Контрольная работа по английскому языку (5 класс)

      Входящая контрольная работа по английскому языку для 5-го класса общеобразовательной школы. Данная контрольная работа разработана на основе УМК "Enjoy English", автор М.З.Биболетова.       Данная входящая контрольная работа разработана для того, чтобы учитель мог объективно оценить знания учащихся, которые они усвоили во время обучения в начальной школе. И построить свое планирование на 5 класс с учетом пробелов, обнаруженных в знаниях учащихся во время проведения данной контрольной работы...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 5 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Контрольная работа 5 класс (I четверть)

1. Complete the sentences. Circle the right letter.

1. Bob didn't …… us anything about his new computer game.

a) speak b) say c) tell

2. He ……… very slowly, so the students understood him.

a) spoke b) said c) told

3. Will you …….. us about your school party? - Certainly.

a) speak b) say c) tell

4. She ……..that she likes to read stories in English.

a) speaks b) says c) tells

5. Do your friends ………. French or Spanish? - French.

a) speak b) say c) tell

6. Don't …….. me how the film ends, I want to watch it at the weekend!

a) speak b) say c) tell

7. Oh, no! The vase is broken. What will I ……… to mum?

a) speak b) say c) tell

2. Complete the sentences. Use: a few, many, a little, much.

1. Can you speak French? - Oh, no. I just know ___________words.

2. I'd like to buy this T-shirt. How ____________ does it cost?

3. My bag is not very heavy today. There are only __________ books in it.

4. Can I borrow some colour pencils from you? - Yes, of course, but I don't have ______________.

Ask Jenny, she always brings a lot of them for her Art classes.

5. It was cold and rainy during holidays so he only spent _____________________ time outdoors.

3. Complete the sentences. Make a new word using -er, -man, -ist, -or and fill in the blanks.

1. Our History ________________ always tells us very interesting stories! (to teach).

2. Who is your favourite ____________? (to write) - I like Joanne Rowling and her books about Harry Potter.

3. What is this film about? - A well-known _______________.(sport)

4. Yesterday I was at the concert of a young _______________(music). The music was wonderful!

5. The Russian _____________ took part in the concert. (to sing)

6. My brother likes drawing. I think he will become an _____________one day. (art)

4. Complete the questions with tag endings.

1. Your brother goes to Chess Club, ________________?

2. Ann can ski very well, ____________________?

3. You didn't visit Paris last year, ________________?

4. This boy is our new classmate, ______________?

5. Her classmates weren't in the zoo last month, _________________?

6. We won't play tennis at the weekend, ______________________?

7. Our class will go the museum tomorrow, __________________?

8. The film was great, ________________?

5. Complete the sentences. Put the adjectives in the right form.

1. I can swim ______ this year after summer sorts camp. (good)

2. The weather today is _________ than yesterday. It's cold and windy. (bad)

3. What subject is _____________ for you? - Science. (interesting)

4. Stop! Let's have a rest. I think this road is __________ way home. (long)

6. Put the words in the correct order.

1. last/wear/Did/year/school/uniform/you/?

2. Science/have/do/not/We/year/this/.

3. have/ autumn/When/you/will/holidays/your/?

4. lessons/Do/often/miss/you/the/?

5. do/do/you/What/IT lessons/in/?

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