Урок английского языка на тему СТРАНОВЕДЕНИЕ: ПЕРЕПРАВА ЧЕРЕЗ ЛА-МАНШ (6 класс)

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 6 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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«Луганская специализированная школа І-ІІІ ст. № 5»

Методическая разработка
урока английского языка
в 6 классе

на тему «Страноведение. Переправа через Ла-Манш»

учителя английского языка
Батарчука Алексея Васильевича



Цели: познакомить учеников с информацией о способах переправки из Великобритании на континентальную Европу; развивать навыки понимания письменного текста и словарный запас; воспитывать интерес к географии

Тип урока: интегрированный

Методы и приёмы: фронтальная беседа, поисковые, чтение вслух, перевод, робота с текстом, парная робота

Оборудование: текст, глобус, иллюстрации

Ход урока:


Фронтальная беседа

Answer the questions:

  • How are you? - I'm fine, thank you.

  • What day is it today? - It is … today.

  • What date is it today? - It is the … of ….

  • What is the weather like today? - Today the weather is … It is … and …

  • What weather do you like? - I like …


Поисковое задание

Look! This is a model of the Earth, the globe.

Please find on the globe: Europe, Great Britain, London, France, Belgium, English Channel, and Ukraine.

This is …


1. Работа с иллюстрациями

Look at the pictures and the map.

Which of the following are true statements? Write T (true) or F (false).

  1. Dover is in Belgium.

  2. Folkestone is in the south of England.

  3. The Channel Tunnel goes under the seabed.

1)F; 2)T; 3)T

2. Чтение текста вслух

Read the text and translate it into Russian


You don't have to fly to get from Britain to central Europe. Why not cross the English Channel by boat, or go through the Channel Tunnel?

Dover, on the south coast of England, is one of the world's busiest ports. Every day lots of ferries and high-speed catamarans called 'Seacats' arrive and leave. It's a short trip across the English Channel to Calais and Dunkirk in France, or to Ostend and Zeebrugge in Belgium. A traditional ferry takes 90 minutes from Dover to Calais, but a catamaran is much faster and can make the same journey in 35 minutes.

If you don't like boats, why not go on a journey under the sea? The Channel Tunnel is 50 km long and 40 metres below the seabed. Getting from the port at Folkestone across to Coquelles near Calais is only a 35-minute train journey through the tunnel. It's more expensive than a ferry, but quicker and much more exciting. Thanks to the Channel Tunnel, it is now possible to spend the day in Paris shopping and sightseeing, and be back in London in time for dinner in the evening!

3. Работа с текстом

  1. Tick the correct box for the statements



Doesn't say


It takes 35 minutes to travel from Dover to Calais by ferry.


A Seacat is a high-speed catamaran.


The Channel Tunnel is 50km below the seabed.


The most popular way to cross the Channel is by Seacat.


The Channel Tunnel opened in 1995.


Ostend is in Belgium.

1 Wrong 2 Right 3 Wrong 4 Doesn't say 5 Wrong 6 Right

  1. Explain the words in bold

  • Tunnel - a passage through a hill or under the ground.

  • Port - an area of water on the coast where ships stop.

  • Ferry - a boat that makes short regular journeys between two places.

  • Seabed - the ground at the bottom of the sea.

  • Expensive - something that costs a lot of money.

  • Sightseeing - travelling around a place in order to see the interesting things in it.

  1. Match the highlighted words to their opposites in the list:

  • boring

  • long

  • different

  • modern

  • slower

Short - long, traditional - modern, same - different, quicker - slower, exciting - boring.

4. Парная работа

In pairs, discuss the following questions:

  • What type of transport do you prefer?

  • Do you have any ports or long tunnels in your country? Talk about them.

I prefer … because …

In our country, we have many ports, but we haven't got any long tunnels.


1. Рефлексия

Tell us about what you have learnt today.

Today I've learnt …

2. Оценивание

Now your marks for today.

Your mark is … because …

3. Домашнее задание

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