:

  1. to answer/to reply/to ask/to respond;

  2. fear/fright/scare/fire;

  3. to stand/to bend/to incline/to stoop;

  4. horrible/awful/miserable/frightful;

  5. wrinkled/creasy/furrow/wicked;

  6. request/vengeance/revenge/feud;

  7. to wonder/to retrieve/to amaze/to astonish.

8. Write down questions to the given answers:

1. He did not know who he was.


2. He took food from houses.


3. A few days later he came to a small pool of water.


4. From that moment he hated himself.


5. Everyone with that name would die.


6. Because they loved each other.


7. He knocked at a cottage door.


8. He always left the cottage before the young people returned.


  1. He hated everyone in the world: men, women and children.


  1. He put his hands round the child's neck; soon the child stopped moving.


9. Write down special questions to the sentences:

1. Sometimes the monster ate fruit from the trees.






2. The first time the monster did this a man saw him.






3. A few days later the monster came to a small pool of water.






4. When the monster bent down to drink he saw his own face.






5. Later the monster found a book in the pocket with the name in it.






6. The monster always left the cottage before the young people returned.






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