Открытый урок по теме “UK Раrliament: tradition and change”

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 10 класс
Тип Конспекты
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Открытый урок по теме "UK Раrliament : tradition and change"

(по УМК "Across cultures" by Elizabeth Sharman, Longman, модуль 4 - States and systems, 4a)

Учитель английского языка Сухарева Е.Г.

Цели урока:

  1. Воспитательная - воспитание уважительного отношения к истории и культуре изучаемого языка; воспитание патриотизма и чувства национального самосознания.

  1. Развивающая - развитие внимания, умения сравнивать и анализировать; умения получать информацию из графиков и таблиц.

З. Образовательная - развитие навыков неподготовленной устной речи по теме « Политическая система Британии» ( монологическое высказывание , а именно обучение умению рассуждать по теме)

Задачи урока:

- развитие речевой компетенции учащихся : совершенствование коммуникативных умений через чтение и обсуждение текста « British Parliament : tradition and change" , аудирование аутентичного текста и написание эссе объёмом 200-250 слов.

-развитие языковой компетенции учащихся : активизация лексики по теме, выполнение заданий на словообразование в формате ЕГЭ

- развитие социокультурной компетенции учащихся : расширение знаний о политической системе Великобритании , умение сравнивать особенности политической системы Великобритании и России.

- развитие компенсаторной компетенции учащихся : развитие умений выходить из положения в условиях дефицита языковых средств

Ход урока.

(на компьютере слайд 1)- заставка фото Британского Парламента

Teacher.: Today we continue speaking about the political system of the UK , about its Parliament, about elections in Britain. Our task is to find out the historical background of the British Parliament, its traditions and changes in today's world. Besides, we are to revise some rules of word- building in order to get ready to our State Exam.

Moreover, we will listen to the text in order to develop our listening skills and compare some items in British and Russian political life. As the result of today's work, you will fulfill a small reseach work at home and write a short essay about the way our country is governed.

Let's start our work with the revision of the vocabulary. While doing your homework you came across some words and word combinations. Now find exercise 1 and match the political words to their definitions. You may work in pairs.

( Students are doing Ex.1. )

Let's check your work; read the word and give its definition, please. Translate the words.

( Students are fulfilling the task in chain , it's better to ask weak students)

Teacher: Well-done, thank you. Now look at the screen, please.

Слайд 2 . Word- building.

Task for Group 1. Form a noun from a verb:

1.elect- election

2.act- action


4.vote- voter

5.divide- division

6.represent- representative


Task for Group 2. Form an adjective from a noun:

1.politic- political


3.nation- national

4.parliament- parliamentary

5.power- powerful

6.use- useful/useless

7.nation- national

Teacher : You are to divide into 2 groups (turn to the back desk!) .Work in groups and form new words from the given ones. Mind the part of speech, please!

Attention, please! When you have finished , one person from each group will go to the blackboard to write new words on the board.

( Учитель раздаёт листочки с заданием)- на доске 2 группы слов. По мере выполнения учащиеся подходят к доске и пишут слова. Проверяем вместе:

Please, look at the board and repeat after me:……

PI ,P2, read the words !

Teacher : At home you have read the text about the work of the British Parliament.

Now look at the screen, please! Do you know what these photos represent?

Слайд 3- Парламент- 2 палаты

(Top right- the House of Lords, left-the House of Commons)

Teacher : What is the main difference between these two chambers? ( elected, non-elected)

Now it's time to check your home task. ( comprehension check)

Cлайды 4-8 с вопросами

Teacher: I have prepared some additional questions . Here they are:

  1. How old is the British Parliament?

  2. What is the role of the Lord Chancellor?


So, we have learnt about some famous English traditions. But even British Parliament has been changing. Can you name the most radical changes happening in the British Parliament? ( The position of the Lord Chancellor will soon be abolished. Plus the creation of a separate Scottish and Welsh parliament and Northern Irish Assemblies)

These changes are not the only ones happening in British political system. A lot of other issues concerning political life are being discussed in the British society nowadays. Among them we can mention the proposal to a lower the voting age to 16.

Please, read the text " Lord's proposal for a voting age" and do ex . 4. Before reading look at the screen, please!

Cлайд 9

Here you can see some words which will help you to understand the text. Please, Denis, read and translate the words... .Now begin reading the text. Don't forget about ex 4

( читают текст, выполняют задание и проверяем)

The information you've learnt from the text will help you to cope with our listening task.

But before you listen, look at the statistics about voter turnout in British elections .

  • What is the difference between general, local and European elections?

  • How often, roughly, do the British have elections?

  • Look at the |figures and say what they represent? Has voter turnout increased?

Now listen to two young British people talking about politics. Read the questions and be ready to write down some information while listening.

( раздаю листы с заданием для аудирования)


Слайды 10- 15

Now let's vote. Raise up your hands those:

-who are very interested in politics

- who are just interested in politics

- who are not very interested in politics

-who are not interested at all ?

Now look at the screen. You can see the data of the turnout in Russia .

Слайд 16 Russian Voter Turnout in Russia

  • How can you explain these figures?

  • How often do we have elections in Russia?

  • Compare this diagram with the given in your textbooks. Do you think that more or fewer people vote in Russia than in Great Britain?

  • Have you ever voted in an election?

  • Do you think the voting age should be lowered to 16 in Russia? Why? /why not?

So, let's sum up. Today at the lesson we have been speaking about traditions and changes in the political life of the United Kingdom trying to compare the political activity in Britain and Russia in recent years. What conclusion can you draw?

As for your homework you are to research the answers to the following questions ( ex.8) , then write a short essay of 180-250 words about the way our country is governed. Look at the questions and ask me what isn't clear?

So thank you for your work at the lesson. Bye!

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