Дидактический материал для 5 классаКонтрольная работа

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 5 класс
Тип Другие методич. материалы
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Task I

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или в Present Simple.

1.I (to take)my sister to school now.

2.He often (to help)his father.

3.They (to go) to the river at the moment.

4.She (to play) the piano every day.

5.I (to read) now.

6.You I(to paint) a poster at the moment.

Task II

Напишите глаголы с окончанием -ing.

Visit, run, jump, go, put, travel ,fly, eat, sleep, read.

Task III

Напишите отрицательные предложения.

Образец: I(not to go )to school by bus.-I do not go to school by bus.

1.Nick (not to sleep) in the afternoon.

2.Sam and Ann (not to have) English every day.

3.My mother (not to cook) pizza every Sundy.

Task IV

Подчеркни лишнее слово.

1.Spring ,August, winter, summer

2.Literature ,Maths, Geography, Theatre






Task I

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или в Present Simple.

1.I(to take) my brother to school every day.

2.Mark (to help) his grandpa now.

3.Children usually (to go)to the river for a swim.

4.She (to play)the guitar now.

5.My friend (to read) a book every evening.

6.We (to drink) tea at the moment.

Task II

Напишите глаголы с окончанием -ing.


Task III

Напишите отрицательные предложения.

Образец: I(not to go )to school by bus.-I do not go to school by bus.

1. Kate (not to watch) TV in the morning.

2. Dan and Tom (not to work ) in the hospital.

3 .We (not to buy) cheese every day.

Task IV

Подчеркни лишнее слово.

1 . Write, read, count, sleep.

2 .March, May, June, April.

3.Brown, green, pink, happy.

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