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Тема урока: New spots games

Автор Косарева Татьяна Викторовна СПб КОР№1


1. Ввести новую лексику по теме «Sport»; расширить знания учащихся о видах спортивных игр и их значении в жизни человека;

2. Способствовать развитию любознательности, речевой догадки, языковых навыков устной и письменной речи на иностранном языке;

3. Воспитывать уважительное отношение к людям, занимающимся спортом

Тип урока: изучение нового материала.

Методы и приемы: беседа, объяснение, словесное поощрение, игровые, наглядные.

Наглядность и оборудование: доска, проектор, экран, слайды с изображениями, меловые записи, запись песни на английском языке для физ.минутки, карточки с изображением флагов России и Великобритании.

  1. Приветствие

T: Hello, dear students! How are you today? Glad to see you. Sit down, please

2.Речевая разминка

Now you are going to listen to English names of these sports. Don't forget to repeat them aloud. They will be written on the screen. Be attentive.

Very good. Now let's do an exercise and write down the new words in your dictionaries. Look at these pictures and names. What's on the first picture?

Урок по теме Новые виды спорта

3. Основной этап урока


Do you know the name and the rule of this game? Read and translate.


is a wizarding sport played on broomsticks. It is the most popular game among wizards and witches, and, according to Rubeus Hagrid, the equivalent to Muggle's passion for football.

The object of the game is to score more points than your opponents. Each goal is worth ten points and catching the Snitch is worth one-hundred fifty points. The game ends when the Snitch is caught or an agreement is reached between the captains of both teams. Some games can go on for many days if the Snitch is not caught (the record, according to Quidditch Through the Ages, is three months). Урок по теме Новые виды спортаУрок по теме Новые виды спорта

Ответы учеников

Физкультминутка, зарядка для глаз

Well.You have to stretch yourself! Once more! Good.

Now close your eyes.

Imagine you are in an imagine city . Where are you? What are you doing?

Open your eyes! Where were you? What were you doing?

- ответы учеников


Let us think about another game-do you know it?

Урок по теме Новые виды спорта

Your task is

-name the play

-think about rules

-tell us about your new play

Pupils tell about rules of new game .

Now let us know the rules and names of the game

How to Play Lacrosse

Lacrosse rules dictate that a game is played with ten players per team. Each team features a goalie, three defenders, three midfielder and three attackers. The regulation size field is 110 yards by 60 yards. The field is divided up into a defensive, midfield and attacking area. The goals are placed in the center of the team's defensive area.

True lacrosse games will have the field divided up into the aforementioned sections with visible lines. These lines are important because they help identify the rule of possession and off sides. Defenders and attackers must stay in their own respective areas until the midfielders have gained possession of the ball. Following that, defender and attackers can move where they please. However, teams are required to maintain 4 defensive players and 3 attacking players at all times. It does not matter who is playing defense or attacking so long as 4 and 3 are kept to prevent off sides from occurring.

4. Рефлексия, подведение итогов

Did you enjoy our lesson? - ответы учеников

What new have you discovered working on your projects? Was it easy or difficult? What was the most difficult for you? Was it useful?

- ответы учеников

5. Домашнее задание, выставление оценок

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