Театральная постановка. Три поросенка

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Three little pigs

Театральная постановка. Три поросенка



SNUFF-SNUFF (little pigs)



Театральная постановка. Три поросенка


(Three Little Pigs are sitting under an oak-tree.)

NAFF-NAFF (standing up and coming forward): Hello, boys and girls! I am Naff-Naff.

SNUFF-SNUFF: I am Snuff-Snuff.

NIFF-NIFF: And I am Niff-Niff.

(together): We are three merry little pigs. (Dancing round the tree and singing.)

Who's afraid of Big Bad Wolf,

Big Bad Wolf, Big Bad Wolf?

NAFF-FAFF: Now, stop dancing and listen to me.

(Snuff-Snuff and Niff-Niff stop dancing and singing.)

NAFF-NAFF: Winter is coming. In winter Big Bad Wolf is very hungry. We must make a house and live there together.

NIFF-NIFF: Oh, no! Winter is not coming.We have time to play and sing!

NAFF-NAFF: As you like. I shall go and make a house. (goes away.)

SNUFF-SNUFF: I shall go and make a house, too. (goes away.)

AUTHOR ( coming forward): Niff-Niff is making a house of grass. Snuff-Snuff is making a house of sticks. And Naff-Naff is making a house of bricks.

NIFF-NIFF (comes dancing and singing.): I have made my house of grass,

House of grass, house of grass.

SNUFF-SNUFF(comes dancing and singing): I have made my house of sticks,

House of sticks, house of sticks.

NAFF-NAFF (comes with a big hammer in his hand): My house is not ready yet. I must go and finish my house of bricks. Good-bye.

NIFF-NIFF and SNUFF-SNUFF (dancing and singing.) We are not afraid of Big Bad Wolf,

Big Bad Wolf, Big Bad Wolf.

WOLF (coming): I am hungry. Oh, I can see two nice little pigs. Ha! Ha! (The Wolf runs after them.)

AUTHOR: But he cannot catch the little pigs.They run to their houses very quickly.

Театральная постановка. Три поросенка


(There is a grass house in the centre of the stage and a stick house in the left corner. Big Bad Wolf sees the little house made of grass and laughs. He blows and blows the house down. Niff-Niff runs to Snuff-Snuff's house. Big Bad Wolf runs after him.)

NIFF-NIFF: Oh, brother, save us!

SNUFF-SNUFF: Big Bad Wolf wants to eat us up.

(Naff-Naff goes to the door and locks it.)

NAFF-NAFF: Don't be afraid. My house is made of bricks. (A loud knock at the door. Niff-Niff and Snuff-Snuff hide under the table.)

WOLF: Open the door or I shall blow your house down!

AUTHOR: Big Bad Wolf blows and blows. But he cannot blow the house down. So he goes away.


We are not afraid of Big Bad Wolf,

Big Bad Wolf, Big Bad Wolf.

WE are not afraid of Big Bad Wolf,

Big Bad Wolf, no!

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