Учебное пособие по чтению на английском языке Музеи и достопримечательности Ханты-Мансийска

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Бюджетное учреждение среднего профессионального образования Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа - Югры колледж-интернат

«Центр искусств для одаренных детей Севера»

Пособие по чтению

для студентов

БУ «Центр искусств для одаренных детей Севера»

музеи и достопримечательности Ханты-Мансийска

Автор-составитель: ШИЯТАЯ Л.И. к.ф.н.

Ханты-Мансийск 2015

Автор-составитель пособия: Шиятая Людмила Ивановна - кандидат филологических наук, преподаватель английского языка БУ «Центр искусств для одаренных детей Севера»


Хопияйнен Ольга Анатольевна - кандидат филологических наук, заведующая кафедрой иностранных языков гуманитарного института Югорского государственного университета

Царегородцева Любава Михайловна - кандидат искусствоведения,

Почетный работник среднего профессионального образования РФ,

Заслуженный деятель культуры ХМАО - Югры,

заведующая методическим кабинетом БУ «Центр искусств для одаренных детей Севера»

Данное пособие представляет собой сборник текстов на английском языке для чтения по теме «Музеи и достопримечательности Ханты-Мансийска».

Пособие предназначено для студентов гуманитарных колледжей сферы культуры и искусства.

Целью пособия является формирование у студентов навыка чтения с детальным пониманием прочитанного, развитие навыка построения монологического высказывания, расширение общего кругозора.

Пособие разработано на основе текстов информационных изданий, предоставленных музеями г. Ханты-Мансийска. После каждого текста предлагается задание ответить на вопросы по его содержанию, что позволяет преподавателю проконтролировать степень понимания текста студентом. Кроме того, вопросы служат примерным планом пересказа текста и помогают выстроить устное монологическое высказывание.

Данное пособие может использоваться в качестве дополнительного материала на уроках, а также для факультативных занятий и во внеклассной работе.



Part I

Khanty and Mansi nationalities live in the north of West Siberia. From the 11th till the 15th centuries these lands were called Yugra or Yugoria. There is a version that the word "Yugra" came to Russian from the Komi or Zyran language. Khanty and Mansi are called the Ob Ugra people.

At the end of 16th century, when Yermak's army smashed Siberian aborigens, Yugra became a member of Russia. The Russians started to develop new lands. Since the 16th century Mansi are named as "Vogules" and Khanty as "Ostyaks" in Russian literary sources.

These two nationalities have much in common in culture, but their languages are different though cognate. In the past they lived on different territories: Khanty lived in West Siberia up and down the Ob, Mansi lived in the Urals and in the Kama river area. The archeologists think, that Khanty and Mansi people were formed on the basis of related but different cultures.

In many places of their residence Khanty and Mansi have lived in a close

contact with Russian people. Their neighbours from the north are the Nenets and neighbours from the east are the Selkups. The Ob Ugra people have much in common in the field of arts, religion, folklore and forms of social organization.

In 1930, on the right bank of the Irtysh river, in 5 km from the village of Samarovo, the place for the capital of Ostyako-Vogulsky national region was chosen. Until 1940 the city was called Ostyako-Vogulsk, then renamed Khanty-Mansiysk. A new regional center united the territory equal to the territory of France, it is about 523.000 square km.

In 1932 the Regional Executive Committee decided to create Ostyako-Vogulsky museum and to transfer some collections of Tobolsk museum to it. The first people who started to create the museum and organize expositions were I.A. Shabalin and Korfin. the first exhibition was opened on the 5th of October, 1934.

In 1955 the museum got two rooms in the building of the Regional Executive Committee. In 1936 it received wooden building in Komsomolskaya street near the market place. The museum was in this building until 1986. Construction of a new building was finished in 1986.

On the 10th of December, 1990, on the day of the 60th anniversary of the region formation, a new building for the museum was open. The museum was renamed "The Museum of Man and Nature". The guests from Hungary, Finland and Norway took part in this celebration.

New Words:

Ob Ugra people обские угры

have much in common иметь много общего

cognate родственный

related родственный

neighbours соседи

Regional Executive Committee окружной исполком

transfer передавать

anniversary годовщина



Part II

The visitors of the museum had an opportunity to learn about nature of the region, ethnography of Khanty and Mansi nationalities, to travel to remote past and see modern life of the region.

The Hall of Nature presented an idea of ecological education. It warned about possible harm of oil and gas mining process and demonstrated examples of struggle for environment protection. The diaramas in the Hall of Nature showed the main regional zones: taiga, bog, forest-tundra, their flora and fauna - birds and animals of fields and forests, inhabitants of Siberian rivers.

The ethnographical exhibition of Khanty and Mansi culture was very interesting. It showed the development of material culture since the ancient times to the present. The exhibition also demonstrated the religious beliefs and world outlook. You could see shaman accessories, sacrificial blankets, ghosts depictions and learn about traditional Khanty and Mansi understanding of the surrounding world.

Diarama "The Bear Holiday" helped you imagine the main pagan holiday of the Ob-Ugra people.

There was also an exposition that showed traditional family life. It described the system of bringing up children, demonstrated high skill of Khanty and Mansi women by wonderful national clothes, samples of arts and crafts.

Ancient Yugra connections with the other nationalities were shown by archeological findings. These were China mirrors, decorations from the Kama and Volga rivers regions and from the Middle Asia. A metal disk with the image of Parfia tsar is unique. There are only a few of them in the whole world. The exposition depicted wide interchanges of the Ob people.

New Words:

Remote далекий

Hall of Nature зал природы

warns предупреждает

mining process добыча

environment protection защита окружающей среды

bog болото

inhabitants обитатели

development развитие

world outlook мировоззрение

accessories [ək´sesəriz] атрибуты

sacrificial blankets жертвенные одеяла

ghosts depictions изображения духов

Bear Holiday Медвежий праздник

samples of arts and crafts образцы изделий декоративно-прикладного творчества

Parfia tsar парфянский царь

unique [juni:k] уникальный

wide interchanges широкие обменные связи



Part I

District Ethnography Museum "Torum Maa" demonstrates traditional life of the Ob Ugra people. There are more than 3 thousand exhibits in the museum fund. Every year it is filled up with new exhibits due to different expeditions.

The museum offers thematic exurcions which tell you about the settlement on the Western Siberian territories. You can see traditional house interior, household goods made of natural materials, winter and summer clothes decorated with national ornaments. You can also listen to folk songs, watch misterious taiga dancing, take part in traditional competitions and enjoy tasty fish soup, chipped raw frozen deer meet and sweet forest berries.

"Torum Maa" is situated on 7 sacred hills. The name means "holy land". It is beleived that every hill has its own protector spirit. The museum was open in 1987.

New Words:

Ob Ugra people обские угры

due to благодаря

settlement заселение

household goods домашняя утварь

chipped raw frozen deer meet строганина из оленьего мяса

sacred священный

holy святой, божественный

protector spirit дух-покровитель

Questions for Discussion:

  1. What is the name of the museum?

  2. What does it mean? Why?

  3. When was the museum open?

  4. What does the museum demonstrate?

  5. How many exhibits are there in the museum?

  6. How is the museum fund filled up?



Part II

Material Culture

Ob Ugra people had natural economy: they fished, went hunting and gathered berries. Deer played a very important role as well. Deer were used as transport, people ate the meat and covered chums with their fells. Fells were also used for clothes, householdand as blankets for sleep.

Khanty and Mansi lived in seasonal houses. They spent winters in winter yurtas which stood in flood-free areas. In summers they lived in summer yurtas near rivers, rich with fish. The museum presents a summer settlment. The constructions were really used and belonged to the Aipins family for many years. You can see a summer house, a barn, a smoking shed, an oven for baking bread, a fireplace, bear framework and a sanctuary.

Ovens were made of willow twigs covered with clay. Bread was baked in special forms which people put on coals. In such ovens people also baked pies, dried meat and berries, fried fish. Smoking sheds were used to smoke fish and meat.

The summer house is made without any nails. Let's enter the house! On the right there is an open oven - chuval. It gave light and warmth and was used for cooking. In hot weather women cooked outside the house on the fireplace. Fire was like living being, it protected the house from evil spirits. That's why it was not possible to offend it.

On the left there are sledges. They were a bed at night and seats at daytime.

The house was traditionally devided into the man's and the woman's halves. The right front corner was only for men. The man sat on his sledges and worked. On his half he kept men's accessories - things for hunting, musical instruments and clothes. The woman couldn't enter that corner, sit on the man's sledge, step over his things. On the shelf there were cult things - home spirits. It was prohibited for children to touch these things. The woman's half was closer to the door and fireplace. She cooked, made needlework and looked after children.

For eating Khanty and Mansi used birch bark and wooden crockery. There were plates, soup bowls, spoons and cups.

In the sheds they kept food, clothes, things for hunting. The sheds stood on piles for bears and rodents not to come in.

New Words:

Ob Ugra people обские угры

natural economy натуральное хозяйство

chums чумы

fells шкуры

winter yurtas зимние юрты

flood-free area незатопляемая территория

settlment поселение, стойбище

constructions постройки

barn лабаз

smoking shed коптильня

oven печь

fireplace кострище

bear framework сруб для останков медведя

sanctuary святилище

willow twigs ивовые прутья

clay глина

sledges нарты

accessories [ək´sesəriz] принадлежности

step over перешагивать

cult things предметы культа

needlework рукоделие

birch bark береста

crockery посуда

piles сваи

rodents грызуны

Questions for Discussion:

  1. What animal was very important for Khanty and Mansi? Why?

  2. Where did these people live in winter and in summer?

  3. What kind of settlment is presented in the museum?

  4. To which family did the settlment belong?

  5. What can you see on the terittory of the museum?

  6. For what were ovens and chuvals used? What was kept in sheds?

  7. What was the people's image of fire?

  8. What were the man's and woman's traditional duties?



Part III

Bear Holiday

Bear was a sacred animal for the Yugra people. There is a legend, that the first woman's mother was a bear. A bear was originally the god's son and lived in heaven. He was very interested in the earth and people, so his father sent him to the earth to bring people law and justice. Khanty and Mansi believed that the bear protected people from illnesses, helped to solve problems and gave hunters animals and birds.

In the past every family had a bear scull. If a person was accuse of thef, he had to take a bear's paw and say: "If I'm guilty, you, forest master, kill me with these claws!" It meant, that a person would say the truth, because it was impossible to lie before the sacred bear's scull.

There was a special secret language to speak about a bear. There were about 500 words. For example, a bear was called "forest master", "forest old man", its fell - "nice soft clothes".

If hunters killed a bear, they organized a holiday to please its soul. This holiday was called "Bear Holiday". After the holiday people put bear's bones into a special bear framework. They didn't want other animals and birds to take the bones.

For the holiday the bear's head was decorated with a beautiful hat or a shawl and his claws - with rings. The fun began in the evening. People sang songs, told legends and interesting stories and showed performances. Only men could be actors. The performances were usually satiracal comedies. Actors dressed in special clothes and masks.

New Words:

Bear Holiday медвежьи игрища

sacred священный

scull череп

was accuse of thef обвинялся в краже

paw лапа

claws когти

fell шкура

bear framework сруб для останков медведя

Questions for Discussion:

  1. What animal was sacred for Khanty and Mansi?

  2. What is the legend about this animal?

  3. How did the animal help people?

  4. What did a person mean, if he said: "If I'm guilty, you, forest master, kill me with these claws!"?

  5. What was the way to speak about the sacred animal? What expressions were used to call it?

  6. What holiday was organized if the animal was killed? Why?

  7. How was the animal prepared for the holiday?

  8. How did people celebrate the holiday?



Part IV

Sacred Place

Every settlement had a sacred place - a sanctuary. It was situated on the river above the settlement. There people had ritual ceremonies to connect with spirits and gods. There are a lot of gods. The supreme god's name is Numi-Torum. He is the master of the heaven. The supreme goddess' name is Kaltash-Ekva. She's the mistress of lands and Numi-Torum's wife. Kul-Otyr is the master of evil spirits and the underground world. He is Numi-Torum's brother. Numi-Torum has 7 sons. He sent them to the earth to rule people. The sons provide connection between people and gods.

In the sacred place there was usually a sacred barn with an image of god or spirit. The image was beautifully decorated, people gave him gifts and made sacrifices. On the territory of the museum you can see 7 sacred idols. It is a work of authorship by G.S. Raishev.

"Torum Maa" is one of the most interesting places in Khanty-Mansiysk. Come here to have a good time and get pleasant memories.

New Words:

sacred place священное место

sanctuary святилище

on the river above the settlement вверх по течению реки относительно стойбища

supreme верховный

master владыка

mistress владычица

rule управлять

barn лабаз

image изображение

made sacrifices приносили жертва

work of authorship авторская работа

Questions for Discussion:

  1. Where did Khanty and Mansi had ritual ceremonies?

  2. What was the aim of these ceremonies?

  3. Are there a lot of gods for Khanty and Mansi?

  4. What are the names of the supreme gods?

  5. What is the function of the seven god sons?

  6. Where did people keep an image of god or spirit?

  7. Can you see any idols in the museum?

  8. Who is the author of the work?

  9. Have you been to the museum? Whould you like to go?

Project Work



Torum Maa


Every day, from 9 a.m. till 5 p.m.


Learn about traditional life of Khanty and Mansi people! Come into traditional houses, see beautiful traditional clothes, watch national dances, try tasty food (people make it for you on fire), listen to interesting stories and get interesting new information!


The museum is in the open air! Don't forget to take warm clothes when it is cold!

  1. Read the information in your card.

  2. Invite your British friend to an unusual museum in your town. Make a beautiful invitation card with interesting information and illustrations/ photos.

  3. Present your invitations.


(Художественная ГАЛЕРЕЯ)

The art gallery of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra has an unusual history. On the 15th of December, 1994 a Regional State Generation Fund was open on the initiative of the okrug administration. Some money received from petroleum production was given for the development of culture, and, in particular, to open the gallery.

The art gallery presents the history of Russian fine art from ancient icon painting till paintings of XVIII-XX centuries. There are a lot of original works by famous artists.

The formation of the collection started according to a chronological principle. First the gallery got 29 ancient icons of XVI-XIX centuries and then paintings by Repin, Aivazovskiy, Serov and others. The exposition was open in June, 1998 in the Center of Arts for the Talented Children of the North. Now the gallery has a new modern beautiful building near the Center of Ats. The biulding was designed by the leading architect of Russia V.V. Kolosnitsin.

There are about 50 exhibits in the collection of Russian icons. They date to XV-XIX centuries. The collection is not big, but it is very interesting, because it presents different styles and schools of aincient icon painting, for example Moscow, Yaroslavl, Vologda and others.

The collection includes some unique icons. On of the real rarity is Novgorod icon of XV century "Holy George and the Serpent". The icon shows a scene fom a Byzantine legend where George the warrior saves prinsess Elisava from death. He kills the serpent with his spear. The serpent lived in marshes and ate people. Nobody could fight it. Saint George is one of the most respected saints in Russia. His image is on the National Emblem of Russia. The peculiar thing about Khanty-Mansiysk icon is that St. George is depicted sitting on a black horse (usually he sits on a white one). Icons with a black horse are very rare. There is one icon of this kind in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow and one in the British Museum in London.

There are unique examples of Russian cult carving plastic art in Khanty-Mansiysk collection. They are a wooden sculpture "Jesus Christ in Jail" (XVII century) and carved bone icons made in the past centuries and by modern artists from Arkhangelsk and Tobolsk.

There are a lot of masterpieses of art: oil paintings, water colours, graphic, sculpture. The gallery is proud of portrait collection. You can see portraits by such outstanding artists as V.A. Tropinin, O.A. Kiprenskiy, K.E. Makovskiy, I.E. Repin, V.I. Surikov, B.M. Kustodiev and others. The main part of landscape collection consists of works by great representatives of Russian art - I.K. Aivazovskiy, I.I. Shishkin, A.K. Savrasov, I.I. Levitan, V.D. Polenov, K.A. Korovin.

Gallery guides are qualified professionals. The exursions are very interesting and informative. The exursion "The History of Costume", for example, will present the development of fashion from Mideval Russia till present time.

New Words:

Regional State Generation Fund Региональный государственный Фонд поколений

petroleum production нефтедобыча

fine art изобразительное искусство

leading architect ведущий архитектор

rarity раритет

"Holy George and the Serpent" Чудо Святого Георгия о змие

serpent змий

National Emblem государственный герб

depicted изображен

cult carving plastic art культовая резная пластика

Jesus Christ in Jail Христос в темнице (Спас Полунощный)

guides экскурсоводы

Questions for Discussion:

  1. When was a Regional State Generation Fund open? Why?

  2. When and where was the first exposition of the art gallery?

  3. Who is the designer of the new building of the gallery?

  4. What does the gallery present?

  5. How many exhibits are there in the collection of Russian icons? What styles of icon painting are presented?

  6. What is called "a real rarity" of the collection? What is so special about it?

  7. Where else can you see rarities of such kind?

  8. What examples of Russian cult carving plastic art are there in the collection?

  9. Works of what artists are presented in the gallery?

  10. Who is your favourite artist? What is your favourite painting?

  11. Have you been to any exursions in the gallery? Whould you like to go?

Project Work


Think of the picture that you liked best. Describe it with the help of the sentences below.

  1. On the (20th of April) I visited the Art Gallery.

  2. The excursion was called "The History of Costume".

  3. I saw many pictures by different artists.

  4. Best of all I liked the picture …

  5. I'd like to tell you about it.

  6. It was painted by … in …

  7. It depicts a man/ a woman/ a family…

  8. He/she is tall, short…

  9. His/her eyes are…, his /her hair is…

  10. He/she wears…

  11. On the background there is/ there are…

  12. The picture is painted in dark/ light/ bright colours.

  13. I like it very much.



The Geology, Oil and Gas Museum is one of the most interesting sightseeings in Khanty-Mansiysk. It was founded on the 24th of September, 1993. The aim of the founders of the museum was to present the richness of the interior of the Earth of the Autonomous Okrug and to demonstrate unique rock samples, minerals and pieces of art made of them.

The opening of the museum took place during the Biathlon World Championships on the 12th of March, 2003.

The building of the museum is very beautiful and unusual. It looks like a quartz druse. Thus it symbolizes the richness of natural resourses of the territory. The building is one of the ten most original architectual constructions in the world created during the years 2000-2003. The total area 7 700 square meters, and 4000 sq m out of this are for exhibitions. The author of the initial project was an outstanding geologist-scientist Vladimir Ilyich Schpielmann. Unfortunately, he didn't live until the opening of the museum. He even couldn't finish the progect. The final version of it belongs to a Moscow architect V.V. Kolosnotsin, a representative of Moscow Gouvernment Architect Department.

The museum's main specialization is to collect and demonstrate exhibits, which tell about the history of the industry development in the Western-Siberia. The museum workers prepare exposition, which will be interesting for people of diffrent ages. The visitors can see a collection of photos and documents connected with the history of нефтегазодобывающая отрасль in Yugra. The museum is proud of its rich quartz collection. The biggest druse weighs 300 kg.

In front of the museum there is a decorative glass composition - a monument "Crystal". Stylistically it supports the architecture of the museum. The monument appeared on the 7th of September, 2002. It was desighed by a People's Artist S.V. Goryayev from Moscow. The monument is devoted to earliest explorers of the Western Siberia. The Crystal is lighted with different colours - green, red and blue, which looks very beautiful, especially at night.

On the lawn in front of the central entrance there is an original composition which consists of 21 big stones. These are stones of different kinds: jasper, quartz, mica and others. The biggest stone weighs 2000 kg. The composition looks natural and beautiful and supports the main idea of the museum.

New Words:

The interior of the Earth недра Земли

Rock samples образцы горных пород

Quartz druse друза кварца

Square meters квадратных метров

Initial первоначальный

Moscow Government Architect Department Архитектурно- строительный департамент при правительстве г.Москвы

People's Artist народный художник

Earliest explorers первопроходцы

Jasper яшма

Mica слюда

Questions for Discussion:

  1. When was the Geology, Oil and Gas museum founded?

  2. When was it open?

  3. What does the building symbolize?

  4. Why is the building so special?

  5. Who are the authors of the initial and final versions of the project?

  6. What is the museum's main specialization?

  7. What can you see in the museum?

  8. What can you tell about the composition "Crystal"?

  9. What is there on the lawn of the museum?

  10. Whould you like to visit the museum? Why?


English - Russian


accessories атрибуты, принадлежности

anniversary годовщина

barn лабаз

bear framework сруб для останков медведя

Bear Holiday медвежьи игрища

birch bark береста

bog болото


chipped raw frozen deer meet строганина из оленьего мяса

chums чумы

claws когти

clay глина

cognate родственный

constructions постройки

crockery посуда

cult carving plastic art культовая резная пластика

cult things предметы культа


depicted изображен

development развитие

due to благодаря


environment protection защита окружающей среды


fell шкура

fine art изобразительное искусство

fireplace кострище

flood-free area незатопляемая территория


ghosts depictions изображения духов

guides экскурсоводы


Hall of Nature зал природы

have much in common иметь много общего

holy святой, божественный

household goods домашняя утварь


image изображение

inhabitants обитатели


Jesus Christ in Jail Христос в темнице (Спас Полунощный)


leading architect ведущий архитектор


made sacrifices приносили жертва

master владыка

mining process добыча

mistress владычица


National Emblem государственный герб

natural economy натуральное хозяйство

needlework рукоделие

neighbours соседи


Ob Ugra people обские угры

oven печь


paw лапа

petroleum production нефтедобыча

piles сваи

protector spirit дух-покровитель

rarity раритет

Regional Executive Committee окружной исполком

Regional State Generation Fund Региональный государственный Фонд поколений

related родственный

remote далекий

rodents грызуны

rule управлять


sacred священный

sacrificial blankets жертвенные одеяла

samples of arts and crafts образцы изделий декоративно-прикладного творчества

sanctuary святилище

scull череп

serpent змий

settlment поселение, стойбище

sledges нарты

smoking shed коптильня

step over перешагивать

supreme верховный


transfer передавать


unique [juni:k] уникальный


warn предупреждать

wide interchanges широкие обменные связи

willow twigs ивовые прутья

winter yurtas зимние юрты

work of authorship авторская работа

world outlook мировоззрение

Russian - English


Бальзам balm

Береза birch

Береста birch bark

Брусника red bilberries, red whortleberries, cowberries, mountain cranberries


Вата cotton wool

Верба willow

Восстановить restore


Глина clay


Древесина wood


Еловая шишка fir соnе


Жилище dwеlling


Загадочный mysterious


Игла хвойная fir needle

Интерьер interior


Качать колыбель to rock the cradle

Кедр ceder

Кедровка nutcracker

Клюква cranberries

Коптильня smоking shed

Кора bark

Кострище fire-place


Лабаз bаrn

Лесоматериалы timber

Летопись chronicle

Лиственница larch .

Лиственный лес deciduous forest

Лишайник lichen


Мстить revenge oneself (upon smb. for smth.), take revenge (on smb. for smth.)

Муравейник ant hill


Haвec shеd

Налим burbot, eel-pot

Нарта sledge

Настой extract


Обижать offend, treat badly

Осина asp(en)

Останки remains


Подстилка bedding, spreading

Покровитель patron, protector

Пополнять to encrease

Пихта fir tree

Предок ancestor, fore-father

Приспособиться to adapt

Прут twig


Рейка lath, strip of wood


Самобытность originality

Свая pile

Священнодействие religious rite

Священный sacred

Сдирать кору to bark

Синица titmouse, tomtit, blue tit

Смола - resin

Солома straw

Сосна pine

Сруб felling

Стружка chips, cuttings


Уличить кого-л. в краже to convict smb. of stealing

Утварь implements


Хвоя needles

Хлебная печь stove, oven

Хозяйство есоnоmу заниматься (домашним) хозяйством to keep the house


Черемуха bird cherry

Чешуя scales

Чучело stuffed animal (животного); stuffed bird (птицы)


Шишка соnе

Шкура skin, hide; fell (с шерстью)


Щука pike


Эфирное масло essence


Языческий heathen, pagan; языческие боги - pagan deities; язычник - heathen, pagan


  1. Величко Н.И. Ханты-Мансийский этнографический музей «Торум-Маа» (материалы экскурсии). - Ханты-Мансийск, 2000.

  2. Кристалл (научно-популярный региональный сборник материалов об освоении и развитии нефтегазоносной провинции Западной Сибири)/гл. ред. Соляр О.А. - №3, 5, 6, 9. - Екатеринбург: Баско, 2005-2006.

  3. Художественная галерея (альбом)/гл. ред. Щербина А.В. - С.-Пб.: ДИТОН, 2004.

  4. Ханты-Мансийский окружной краеведческий музей: 60 лет/автор текста Худякова О.В. - Тюмень: СофтДизайн, 1996.

  5. Шиятая Н.М. Обучение фонетике. - Ханты-Мансийск, 2001.

  6. Государственный художественный музей ХМАО-Югры. Официальный сайт. - ghm-hmao.ru.

  7. Музей геологии, нефти и газа. Официальный сайт. - muzgeo.ru.

  8. Музей природы и человека. Официальная страница. - ok.ru/muzeyprirodi.

  9. Этнографический музей под открытым небом «Торум Маа». Официальный сайт. - torummaa.ru.

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