Обобщающий урок по английскому языку по теме

Обобщающий урок по английскому языку по теме "Школьные принадлежности"по учебнику М.З.Биболетова 4 класс.  Задачи урока 1.повторить лексику по теме 2.повторить грамматический материал (Future Simple) 3. работать с текстом 4. работать с проектами  На данном уроке использовались различные технологии-информационно-коммуникативная, игровая, проектно-исследовательская и здоровьесберегающая. На уроке дети работали с интерактивной доской. Детям понравилась физкультминутка. I see you are tired, lets ha... Clap your hands, clap your hands listen to the music and clap your hands Stap your feet, stap your feet listen to the music and stap your feet Turn a round,turn a round, listen to the music and turn a round, Jump up high, jump up high listen to the music and jump up high    
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс -
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Поделитесь с коллегами:

Цели урока:

1.Повторение лексики по теме «Школьные принадлежности»

  1. Создание условий для активизации навыков чтения и произношения.

  2. Повторение пройденного материала.

  3. Закрепление навыков диалогической речи.

Задачи урока:

  1. Создать условия для повторения пройденного материала («Употребление вопросительных структур в простом прошедшем времени» ).

  2. Формировать развитие аудитивных навыков.

  3. Развивать произносительные навыки при введении новой лексики.

  4. Научить овладевать приёмами работы с текстом.

  5. Выполнять ряд упражнений в игровой форме на развитие творческого воображения и познавательных умений в групповой деятельности.

Виды учебной деятельности: планирование учебного сотрудничества, сравнение, нахождение сходств и отличий, извлечение необходимой информации из прочитанного текста, анализ, построение речевого высказывания в устной форме, накопление опыта в составлении высказываний с изученной лексикой и грамматической конструкцией, контроль, коррекция

Оборудование: (наглядные пособия) доска, мел, компьютер, интерактивная доска, презентация по теме «Школьные принадлежности»,

Языковой материал: a pen,a rubber, a pencil, , a pencil box, a book, an exercise book, a dictionary, colored pencils, a rubber, a rule, a pencil-sharpener

План урока

  • Организационный момент (самоопределение к деятельности)

  • Фонетическая зарядка (предвосхищение возможных фонетических трудностей)

  • Речевая разминка (введение в языковую среду и в тему урока)

  • Актуализация знаний (повторение и закрепление навыка употребления вопросительных структур в простом настоящем времени)

  • Физкультминутка

  • Обучение чтению с нарастающим уровнем сложности

  • Закрепление лексических навыков по теме «Школьные принадлежности»

  • Рефлексия деятельности (анализ и оценка успешности достижения цели, , выставление оценок)

Планируемый результат урока:

К концу урока учащиеся смогут:

  1. рассказывать о том, какие школьные принадлежности необходимы на уроках и как можно их использовать;

  2. попросить друг у друга необходимый предмет и отреагировать на просьбу;

  1. читать текст с извлечением необходимой информации;

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент

Good morning! (Good morning, dear teacher!)

I am very glad to see you! (We are glad to see you, too!)

II. Look at the screen. You can see the poem. Read it.

Here we read and write, and draw and count

And then we play and run about

And we make friends, and learn together.

And then we play in sunny weather.

What is this poem about? ( about children, about school)

How do you think, what is the theme of our lesson? (the theme of our lesson is "School is fun")

III. The tasks of our lesson are

  1. to tell about school things

  2. to ask your classmate to lend you a thing you need;

  3. read the text and choose the information we need;

  4. to repeat some verbs in Past Simple form

  5. to make project about class

IV. Lets remember the names of school things which we can use at the lessons

Repeat the words after me (a pen,a rubber, a pencil, , a pencil box, a book, an exercise book, a dictionary, colored pencils, a rubber, a rule, a pencil-sharpener,)

V. Now ,lets find all these words in this picture-(go to the blackboard)

a rule --------------------

a book---------------------

a rubber------------------

a pencil box----------------

a dictionary---------------

a pencil-sharpener---------

a pen-------------------

VI. Say in English- whats there in your desk?

VII. Today I also have some school things.

Lets look into my magic box and say what school things we have got and how you can use them.(Сама подойду , дети достают) ( I have got a …..... I can write it)

I have got a pen I can write with it

I have got a pencil I can draw with it

I have got a pencil-box I can put my things in it( a pen, a pencil)

I have got a dictionary I can translate new words with it

I have got a textbook I can read wth it

I have got paints I can paint colourful pictures with them

VIII. Find words in the letter line


X. Please read the sentences and give right answer.

  1. I draw with a pencil/ a ruler.

  2. I write with a pen /a rubber.

  3. I write in my book / in my exercise book.

  4. I sit on a chair / on a desk.

  5. I go to school with my friends / with my teacher.

XI. So I see that you know the words very well. But imagine that you have forgotten one of these things (for example- a pen, a pencil, at home)

Look at the screen , read the sentences , put in the correct order, and act out the dialogues.

1)-Yes. Here you are.

-Could you give me a red pencil, please?

-Thank you

2)-It's OK. I'll ask Dasha.

-I'm afraid I left it at home.

-Could you give me a rubber, please?

3)- Could you give me a dictionary, please?

-Thank you very much.

-Yes, of course.

XII. I see you are tired, lets have a rest. Stand up please

(do and sing youtub- clap your hands, listen to the music)

Clap your hands, clap your hands

listen to the music and clap your hands

Stap your feet, stap your feet

listen to the music and stap your feet

Turn a round,turn a round,

listen to the music and turn a round,

Jump up high, jump up high

listen to the music and jump up high

XIII. And now repeat grammar material Past Simple.

Whats this Past Simple? Какая форма глагола употребляется для прошедшего времени? Какие глаголы есть в английском языке ? Как образуется вторая форма правильных глаголов, а не правильных?

XIV. Игра «Цепочка слов» -Children say the second form of the verbs,

tell-told, can-could, ask-asked, need-needed, answer-answered, meet-met, discuss-discussed, read-read, choose-chose, use-used.

XV. We know a poem about Past Simple. Lets remember it.

One, two, three, four, five,

Once I caught a fish alive.


Then I let it go again.

Why did you let it go?

Because it bit my finger so!

What finger did it bite?

The little finger on the right!

XVI. You've remembered different activities we can do in English lessons. One of them is reading. Do you like to read?

Jason and Becky at school.

Jason and Backy usually have three lessons.

The first lesson is Maths.

They count pencils and play computer game.

The second lesson Jason and Becky learn English.

They speak English and write new words.

In the third lesson they sing songs and draw funny pictures.

Children have a good time.

XVII .Say what Jason and Becky did at school yesterday.

Now children lets sing a song about school.

Listen and song (youtub-school song)

This is my table

This is my chair

This is my bag

That I take everywhere

Sit down. Stand up

One, two.,three

School, school,school for you and me

This is my pencil

This is my pen

I use my school things

again and again

Sit down. Stand up

One, two.,three

School, school,school for you and me

This is the window

This is the door

This is a ceiling

This is a floor

Sit down. Stand up

One, two.,three

School, school,school for you and me

XVIII. And now listen project about your class, which you must prepare at home.

We worked hard in our English lesson today and do a lot of different activities. So, It's time to speak about the results.

What did we do at the lesson today-


  1. told about school things and how we could use them;

  2. asked your classmate to lend you a thing you needed;

  3. read the text and chose the information we needed;

  4. to repeat some verbs in Past Simple form

  5. to made project about class

I am very glad with you. Everybody was very active today, everybody tried to share his opinion today so I think I should give only good and excellent marks today. And I want you to give a present.

Thank you for the lesson.

It is over. You may be free. Good luck!

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